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Robert Foster Kennedy MD Harold George Wolff MD Robert J. Joynt MD

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1 History of Neurology New York Neurology Part IV ________________________________
Robert Foster Kennedy MD Harold George Wolff MD Robert J. Joynt MD Fred Plum MD

2 Robert Foster Kennedy MD (1884-1952)
B. Belfast Med school Belfast, Final exams Dublin 1906 Queens Square Neurology resident Mentors Gowers, Jackson, Horsley, Head 1910 joined New York Neurological Institute (new) 1911 WW1- Founded French Military Hosp, Then British unit-numerous medals Bellevue Hosp. & Prof of Neurology at Cornell At Neurological Institute Succeeded Charles Dana Took care of Winston Churchill in 1931 in NYC, when he was hit by a car. –scalp wounds President ANA 1940

3 Robert Foster Kennedy MD (1884-1952) Foster Kennedy Syndrome
. 1911-”Retrobulbar neuritis as an exact diagnostic sign of certain tumours and abscesses in the frontal lobe”, in: American Journal of Medical Sciences, 162: (1911) Foster Kennedy Syndrome Optic atrophy in the ipsilateral eye Disc edema in the contralateral eye Central scotoma (loss of vision in the middle of the visual fields) in the ipsilateral eye Anosmia (loss of smell) ipsilaterally  Due to optic nerve comp, CP) forms mass (meningioma)

4 Robert Foster Kennedy MD (1884-1952) Darker side
Suggested widespread eugenical sterilization and castration At Am Psych Assoc in 1941, he called for the extermination of incurably severely retarded children over the age of five Goal- relieve "the utterly unfit" and "nature's mistakes" of the "agony of living" and save parents cost of caring for them Kennedy, F. Sterilization and eugenics. J. Obstetr Gynecol 1937;34:519 Kennedy, F. The problem of social control of the congenital defective: education, sterilization, euthanasia. Am J Psychiatry 1942;99:13-16 Psychiatry during the Nazi era: ethical lessons for the modern professional; Rael D Strous; Annals of General Psychiatry 2007, 6:8

5 Harold George Wolff MD (1898-1962)
B New York City HMS MD (1923) studied under Cobb Worked with Lennox & BCH Researched- relations of nerves surrounding cerebral vessels & study of BCH Studied in Austria (Loewi) & in Leningrad (Pavlov) Cornell Med Center-Head of Neurology ( ) Ed: Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry 1956, then Archives of Neurology 1959 539 pages (14 books) Book: Wolff’s Headaches and Other Head Pain 1st edition 1948; 8 editions (last 2008)

6 Robert J Joynt MD (1925-2012) B Le Mars, Iowa
WWII; US Army Signal Corps Med School- U. Iowa, intern Montreal (Royal Victoria) Fullbright fellowship at Cambridge (Caius college) Neuro residency at U Iowa Asst/Assoc Prof Iowa, Masters/PhD Anatomy 1966-U. Rochester founding chair of Dept.(Neuro) Huge growth in dept. – national prominence Dean 1985, then VP Health Affairs President AAN , & ANA Editor Archives of Neurology (now JAMA Neurology) Founding editor Seminars of Neurology Edited Baker’s Clinical Neurology 2012- Died on way from office to Neuro Grand Rounds Succeeded as chair by Robert C (Berch) Griggs Griggs was Chairman from Bakers Clinical Neurology

7 Fred Plum MD (1924-2010) B Atlantic City, NJ
Dartmouth undergrad; Cornell MD (1947) neuro residency Cornell Chief of Neurology at Univ WA (Seattle) in 1953; age 29 Returned to Cornell (1963), Chair of Neuro ( ) (He succeeded Wolff) Created a respiratory center for comatose pts Developed guidelines for unconscious & coma Book: The Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma in 1966 with Jerome Posner; 4 editions, (last 2007) Jerome Posner trained him in Seattle Developed Glasgow Coma Scale with Neurosurgeon Byron Jennett Termed “locked-in Syndrome” Termed- “persistent vegetative state” Retired in 1998 Died of primary progressive aphasia/dementia

8 Plum & Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
4 Editions 1st Edition 2nd Edition 3rd Edition –My residency book 4th Edition . 1966 1972 1980 2007 Is this a dead book? Or a vegetative state?!?!?

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