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IP Intercoms Call Configuration
Greetings from Prague, Czech Republic. Welcome to IP Intercoms Call Configuration training. Technical Support, last update 7/2017, best view in presentation mode
Interconnection to other IP devices
AGENDA Next 50 minutes Interconnection to other IP devices Call routing scenarios and settings Call triggers and how to start a call IP intercoms hardware related to calling Overview of advanced integrations Questions & Answers I will show you how to interconnect 2N intercoms with other IP devices for a voice and video communication. I will explain different routing options and all settings related to calling. You will see how to match calling rules with hardware parts like a button, a keypad and a display. At the end, I will show you examples of some advanced integrations. I muted your microphones. If you have a question then please write it in chat window. I might answer something during the presentation and we will have some time for sure after the presentation. I expect that the presentation will take about 30 minutes and we will have 15 minutes for questions and answers. You will receive this presentation after this session.
Your safety – Communication before giving access
TALK & SEE LET IN TALK MONITOR & INTEGRATE We care about your safety. Our intercoms let you communicate remotely from a safe place. The visitor comes in front of your door and presses the button. You can see on an internal unit who is there and it is up to you if you want to talk with the person and if you give the person access to your building. The door strike can be released remotely and visitors get in. This is the most typical scenario but there is more what we can do. Our intercom can handle access for residents or employees of the building. The picture is showing one example of access control by providing secret code via the keypad. We are using open protocols and it is easy to integrate us with 3rd party systems. Monitor intercom’s cameras 24/7 in video management systems. Integrate our intercoms with home automation systems. More and more solutions are using IP. More and more integrations are possible. GET IN
Quick introduction Some technical details first.
call protocols and technical details
SIP (RFC3261) – VoIP protocol, TCP or UDP Encryption in SIPS and RTPS (Enhanced Security Lic.) DTMF (Inband, RFC2833 and SIP INFO) Audio codecs – G711, G722 and (Licensed) G729 Video codecs – H263, H264, MJPEG Unlimited triggers (some scenarios up to 2000) Unlimited destinations (some scenarios up to 6000) We are using SIP protocol for calls. This VoIP protocol is open and it is widely used. We support all types of SIP communication, including encryption and DTMF transmission. If you are checking a compatibility of 2N Intercoms with Answering Units, Phones, Telephone Systems, Home Automation Systems and other applications then it is enough to check that SIP is supported by the 3rd party device or software. We have universal audio and video codecs to provide the best compatibility and quality. G722 as the HD audio codec, G711 as the SD audio codec and G729 for calling over the Internet if it is required by the VoIP provider. This codec is saving bandwidth and you will need the G729 license for the intercom. A similar situation is with video codecs. We have again three of them. H263, H264 and MJPEG. We are in IP world. You can have big networks with computers. You can have big networks with IP intercoms and answering units. I can say that possibilities are unlimited. It means how you can choose the destination and how many destinations are reachable.
CALL SETTINGS in Web interface
Destinations (Users) Call routing VoIP Provider & SIP Proxy Outgoing & Incoming Calls Pairing Users to Hardware Buttons, Keypad, Display Administration IP Settings, Trace This is the welcome screen after successful login. The right side leads you to different settings. You can use colours for easier communication when supporting somebody remotely. The blue part is all about users who represent destinations. How to call them? When to call them? This is the most important part of call setup. The purple part is about general features which are independent of users. You can set here for example connection to SIP Proxy, the maximum call duration, incoming call restrictions. The dark grey part is about hardware tuning. Some examples. Which button is linked to the specific user? Do you want to use keypad also for calling or only for access control? The orange part is an administration of the intercom itself. You can change here IP settings. You can make a network trace and see what is happening with a tool called Wireshark. We will start in the blue section, in the Directory.
DIRECTORY - the main part of call routing
…2000 3 The directory has up to 2000 positions. The only exception is 2N Helios IP UNI where are 2 positions. I will start the most basic configuration. I have an intercom with 1 button and I want to receive the call on the phone at the reception desk. I am going to set what will happen when somebody presses the button as the picture is showing. I add a user in the position 1. The position in the directory is representing the button number. I am configuring the first button. I am using position 1. I fill the name which helps me to understand settings later. And now I have to set how to reach the phone. The main parameter is the Phone Number. Each position can have up to 3 numbers where I want to call. The intercom can also establish a point to multipoint communication. I would like to note here that if you are not sure about any parameter then just hover your mouse over the field and you will see a description of the parameter. Now, you have me. I will explain you all available options.
