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LASER Convening Spokane, WA November 17, 2016

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1 LASER Convening Spokane, WA November 17, 2016
Delivered by Dawn Cope - OSPI Science Assessment Spokane, WA November 17, 2016 November 2016

2 Topic 1 Transitioning from the Measurements of Student Progress(MSP) and the Biology End-of-Course to the NGSS assessments State of the current tests Accountability years November 2016

3 Why do we have state assessments?
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and state law require that we give a state science assessment once each in elementary, middle, and high school for the purpose of school and district accountability. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) continues those same requirements. State law also requires that students in the class of and beyond must pass the high school science assessment to be eligible to graduate. November 2016 November 2016

4 What are the current state assessments?
Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) in grades 5 and 8 Biology End of Course Exam in grade 10 These assessments are based on the Washington State 2009 Science Learning Standards. November 2016 November 2016

5 Assessment Timeline Year Grade 5 Grade 8 High School Spring 2017 MSP
Accountability 2009 Science Standards Biology EOC Accountability and Graduation (Grade 10) Spring 2018 NGSA* 3-5 band of NGSS Middle school band of NGSS (Grade 11) High school band of NGSS if needed to meet assessment graduation requirement Biology EOC: Current 9 & 10 graders take it for accountability & graduation in 2017 (if 9th graders are taking Biology) NGSA: Taken by 11th graders in 2018 for accountability (even though they took the Bio EOC for accountability in 2017, this happened with Math, too) Collection of Evidence: Will be an alternative for either Bio EOC or NGSA November 2016 *Next Generation Science Assessment November 2016

6 Science Assessment Graduation Requirements
Current Grade in 16-17 Class of… Science Assessment Science Assessment (and beyond) 12 2017 Biology EOC exam retake, as needed for graduation 11 2018 10 2019 Biology EOC for graduation and accountability unless previously passed Next Gen Science for accountability in 11th grade (2018) 9 2020 Biology EOC for graduation if enrolled in a Biology course Next Gen Science for accountability in 11th grade (2019) Biology EOC: Current 9 & 10 graders take it for accountability & graduation in 2017 (if 9th graders are taking Biology) NGSA: Taken by 11th graders in 2018 for accountability (even though they took the Bio EOC for accountability in 2017, this happened with Math, too) Collection of Evidence: Will be an alternative for either Bio EOC or NGSA November 2016 November 2016

7 Topic 2 Piloting Plan for grades 5, 8, and high school November 2016

8 Grades 5 and 8 Spring 2016 A limited pilot occurred
Pilot items were embedded in online operational MSPs Approximately 8000 students saw pilot items Spring 2017 A larger pilot will occur Pilot items will be embedded in online operational MSPs Approximately 56,000 students will see pilot items Pilot forms are randomly “spiraled” to students to get a sample that represents the demographics of WA state. Districts will be selected randomly from volunteers Need a valid sample size November 2016 November 2016

9 High School Spring 2017 Important Dates and Times Participation
A separate, voluntary, comprehensive, online field test will occur Important Dates and Times Test Window: May 1 through June 15, 2017 Test Length: 50 minutes; one class period Registration Window: December 1, 2016 through January 31, 2017 Participation Target population: students in Grade 11 Can also participate: students in Grades 10 and 12 Not able to participate: students in Grade 9 Other considerations Scores will not be provided No science course prerequisites Science teachers will be sent the information though the science assessment listserv, and directed to tell their principals and District Coordinators if they would like to participate. Approximately 30,000 students are needed CTE classes (or any class) can participate in the NGSA pilot Test length shorter than a normal NGSA test will be There will be a “Lessons Learned” document released about the Pilot November 2016 November 2016

10 Topic 3 Organization of the NGSS Assessments November 2016

11 Draft Blueprints Test Organization 4 Clusters:
1-2 PEs, bundled together. Common for all students Clusters 1-2 are Anchor Items (Items that have been used in the past) Clusters 3-4 are Operational Items (Items that have been piloted) Matrix Cluster: 5th cluster, different for kids sitting in the same room Worth fewer points Also contains 2-4 stand alone items Adds items Helps with reporting at district and state levels Field Test Items Embedded Pilot Items – (Online only) don’t count towards student scores Dawn Cope shared a draft diagram, it’s too “drafty” to share starewide November 2016 November 2016

12 Topic 4 Prioritizing the Standards November 2016

13 Test Planning Meetings-Nov 2016
The objectives for this committee were to make recommendations to OSPI about: The NGSS Performance Expectations that should be assessed on the state science assessment and those that should be assessed in the classroom only Content of the PE makes writing items that adequately address the PE very difficult Requires a task or performance that cannot be simulated in an online test environment How often each assessable Performance Expectation should be included on the state science assessments. 1 = critical, important, and necessary (assessed in approximately % of the tests) 2 = important and necessary (assessed in approximately 50% of the tests) 3 = necessary (assessed in approximately 25% of the tests) The committees selected approximately one-third of the PEs in a domain for each priority level. November 2016 November 2016

