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, Continental Drift Theory and Seafloor Spreading

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1 , Continental Drift Theory and Seafloor Spreading
Earth’s INTERIOR , Continental Drift Theory and Seafloor Spreading

2 Continental Drift Seafloor Spreading More Seafloor Spreading Earth’s Interior Layers Fun Facts 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 F F

3 Continental Drift: 100 Pangaea
This is the name of the proposed "supercontinent" where all the earth's continents were once joined together. Pangaea

4 Continental Drift : 200 Who was the first scientist to propose the idea of continental drift? When was this? Alfred Wegner was the first scientist to propose the idea of continental drift in 1912.

5 Continental Drift : 300 This is how many years ago earth's "supercontinent" began to split apart. What is million years ago?

6 Continental Drift : 400 These are the two types of evidence that were initially used to support the Theory of Continental Drift. What are similar shapes of coastlines and fossil evidence? Double your points: Name two other types of evidence What are glacial and mountain ranges?

7 Continental Drift : 500 This is why Wegner’s theory of Continental Drift was not accepted. What is the “how the continents” were able to move? Bonus: This is the mechanism for movement of the continents. What is seafloor spreading and convection currents.

8 Seafloor Spreading: 100 Seafloor Spreading occurs at what type of plate boundary? What is a divergent boundary?

9 Seafloor Spreading : 200 These features form as new crust rises to the surface during seafloor spreading What are mid-ocean ridges?

10 Seafloor Spreading : 300 This ocean is currently growing in size due to seafloor spreading. What is the Atlantic Ocean?

11 Seafloor Spreading : 400 This was the first evidence to support the idea of the reversal of earth's magnetic field. What is matching strips of polarity on each side of a seafloor spreading region?

12 Seafloor Spreading : 500 When the seafloor diverges, what is formed?
New seafloor is created as the crust diverges.

13 More Seafloor Spreading: 100
This is the scientist who developed the theory of Seafloor Spreading. Who is Harry Hess?

14 More Seafloor Spreading : 200
Which ocean is getting smaller, and which ocean is getting bigger due to seafloor spreading? The Atlantic Ocean is getting bigger, while the Pacific Ocean is getting smaller.

15 More Seafloor Spreading – 300
What are the two differences between seafloor and continental crust? Seafloor crust is dense and thin, while continental crust is thick and less dense.

16 More Seafloor Spreading : 400
Where are the oldest rocks and fossils found on the seafloor? The oldest rocks and fossils are found near the edges of the oceanic plates near the continents.

17 More Seafloor Spreading : 500
Where is seafloor recycled and where is this feature located? The feature is a trench and it is located at a subduction zone.

18 Earth’s Interior Layers: 100
What layer of the Earth is under intense heat and pressure; thereby causing it to be a solid mass? The Earth's inner core is under extreme heat and pressure.

19 Earth’s Interior Layers : 200
Which layer(s) have convection currents? The mantle has convection currents.

20 Earth’s Interior Layers : 300
Which layer has both a cooler, solid part and a warmer, liquid part? The mantle is both solid and liquid.

21 Earth’s Interior Layers : 400
Which layer of the Earth is broken up into brittle pieces? Why is this happening? The crust is broken up into brittle pieces, due to convection currents.

22 Earth’s Interior Layers : 500
How does convection in the mantle take place? The outer core heats up the magma in the mantle, causing it to rise and fall due to density differences due to temperature.

23 Fun Facts: 100 What is the difference between "normal" and "reverse" polarity? "Normal" polarity is when magnetic North is true North, while "reverse" polarity is when North and South switch.

24 Fun Facts: 200 This is the upper portion of the mantle. What is the asthenosphere?

25 Fun Facts: 300 These are the two main elements in Earth’s crust. What are oxygen and silicon?

26 Fun Facts: 400 This is the thickness of oceanic crust and continental crust. What is 7-10 km Oceanic and km Continental

27 Fun Facts: 500 This is how we know the outer core is liquid.
What are Secondary or S waves?

28 Final Jeopardy This is created by the spinning of the outer core, and what function does it serve. What is the magnetosphere and Earth’s protection from solar winds and space debris?

29 Virginia Jeopardy Questions to study!

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