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5/2/16 Admit Slip Compare and contrast how animals and plants obtain energy for life. (Write paragraph in journal) Get out homework!! Date: 5/2/16 Topic:

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Presentation on theme: "5/2/16 Admit Slip Compare and contrast how animals and plants obtain energy for life. (Write paragraph in journal) Get out homework!! Date: 5/2/16 Topic:"— Presentation transcript:

1 5/2/16 Admit Slip Compare and contrast how animals and plants obtain energy for life. (Write paragraph in journal) Get out homework!! Date: 5/2/16 Topic: Cell Respiration & Photosyn. Page # ___

2 Date: 4/2/16 Topic: Cell Respiration & Photosyn. Page # ___ Today in Room 326/311… HW: Paragraph about interdependence of plants/animals CONTENT OBJ: SW identify the location/inputs/outputs of cellular respiration & photosynthesis LANG. OBJ: SW describe the interdependence of plants/animals in writing, read the lab directions, write notes, and listen to teacher directions AGENDA: AS: How do plants/animals obtain energy? (10 min) Cellular Respiration/Photosyn Overview (15 min) Intro Notes (from video) (10 min) Virtual Lab (40 min) Put computers away (5 min)

3 Admit Slip Shareout

4 Cellular Respiration*
“The process in which a cell breaks down sugar (glucose) to make energy (ATP).” Mainly occurs in the mitochondria ATP!

5 ATP* A = adenosine T = tri P = phosphate
Energy storage molecule in all organisms


7 Cellular Respiration Equation*
6O2 + C6H12O6 -->  6H2O + 6CO2 + energy Explanation? Glucose found in food!

8 Relationship Between Cellular Resp & Photosyn.

9 Do plants only photosynthesize? Why/why not?

10 Interdependence Could we live without plants?
Could plants live without animals? Dependence means? “Rely on” Interdependence? How do they rely on each other?

11 Computer Time Grab a computer, go to my website (  Semester 2 Under today’s date, click on Cell Resp. “Video” Use the video to fill in the notes (there is no sound in the video) Then click on “Virtual Lab” and grab a lab packet

12 Cellular Respiration in Action
You must log in! Username: tbagizmo Password: tbagizmo Click on “Find Gizmos” Type in: “Plants and Snails” Click: Launch Gizmo

13 Homework Write a paragraph in your journal explaining the “interdependence” of plants and animals. Use evidence from your lab to support your answer.

14 Admit Slip 5/3/16 Read handout answer these questions in journal:
Why do plants appear green? How do animals see colors differently? Why do leaves turn red in the fall? Get out homework!! Date: 5/3/16 Topic: Cell Resp & Photosyn. Day 2 Page # ___

15 Date: 4/2/16 Topic: Cell Respiration & Photosyn. Page # ___ Today in Room 326/311… HW: Paragraph about interdependence of plants/animals CONTENT OBJ: SW identify the location/inputs/outputs of cellular respiration & photosynthesis LANG. OBJ: SW describe the interdependence of plants/animals in writing, read the lab directions, write notes, and listen to teacher directions AGENDA: AS: How do plants/animals obtain energy? (10 min) Cellular Respiration/Photosyn Overview (15 min) Intro Notes (from video) (10 min) Virtual Lab (40 min) Put computers away (5 min)

16 Why are plants green?*

17 Green light is reflected*

18 How do animals see color?

19 How humans See Color

20 Why do leaves change colors?*
In preparation for the shorter, darker days of winter (less sunlight = less photosynthesis!), leaves stop producing chlorophyll Less chlorophyll  The other pigments show through, and leaves appear red/yellow

21 Why are some plants NOT green?*
In addition to chlorophyll, there are accessory pigments (“helping colors”) known as carotenoids Carotenoids absorb blue light, and appear yellow, red, or orange to our eyes Some leaves have lower levels of chlorophyll and higher levels of carotenoids, making them different colors

22 Cell Resp. Gizmo Bromothymol Blue (BTB): Chemical indicator for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) BTB is green when O2 and CO2 are equal BTB is blue in the presence of more O2 BTB is yellow in the presence of more CO2 Situations: Snail only, plant only, both ^

23 Rate of photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis Gizmo What factors would impact the rate at which a plant could do photosynthesis? (Look at equation) Rate of photosynthesis?

24 (Ex. Should you also change temperature and CO2 amount?
Show on Gizmo Photosynthesis Gizmo If you want to test light intensity, how many toggles should you change at one time? (Ex. Should you also change temperature and CO2 amount?

25 Today 1) Finish Cellular Respiration Gizmo (from yesterday)
2) Complete Photosynthesis Gizmo If you do not finish, you need to come TODAY after school If you are productive the whole time, you will have plenty of time

26 LOGIN… Username: tbagizmo Password: tbagizmo
Click “Find Gizmos” Search “Plants and Snails” (Cell Resp. Gizmo) Search “Photosynthesis Lab” Click “Launch Gizmo”

27 Homework Assessment paragraph (last page of Photosynthesis Gizmo)
7 sentences to receive ANY credit (Less than 7 = no credit)

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