Interconnection with different IP devices
I will tell you what we can fill in the phone number to reach different IP devices.
SIP – DIRECT Connection to another voip device
LAN CALL We still want to call to the phone at the reception desk. We set one IP address for IP Intercom and another one for IP phone. We interconnect them in a local network with switches in the same way as you would interconnect computers. The SIP protocol allows calling which is based just on IP addresses. What do I do to make the call work? I put IP address in the Phone number as sip: and IP address. That is all. Such simple scenario can be ready in less than 5 minutes. The same approach can be used also for direct calls between intercoms. You will set again the IP address in Phone number field. LAN CALL
SIP – DIRECT Connection to 2N® Indoor touch
LAN CALL Find 2N® Indoor Touch units in LAN Set name in 2N® Indoor Touch Lets put at the other end our answering unit called 2N Indoor Touch. It is more typical that you have one intercom and many answering units. Just imagine some large residential project. We can base settings again on IP addresses but we can make things easier by naming 2N Indoor Touch units as words are easier to remember than 4 numbers in an IP address. You can set the name in the web interface of 2N Indoor Touch or on the unit itself. Then just put device: before the name in the Phone Number field. The example is showing one of typical naming which is using flat numbers. 2N Helios IP web interface has an integrated scanner where you can find a list of 2N Indoor Touch units and names. The scanner will find all units in the local network which names are defined in the Directory. You can verify that the intercom can see other units. The scanner is available in the purple section called Services. I explained 2 formats of the phone number field. Only one is remaining.
SIP – calling trough IP pbx (SIP proxy)
Create accounts in IP PBX 470 Login Password 450 Passfor450 460 Passfor460 470 Passfor470 Login Password IP address 450 Passfor450 460 Passfor460 470 Passfor470 LAN 450 CALL 460 IP PBX Set accounts in devices (next slide) Terminals report IP addresses Calling based on telephone numbers Imagine an office building. Every employee has a phone on a desk and there is IP PBX to interconnect internal and external calls. IP PBX or SIP Proxy or SIP Server is the central unit which is used for advanced call routing. Now we want to add our IP intercom. You can see that each device has again its own IP address but this is not a friendly way if you want to call your colleague. Who would remember and dial the whole IP address? We are used to dialling short numbers. How to setup such calling? The IP PBX has accounts where the login is usually representing the phone number. You set these accounts in end terminals. I will show you in short while how to do it for 2N Helios IP. All these terminals report IP addresses back to IP PBX. It is enough that only the PBX knows IP addresses of all terminals. If I want to call the phone with number 460 then I will put the number in the Phone Number field. Once I start the call, the intercom will ask IP PBX where the phone with number 460 is. The IP PBX will help to interconnect the call to correct destination.
SIP – example of connection to IP pbx (SIP proxy)
Calls are routed to IP is reported to The connection to IP PBX or VoIP provider is set in Services, Phone section. You always get like 5-6 parameters describing the account from PBX administrator and you have to match these parameters with the intercom’s settings. I will use values from the previous example. This is a common way how to set the interconnection. First I set a name. If the receiving phone has a display then this name will be presented. Here, I put Front Door. If you have more intercoms then it helps to identify where the caller is standing. The phone number and authentication ID is usually same and the domain is usually just IP address of IP PBX but always check with the PBX administrator. There can be domain name as well. The page has more parameters bellow. I am showing them on the right side. SIP Proxy and SIP Registrar IP Addresses are usually same. If it is a very large installation then there might be 2 independent servers. Calls are routed to SIP Proxy and IP address is reported to SIP Registar. The IP reporting is called Registration by SIP protocol. You can see that I don’t need to set a lot. I would say this is quite a common setup. Sometimes it might be required to use different ports. The default SIP port is 5060 but you can change it. You can set up to 2 SIP accounts. It might be useful if you have 2 companies and 2 PBX systems in same building or if you want to have one primary connection and one back-up connection. The SIP1 account is used by default for calling. If you want to route the call through second account then use /2 after the number. I have few additional tricks. If you set domains instead of IP addresses then make sure that DNS Servers are set and visible for the intercom. There are even more parameters in this section but they are rarely used. If there are some special settings required then we have interconnection guides with 3rd party systems in our FAQ and 2N Wiki pages. Please check there first. I will show you links later. Use /2 for calls over SIP2 account Check DNS settings if domains are used instead of IP addresses Check Advanced Settings and Audio&Video codecs for additional fine tuning. Check FAQ and 2N Wiki for integration guides with 3rd party systems
Call routing scenarios and settings
We have covered basics. You can specify the destination by IP address, by device name and by number. I will now explain different ways how and when these destinations can be reached.
