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Welcome to SQA 欢迎访问苏格兰学历管理委员会.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to SQA 欢迎访问苏格兰学历管理委员会."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to SQA 欢迎访问苏格兰学历管理委员会

2 Dedicated China customer service team
Alistair Shaw Head of International Eunice McAllister China Regional Manager Jimmy Zhang, China Country Manager Laura Kennedy China Project Officer Edward Smyth, China Administrator

3 Awarding Activities Bahrain, Brunei, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Egypt, India, , Indonesia, Greece, Latvia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Turkey, Qatar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, USA Consultancy Activities Antigua, Bahrain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Eritrea, Kosovo, Lithuania, Mozambique, Romania, Rwanda, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates Other Activities Afghanistan, Bahrain, Belgium, China, Egypt, Greece, Malaysia, Romania, Sweden, Vietnam 21 countries

4 SQA in China Partnership with CSCSE, Beijing Yinhong & Occupational Skills Testing Authority (OSTA) MoU signed 2003 China Britain Business Council and China Country Manager 34 SQA approved centres across all of China 31 with entries Over 30,000 candidates have been certificated 15 HNDs New from last year’s update One additional centre Certifications up from to plus

5 33/34 SQA Centres In China Renmin University of China
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing International Studies University Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing Normal University Sichuan University Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Central South Forestry & Technology University Shanghai International Studies University Ocean University of China Wuhan University of Technology Inner Mongolia Normal University Xinjiang Agricultural University Shanghai Finance University Guangdong University of Finance Capital Normal University Northwestern Poly-technical University University of International Business and Economics Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Xiamen University Guangdong University of Finance & Economics Guizhou Normal University Fujian Normal University Fujian Jiangxia University Central University of Finance and Economics Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Ningxia University East China Normal University Shanghai Lixin Univ’ty of Accounting & Finance (HND yr 1) Xi'an Kedagaoxin University (HND year 1) China University of Petroleum (East China) (fy only) Ningbo University (awaiting MoE approval) South China Normal University (new) Most are non quota centres New from last year Nanjing DAFLS, USTB and SWUFE now deapproved Shanghai Lixin now entered candidates China University of Petroleum now approved and have fy students (near Ocean) Ningbo University approved and awaiting govt approval(just below shanghai) South China Normal University new and recruiting students in Spring 17 (near guangdong)

6 Key Partners - CSCSE SQA’s official partner
 Public organization under Ministry of Education Provides international education services, supports students who are pursuing international exchanges and cooperation Commercial arm is Beijing Yinhong Organise Chinese International Education Exhibition and Fair every March throughout China Sets up articulation agreements for Chinese HND graduates to progress to top-up year in 50+ universities worldwide Showed this last year so won’t go through it again

7 Working with CSCSE/BY CSCSE and BY responsible for marketing/due diligence CSCSE identifies suitable centres SQA carries out centre approval audit visit Entries via CSCSE system by Oct 31st SQA responsible for all quality assurance BY provide admin support to SQA if required BY ASP bank incentive BY translates invoices and collects all SQA fees from centres Certification dependent on QA and payment of fees Dual certification with MoHR OSTA level 3 vocational qualification Showed this last year so won’t go through it again

8 SQA China Quality Improvement Plan
Ensuring standards English Language entry requirements 2 additional Units in English language and Research Skills Ongoing increased verification incl. October Evidence review fees Providing support Qualification Implementation Managers CPD Conference 2017 Chengdu workshops from all previous conferences Actions from 2016 conference China Country Manager, Jimmy Zhang 1.English language discuss in a minute 2. Certification first time in 2017 for “Workplace Communication in English” (H8T2 33) and “Research Skills” ( F60A 34) Students will undertake the Unit “Workplace Communication in English” (H8T2 33) in year one of the HND. 3. 3 centres no actions across 2015 and Ocean and Beijing Jiaotong (for 'Commitment to Quality ' and SISU and Beijing Jiaotong for 'Commitment to Quality ' 4. A large fee per cycle 5. QIMs – only where SQA wish to intervene, have had their chance 6. All actions from last conference on sqa website 7. Jimmy support Evs with queries and logistics Certification in June 17 dependent on all students achieving the 2 Units Manual check of all candidates by Operations




