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Unit 1: Professional Design Presentation Techniques & Types of Design

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1 Unit 1: Professional Design Presentation Techniques & Types of Design
Interior Design I Unit 1: Professional Design Presentation Techniques & Types of Design

2 Presentation Methods Lettering Rules
Practice is necessary to develop the skills needed to letter legibly. All projects MUST have a title. Check spelling of all words for accuracy. ALWAYS use guidelines when lettering. Block letters are all CAPITALIZED Block lettering is the only lettering acceptable for project presentations. Letters should be bold and clear. Avoid making fancy, cute letters. Make each line quickly from the beginning to the end of the stroke. This makes lines straighter and more accurate.

3 Rules continued Begin the letter with a straight line, then add diagonal and curved lines. Letters will be written in a variety of sizes. Generally, the smaller the letter, the easier it is to write. Practice lettering in a variety of sizes. The size of the lettering is usually related to the importance of the labeling. For example, titles are lettered larger than notes in small areas. Spacing between letters is critical! Think of all the letters as being the same size, and approximately square. (“M” and “W” are a little wider.)

4 Rules Continued Write the word or title on a scratch paper. Count the number of letters including spaces. Start in the middle and work out with the lettering. Do not cross the J and I. Keep the point of your pencil sharp at all times. Select one style and be consistent. Be consistent in your spacing of letters and words. There are definite strokes to be used when lettering. Practice lettering, using the stroke guidelines shown on the next page.

5 Assignment Fill in each box for each letter in the alphabet using the proper lettering techniques. (make it as perfect as possible) Fill in each box for letters 0-9 (make it as perfect as possible) Rewrite the quote provided 3 different types in a variety of sizes. Use the lines provided as guidelines.

6 Assignment Continued On the back page of your packet you have directions explaining the mounting and presentation assignment. Get all the materials that are listed. Follow the directions provided and create your first Interior Design board.

7 Day 2: Types of Design

8 Activity: Get into groups of 4
Make sure someone has a phone with a camera in your group Go around the school and take photos! You need 1 example of decorative design, 1 example of structural design. You have 5 minutes! Good Luck!

9 Structural Design Simple Lines No ornamentation
Cannot be separated without destroying the object.

10 Form Follows Function The form should reflect its intended use and fulfill its intended purpose. The first priority in a design is its function, which dictates the shape or form of a design. Example: a chair must still function as a place to sit regardless of design or ornamentation .

11 Both chairs are rocking chairs
Both chairs are rocking chairs. The function is to have a chair to sit in and rock. They both have very different forms but they both achieve the same function.





16 Decorative Design Applied ornamentation to an object.
Can be separated without destroying the object.

17 Photo Activity Part II Get back into your same groups!
Go around the school and take a 1 photo of each of the following designs: Naturalistic Stylized Geometric Abstract You have 5 minutes. Good luck!

18 Naturalistic/Realistic Design
Reproduces a motif from nature in its natural form. Looks photographic. These are pillows!


20 Conventional/Stylized
Uses designs from nature in a simplified or adapted way.


22 Geometric Decoration that is made up by geometric shapes or stripes.



25 Abstract Departs from nature- inspiration for the design is not recognizable.


27 Assignment You need to find 2 different pictures of magazines that portray 2 different types of decorative design. You need to mount each picture on 2 different sheets of black cardstock. Remember to use the paper cutter to make your picture have straight even edges. Title the picture the type of decorative design that is being shown using proper lettering techniques. Remember to use a ruler and make guidelines with a regular pencil and title it with regular pencil then go over it with white colored pencil once perfected. Put your name and class period on the back in white colored pencil.

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