SIP – calling multiple destinations
Busy No answer + Busy No answer + I am back in the Directory. I can put there more destinations under one user. I can combine all previous interconnection setup. I have direct SIP call as first destination. If this destination is busy or unavailable then the intercom calls immediately another destination. If the destination is replying but nobody is answering then the intercom calls another destination after a defined timeout. The next destination is 2N Indoor Touch which is called flat101. If similar thing happens then the intercom will try to reach another destination. The intercom is communicating only with one destination at time. I have one good example when you can use this setup. You have the first destination as the main answering unit and the second destination as the backup. It might take quite a long time before all destinations are tried. The user might appreciated if the intercom contacts more destination at same time. This feature is called parallel calling and you just enable it. Here I would be calling 3 destination at same time. JThe communication is established with the first destination which answers the call. The call is ended to ther destiantions. You can combine serial and parallel calling as you wish. You might contact one destination first and then 2 destination in same time. It is a rare request but there might be situation when you need to contact even more destinations.
USER deputy Add User Deputy to call more numbers
parallel calling up to 12 destinations serial calling is not limited User A User B User C User D We will use the User Deputy which is at the end of the page. You can imagine that it is like the page would continue with Number 4, 5, 6, 7… You just have to specify these numbers under different user. You can link as many users as you wish. The only limit is with parallel call. You can call up to 12 destinations. If you link more destinations then the intercom will call only first 12 destinations in same time. The serial calling is not limited. … “Number 4,5,6…”
TIME PRofile Time restricted calls Example: 9AM-5PM Week Days
1. Call Reception Desk 2. If busy or no answer then call Security Other time 1. Call Security You can have even better control over calls. Time profiles in the Directory allows you to set time restrictions. I prepared here classic office hours from 9AM to 5PM. I will show you typical example. I have two destinations under user. The reception desk and the security guard. I will assign the time profile only to the reception desk. How does it work? If the visitor calls at office hours then the call is going to reception desk first and the security guard is there as back up when the reception desk is busy or not answering. If the visitor calls out of office hours then the call is going directly to security guard. The intercom skips the destination without a valid time profile.
Helios IP Eye – VIDEO Pop UP
CALL User scenarios of automatic pop up: Phones without display (Up to 4) Security guard offices There is one more parameter under User settings. Please imagine that you have an intercom with camera and you have a computer at your desk and you have an IP phone without a video transmission support. You can still see the video as the intercom can split audio and video and send it to 2 different devices. The software is called 2N Helios IP Eye and it is available for free for Windows and MAC. The setup is easy. You just put the IP address of computer in the same section where you set the call to the phone. If the phone is ringing then the intercom will stream video to the computer. If you are using parallel calling then the intercom can stream video up to 4 computers. Once the specific phone answers then only this destination will continue receiving stream. All other streams will be terminated. I explained all Directory settings about calling.
General call settings Incoming calls Automatic pickup Manual pickup
Always Busy Outgoing Calls - Ring Time Limit There are few more parameters under Services. As we covered outgoing calls from intercom to other devices then I will explain these parameters first. The Ring Time Limit defines how long the intercom waits for the call answer. If there is no answer then the call is ended. If there is another destination then the intercom will try to reach this destination. If I have these settings then it will wait 32 seconds before trying the next destination. You can also set here a limit for the whole call. The default value is 120 seconds and it should prevent a stuck call if there is a voice mail on other side. The call can be ended by user earlier or by intercom after expiration of this limit. You might have also situation when you need to call from the phone to the intercom. There are three different modes. The intercom can automatically pickup the call and you can immediately start talking. The manual pickup requires an action from the user. The intercom is ringing and you have to press a phone button to answer the call. The last option here is Always Busy. The intercom will reject all incoming calls. This is the default settings. If you want to receive incoming call then you have to always enable it here. Up to 32s
Hardware and settings I covered all parameters related to call logic. Lets move to other part. Now I will explain how you can start the call and how to pair previous settings with hardware.