12 SQA English language requirements
From Sep 16: IELTS 4.5 TOEFL score of 57 (17 in writing) Cambridge PET Merit or Distinction Cambridge English FCE Grade C Centres must check all students SQA carry out 100% second check 3500 candidates passed, 90 withdrawn

13 SQA China website All China communications and resources on SQA China website No access to main SQA website or secure website One stop shop for qualification support materials - Unit Specifications, Course Tutor Guides & CASPs Dedicated QA section // NEW resources section Forced password change every 30 days Quarterly China newsletter Showed this last year – will just cover the new bit Web Project Project Objective We are currently working on a new project to encourage our centres in China to use the support and resources available on the SQA China website. The layout as it stands is confusing and messy and includes resources which don’t apply to centres. We are currently changing the layout and adding guidance on how these resources should be used which will hopefully encourage our centres to use the support and guidance available to enhance the delivery of our HND programme in China. Completion date is scheduled for the 13th of March and an item on this will be included in our March edition of Centre News.

14 OLD Layout Old Layout The old layout was confusing and messy it had resources on the main page on also in sections on the left hand side. It also included resources for both centres, students and SQA appointees.

15 Resources have now been split
NEW Layout Resources have now been split New Layout This is a snap shot of how the new layout will look. Resources have now been split – “Tutor Support” and “Student Support” - the “Support for you” title will be changed before it goes live. Please don’t concentrate too much on the content as it is currently being finalised by our Editing team. The Events section on the left will include materials from all SQA events i.e. launch events and earlier Professional Development Conferences but as you can see there is a link on the main page to access the materials from the last conference so the idea is to make navigation easy for the centres.

16 NEW Guidance New Guidance
The new guidance will assist centres on how to use the resources in their centres and how to play files with audio scripts.

17 Student Learning Guides Update
China Modern Economic Publishing House responsible for revising the SLGs SQA ran training course for writers in Sep 13 SQA provides vetting service for a fee Pilot project of 53 Currently 26 published/approved for publishing Showed this last year so focus on new update

18 Student Learning Guides Update – 26 completed
Financial Services Regulatory Framework H0BW 35 Income Tax F86X 35 Behavioural Skills for Business F84L 35 IT in Business: Spreadsheets F84V 34 Business Contractual Relationships F84N 34 Managing People and Organisations F84T 34 Business Culture & Strategy F7J7 35 Marketing: An Introduction F7BX 34 Business Law: An Introduction F84P 34 Pension Provision H9NC 35 Communication: Business Communication H7TK 34 Personal Financial Services H0BX 34 Creating a Culture of Customer Care H1F0 34 Preparing Financial Forecasts F84R 35 Economics 1: Micro/Macro Theory & Application F7J6 35 Principles of Insurance H9ND 35 Economics 2: The World Economy F86E 35 Recording Financial Information F7JV 34 Economics Issues: An Introduction F7J8 34 Business Accounting F84M 34 Financial Reporting & Analysis F7R4 35 Investment H9AM 35 Financial Sector: An Introduction DE5M 34 Personal Development Planning DE3R 34 Financing International Trade DE5T 35 Personal and Business Lending H0C0 35

19 SQA looking for a writer to update the following guide:
Information & Communication Technology in Business F84W 35 CMEPH is currently updating the following 7 guides Company Law: An Introduction DE5H 35 Information Technology: Applications Software 1 D75X 34 Information Technology: Applications Software 2 D7CY 35 International Marketing: An Introduction H8PD 34 Managing the Human Resource: An Introduction DN78 34 Presentation Skills F84E 35 Statistics for Business F84K 35

20 University Articulation
Approx 60% go to overseas university to study Over 50% then progress to Masters Articulation arrangements to 50 universities in US, Australia, New Zealand, UK & Europe, In country support by partnership universities “Transnational pathways into English higher education”, HEFCE Showed this last year


22 Cultural considerations
One child policy Power of parents Hierarchical decision making International colleges – power with universities Importance of “face” Planning in silos Code of conduct Plagiarism Rote learning and professional judgement Very IT literate - no Google, gmail, Youtube, Dropbox, Instagram, Twitter etc Current corruption clampdown Showed this last year


24 SQA International Team - China
Alistair Shaw, Head of International, SQA Eunice McAllister, Regional Manager China and Asean Region Laura Kennedy Project Officer, China and Asean Region Jimmy Zhang SQA Country Manager Laura on mat leave from March for 2017

25 Thank you 谢谢

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