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Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students

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1 Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
UCD International  Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students Ms Catherine Convery, European Programmes Officer Ms Ruth Redahan, International Study Coordinator

2 What is exchange? 630 380 Agreement between two universities EUROPE
to exchange students on a non-fee basis. 630 EUROPE ERASMUS Students/year REST OF THE WORLD 380 NON-EU EXCHANGE Universities

3 Why go on exchange? Academic Career Personal
Opportunity to study at some of the best universities in the world Chance to spend time abroad while earning credits Academic Improving and learning a language Take new/different/more specialised courses Experience Sets CV apart from other applicants Career International experience Possibility of work experience/ internship Opportunity to live away from home Extra-curricular activities Academic Opportunity to study at some of the best universities around the world Improving and learning a language Take new/different/more specialised courses Experience of a different system Chance to spend time abroad while earning credits towards degree Multi-cultural experience Personal Fun Friendship Travel Weather!

4 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Erasmus Exchange Subject-specific agreements, stating number of students, duration and level UG, Masters and PhD allowed Example: KU Leuven, Philosophy, 2 UG students, 9 months each incoming and outgoing Because of this, agreements belong to Schools, and there is a co-ordinator to act as academic contact for incoming and outgoing students EU funding available for outgoing students – Erasmus grant Multiple agreements possible with partner institution, but each stands as a separate agreement UCD has approximately 460 Erasmus agreements with 280 European partners

5 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Erasmus Exchange Selection Process Selection made by School co-ordinator Selected students’ details sent to International Office Nominations made by International Office (except Business and Law agreements) Acceptance should be automatic Once nominated, students need to complete both the Erasmus form on SIS Web and the host university’s exchange application requirements International Office manages Erasmus paperwork relating to funding, a 5-step process

6 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Non-EU Exchange Non-EU exchange agreements mainly either universitywide or Collegewide. Few subject-specific outside of Business and Law Universitywide exchange agreements exclude Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Some may exclude other subject areas. UCD has approximately 100 Non-EU exchange partners

7 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Non-EU Exchange Selection Process Selection is based on GPA Need to ensure a mixture of students across disciplines on universitywide exchange Many partner universities have minimum GPA requirements to which we need to adhere Once nominated, students need to complete the host university’s exchange application requirements

8 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Universitywide Non-EU Exchange Agreements Examples: Australia: University of New South Wales, University of Queensland Canada: University of British Columbia, McGill University China: Fudan University, University of Nottingham Ningbo Singapore: National University of Singapore USA: University of California, University of Connecticut, University of Miami Collegewide Non-EU Exchange Agreements Examples: Arts & Humanities: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA), University of Toronto (Canada), Keio University (Japan) Business: Simon Fraser University (Canada), Singapore Management University, Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Engineering: Georgia Tech (USA)

9 Non-EU Exchange Application Process
How to apply? Any queries If you are….. Agriculture: Business: Law: Fill in online application at: exchange-programmes/ Application deadline: Tuesday 24 January 2017

10 When can I go? Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 YES YES One semester
Academic Year Agriculture YES Architecture Landscape Arch BBLS/BCL International  YES BComm BComm International: Diagnostic Imaging BA & BSocSc International Engineering Engineering Science Nursing Science

11 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Exchange Promotion Events - October 2016 October 2016 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3 General Exchanges Talk 4 5 6 Study in the Amercias 7 10 English-language Erasmus 11 Agriculture Study Abroad Fair and Talk 12 Erasmus+ ICM 13 14 17 Study in Australia and New Zealand 18 UCD International Open Day 19 20 21 24 France and Germany Erasmus 25 Exchange with University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 26 27 28

12 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Exchange Promotion Events - November 2016 November 2016 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Study in Asia 2 General Exchanges Talk 3 4 5 UCD Open Day 7 8 9 Students’ Union Study Abroad Fair 10 Budgeting for Exchange Workshop 11 12 14 15 16 Pop-Up Fair Newman Building 17 18 19 21 22 23 Pop-Up Fair Science Centre 24 25 26 28 29 Pop-Up Fair Engineering Building 30 1 Dec General Exchanges Talk

13 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Peer Exchange Advisers Peer Exchange Advisers (PEAs) are students who were on exchange last year who volunteer to assist us with exchange PEAs give presentations on where they went on exchange and they also provide testimonials and photos for UCD marketing materials They assist at Study Abroad Fairs, UCD International Open Day, UCD Open Day PEAs can also assist their School/College with exchange promotion PEAs are volunteers, their activities are tracked, and they receive a letter of reference at the end of the academic year

14 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
How can we help you? Outgoing numbers have increased in recent years but are still lower than incoming Short talk before lectures Presentation/information sessions to students and/or staff PEAs

15 UCD International Promoting Exchange Opportunities to UCD Students
Thank you Any questions? Catherine Convery Ruth Redahan

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