Call trigger – buttons on 2n Helios ip intercoms
This is the classic old way when you press a button to make a call. You have here several examples of button layout. Every 2N intercom has at least one button. You can see the maximal number for each intercom. The minimal number is one. If you need a lot of physical buttons then choose 2N Helios IP Vario or 2N Helios IP Verso. Verso 146 Vario 54 Force 4 Safety 2 Base 2 UNI 2 Maximum number of buttons
buttons settings Same button press Hang Up – end the call
None – avoid hang up by caller Dial Next Change button assignment Automatic button assignment User number = Button number Buttons settings is in Hardware section. You can set here what happens if you press the button and then press the button again. The default option is to hang up. The call will be terminated. This might be an issue at some installation. If you want to avoid that the caller end the call by accidental touch then you can set that nothing will happen. Imagine emergency point when there is somebody nervously pressing the button again again or imagine a person with Parkinson disease who has shaking hands. This settings can solve such situations. The last option is Dial Next. It means if you have more destinations set under button then the same button press will skip to the next one. This can be used for example when you have 1 button intercom and you want to be able to choose from more destinations like you would have more buttons. You can train people how it is working. If you have random users then you can put there some paper explaining how the intercom is working. It is rather a workaround for some extreme situation. The common practice is to choose intercom with enough buttons. Now I will return back to Users in Directory. It is time to explain how you link a button to user where is set call routing. If I create a user on position 1 then this user is automatically assign to button 1. The number of position represents the button number. If you don’t like the automatic assignment then you can change the user under this button by clicking on Search icon. This will list all users from Directory and you can filter and select a different user.
Call trigger – KEYPAD on 2n Helios ip intercoms
The keypad is another way how to start a call. 2N Helios IP Verso can have physical or virtual keypad. The physical keypad is also available for 2N Helios IP Vario and 2N Helios IP Force. Only some models have a keypad. Verso Keypad Verso Display Vario Keypad Force Keypad
KEYPad settings – telephone mode
CALL 100 100 CALL 100 Imagine an office building. You want to call your colleague which has the number 100 so you dial 100 on phone’s keypad. If you want to do the same with 2N Helios IP then you need to enable Telephone Mode first. The settings is again in Hardware section. Now you can use the keypad for calling. The intercom is behaving in the same way as the phone. Just instead of picking up handset, you will press the button with handset icon. The keypad can also grant access by providing a code. The handset button will change the access request to a call request. Calling over SIP1 account
KEYPad settings – dial by position or by virtual number
Position numbers are from ## to #### (example 09 ) Trigger a call scenario under an user position or under a virtual number There are two other special modes for keypad. If you enable dialing from keypad by user position number then the keypad will trigger a call based on settings under specific user position in Directory. Just be aware that single digit numbers are not supported. You must add 0 at the beginning for positions from 1 to 9. If the position numbering is not suiting you then you can use virtual numbers to trigger call scenario under a phone position. The telephone mode can reach only one destination. These modes can be used to reach more destinations. You can use it also in scenarios when you need different numbering or you have destinations defined as IP addresses or device names which are impossible to enter on keypad. I would rather suggest to use an intercom with display.
Call trigger – display on 2n Helios ip intercoms
It is the last option how you can start the call personally . The display has a phonebook, where you can list users from Directory and then call them. The phonebook is available on 2N Helios IP Verso. The phonebook is controlled by your touch. The phonebook on 2N Helios IP Vario is controlled by buttons. You can see arrows on keypad. The display is used when you don’t have enough physical buttons or you want to keep the intercom installation small. The Phonebook can store 2000 Users. You have virtually 2000 buttons. Verso Touch Control Vario Button Control
DISPLAY settings – PHONEBOOK, automatic mode
General settings is same for both displays. The phonebook can be set manually or automatically. The automatic mode is more friendly for residential buildings when you want to add and remove users and you want to have an automatic update of Display. The automatic mode is default. If you add user in Directory then the parameter „Visible on Display“ is enabled. If you keep it enabled for more users then users are sorted alphabetically. Optionally you can use photo. 2N Helios IP Vario is showing photos in the list. 2N Helios IP Verso is showing photo when you choose the user, when the call is started. Visible users sorted by alphabet Optionally use photos
DISPLAY settings – PHONEBOOK, manual mode
The manual mode gives you full control over the phonebook. You can sort users as you wish. One example, you can put Reception Desk as first. In addition you can organize users in folders which are called groups. Here I am organizing users by their deparments. You can even put one user in more groups. The user is added through the plus button where you can list through Directory. The manual mode is activated once you add group or user. You can switch back with the button. Just be aware that all manual settings are lost after this action. Full control of sorting Organize users in 1 or more groups (folders)
DISPLAY special settings – 2n® helios ip Verso
You can set on both intercoms the display language or upload your own language file. Then there few parameters specific just for one model. 2N Helios IP Verso has this default screen once you touch it. Optionally, you can disable Phone Book or Keypad. If I disable the keypad then it is not necessary to select the Phonebook when you approach the intercom. The phonebook is visible as first thing after you deactivate optional screen saver.
DISPLAY special settings – 2n® helios ip Vario
Default name tags or image 2N Helios IP Vario has different settings. The top 4 buttons can be used as Quickdial buttons. You can assign users to these buttons and you can use your own images instead of default Name Tags. Using Quickdial buttons is optional. You can use the display just to show logo of your company. The other two buttons are used for display control. The purpose of these buttons is on the display. Once you open the phonebook then you are using keypad to scroll names. The green handset button starts the call. 4 Quickdial buttons 2 Display control b. + Keypad control
Advanced integration We are reaching the final part. The previous settings should cover the majority of installations. Now I will give you overview of specific communication scenarios. All options explained till now were free. You just need to buy hardware and you have them. The advanced integration usually requires a purchase of some license and I will always note it.
Automatic call triggers via automation
Events KeyPressed CodeEntered SilentAlarm CardEntered InputChanged HttpTrigger Time MotionDetected NoiseDetected CallStateChanged Actions BeginCall AnswerCall EndCall ActivateSwitch SetOutput SendHttpRequest SendMulticastRequest PlayUserSound SetOnvifVirtualInput I showed you that you can start the call with buttons, keypad and display. There is one more call trigger and it is the intercom itself. Simply, you can script your own features. You can tell if something happens, some event, then there will be some action and one of these action is to begin a call. For a better idea, here is one example with Motion Detection. If somebody moves before the intercom’s camera which is represented by state 1 then the intercom starts automatically a call to number The destination can be a security guard post. You have there up to 50 lines so you can script really complicated features. It can work also other way that you have a call as event and you want to pair it with some action. Here is the example. I have an incoming call and I am detecting if the call is answered by intercom. I can set that the incoming call is automatically picked up. Everytime there is a call to intercom, it will trigger the action to play user sound which is your voice message or preloaded sound. The message can be „Attention please“ so everyone starts listening before the calling person speaks. If you are interested then we have a detailed documentation and several FAQs to get you started. This feature is available if you purchase Enhanced Integration License. Scenario scripting is activated by Enhanced Integration License
VOICE PAGING via multicast and informacast
Emergency announcements Point to multipoint communication Multicast RTP (open protocol, codec G711) Automatic reception Transmission 24/7 Controlled transmission via Automation (Enhanced Integration License) Informacast (proprietary Cisco protocol) Informacast License Our intercoms allows also voice paging. If you want to make one way audio communication to many devices then our intercom can be the source of such announcement or the receiver. We are supporting Multicast RTP which is the protocol of this service. If you want to just receive announcement then there is no need for special license. If you want to control the transmission then you will need again Enhanced Integration license. Cisco is using own protocol which we also implemented. If you have Cisco installation then our intercoms support Informacast. This features is again licensed.
ONVIF – communication with video management system
IP Cameras Video Management System VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO Another example of advanced integration, our intercoms can be connected to video management systems which gathers pictures from IP Cameras. Our intercom can behave also as IP camera and stream the picture to the server. Our advantage is that we support also both way audio communication. The communication is via ONVIF protocol which is enabled by Enhanced Video License. 2N Helios IP AUDIO ONVIF Profile S is activated by Enhanced Video License
Complimentary 2N platforms and products
The last part is about 2N products which you can use with our IP Intercoms
My2N – Mobile Video 2N Access Commander 3G/4G My2N Internet LAN
Call settings with other 2n systems my2n - Mobile video and 2n® Access commander My2N – Mobile Video 2N Access Commander My2N 3G/4G Internet LAN We have two software platforms which influence the way how you set calling. My2N Mobile Video is online service which provides a connection from intercom to your mobile phone over Internet. It is a cloud service with a monthly fee. 2N Access Commander is a software for managing access rights for installations with more intercoms. You can do settings just in one place. Both these platforms are overwriting intercom’s configuration. The simple rule is that if you use one of these services then you set call routing there. The call logic is same and similar options are available. If you have a special case and you need to use both platforms in same time then there is also a way. In short, you connect the intercom to My2N, then you disable My2N and transfer settings to Access Commander. Set call routing in these systems. Similar options are available. My2N+AC: Set My2N -> Disable synchronisation with My2N -> Use My2N ID in AC
call to other types of 2N products
2N IP Audio (SIP + Net Audio products) 2N IP GSM Gateway (2N® VoiceBlue Next) 2N IP PBX (2N® NetStar, 2N® NetStar SW) Finally, you can integrate intercoms with 2N products from different family. You can make an announcement through our IP Audio products which can be delivered in the speaker or as a box where you connect your own speaker. If you want to reach mobile phones then you can use our IP GSM Gateways. Be aware that only voice calls without video are supported and that you will need to place a sim card in the gateway and pay a subscription fee to SIM provider. We sell also IP PBX systems. We have software and hardware versions. It might help you with larger installation if some special services are required. For example, you can have calls recorded or you can make conference calls. Feel free to visit our web site and see these products in details.
Questions & Answers
Knowledge base Firmware
Software Documents Order numbers Case studies Planning - Autodesk Revit - AutoCAD Installation manuals - Physical installation - Technical parameters Configuration manual - Model differences - Licensing details Interoperability manual - Compatibility, Integration Automation manual HTTP API manual How to guides Tip&Tricks 3rd party integration Troubleshooting Webinars 7 languages Our knowledge base is big. I will help you with your first steps through our web sites. – Here is download page for firmware, software and documents. You can find here also order number of components which I showed today. If you are project planner then you can find here models for Autodesk Revit and drawings for AutoCAD. – All manuals are here. Each intercom has own installation manual. You can find there also technical parameters. It is sort of datasheet. Other manuals are common for all intercoms. The configuration manual explains all parameters. You can find here also comparison of 2N intercoms and licences. The interoperability manual have a list of all 3rd party devices which we tested or integrated. Check this to see what is working and which settings we used during our testing. There is also manual for Automation and HTTP API – is all about short how to guides, including troubleshooting steps. It is also another place to check for integration with 3rd party devices and software. – contains list of all webinars in 7 languages. You will get shortly a recommendation which one to follow after this session. And at last we have also YouTube with video tutorials and products presentations. Videos Products, Tutorials
Thank you! Follow next webinar Strenghten knowledge Questions
Basic Installation Call Configuration Access Configuration Strenghten knowledge Presentation with extra slides suggested activities pop quiz Questions Thank you for participating in this webinar. This is the second webinar in the series and you can follow up with Access Configuration. You will receive this presentation together with extra slides in your . There are suggested activities and questions to strenghten your knowledge. I encourage you to check it out. If you have further questions to this webinar then you can write to If you are our direct distributor then please use our support portal at
Comprehensive services provided by 2N Presales professionals
PROJECT CONSULTING Comprehensive services provided by 2N Presales professionals Solution and Products Advisory At the end I would like to highlight our presales services. Maybe you have already some project in your mind. You can reach our team at Thank you for attending this session and see you in other webinar. Design and Planning Design Review and Proof of Concept Product and Software Customization
Call from IP intercom to Computer with soft phone (X-Lite, MicroSIP)
Suggested activities Call from IP intercom to Computer with soft phone (X-Lite, MicroSIP) Other IP device Try 2N Helios IP Eye Set parallel and serial calling to 2 destinations Try all 3 modes of keypad Test other settings from this webinar
Name of VoIP communicatin protocol Number format for IP devices
Verify knowledge Name of VoIP communicatin protocol Number format for IP devices Number format for 2N® Indoor Touch Number of Users in Directory Parallel call up to X destinations 2N Helios IP models with keypad 2N Helios IP models with display Other protocols for voice transmit See answers in presentation mode SIP sip:IP device:name Up to 2000 12 Verso, Vario, Force Verso, Vario Multicast, ONVIF
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