14 Test Planning Meetings, continued
Results will not be made public, except… “Classroom only” designations will be included in item specifications documents NGSS Item Specifications documents will be made available Fall 2017 November 2016 November 2016

15 Topic 5 NGSS Assessment Item Description November 2016

16 NGSS-Aligned Item Cluster
Set of interrelated items linked to a common stimulus Stimulus is developed around a science phenomenon What does this look like? November 2016

17 Cluster Map November 2016 November 2016
SEPS and CCCs may be mixed from different PEs to provide richer items in the cluster PEs from ETSC standards are paired with other PEs . ETSC PEs need another PE as a context. Possible reports: “Strands” need to 3D claims, not just isolated to one dimension or one part of a dimension “Use of SEP & CCC in Life Science” “Use of SEP & CCC in Physical Science” “Use of SEP & CCC in Earth Science” ETSC PEs will be bundled with other PE’s. Need other PEs to provide a context for ETSC PEs November 2016 November 2016

18 NGSS Standalones 1-2 points
Short stimulus that could include graphics: tables, diagrams One part-or multiple parts All machine scored item types are eligible except simulations November 2016

19 Item Types Machine-scored Multiple Choice (MC) Multiple Select (MS)
Editing Task with Choice (ETC) Matching Item (MI) Table Item (TI) Grid Item (GI) Equation Builder Simulation Hand-scored Short answer We are using a variety of item types to write single-part and multi-part 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional items aligned to the NGSS. Similar to Smarter Balanced items

20 Standalones November 2016 This is not a WA State item
This is not an item written to the NGSS OSPI will have sample items to share after the next pilot Take a look at Utah’s site for what items might look like on NGSA A WA item might include more (Include an explanation?) Utah Testing Portal “SAGE” November 2016 November 2016

21 Stimulus and Item November 2016 This is not a WA State item
This is not an item written to the NGSS Similar to a WA design for Cluster Items Split Screen: Stimulus/data on Left, assessment prompt on right Utah Testing Portal “SAGE” November 2016 November 2016

22 Locking and Updating November 2016
Locking & updating may be used to keep students from carrying forward a mistake, i.e., student graphed data from previous item. Not all questions will not have the lock out feature November 2016 November 2016

23 Topic 6 NGSS Assessment Sample Item Availability November 2016
No WA Sample items available until piloting November 2016 November 2016

24 NGSS Training Tests Available Fall 2017 Grade 5 Grade 8 High School
For all stakeholders Will be based on piloted items from spring 2017 pilot November 2016 November 2016

25 SAIC Grade 5 Interactive Prototype (5PS1-1 and 5PS1-2)
Center on Standards and assessment implementation Useful for: Cluster Bundling PE’s Phenomena Multi-part items 2-D, 3-D items Item-types Do’s and don'ts Used in item writing training by OSPI Assessment Not completely ideal, meant to start the conversation Most useful thing to do with this info is to identify flaws November 2016 November 2016

26 Other Possible Resources…
Concord Consortium Measured Progress reprinted sample items created by Rodger Bybee for his book, Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction. Bethel School District Sample Assessments STEM Teaching Tools Utah’s Student Assessment of Growth & Excellence (SAGE) November 2016

27 Topic 7 ACT/NGSS Crosswalk OSPI has not conducted an alignment study
ACT would be the best source to answer this question November 2016

28 Topic 8 Working together…OSPI Science Assessment and OSPI Science Learning and Teaching November 2016

29 Meetings Monthly Committee Assessment Development Meetings
National Technical Advisory Meetings State Leadership Meetings National Organizations and Committees Future assessment system endeavors Formative Assessment Tools/Digital Library Classroom based assessments for non-tested grades OSPI T&L & Assessment Depts working together (not typical arrangement in most states) WA/Dawn Cope is seen as a leader at national assessment meetings Won’t be a national consortium to develop a test Small pockets of states collaborating WA working with states w/similar context as us (WV, Hawaii, California) November 2016 November 2016

30 Professional Development Opportunities
Event Timing Cluster Writing* Oct 2015 March 2016 Oct 2016 March 2017 Content Review * Dec 2015 July 2016 Dec 2016 July 2017 Bias/Sensitivity Review Sep 2016 Pilot/Field Testing Spring 2016 Spring 2017 Spring 2018 Pilot Range Finding* Summer 2016 Summer 2017 Spring 2018 Content Review with Data* Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Test Planning Meeting * November 2016 Alignment Study* Early 2018 First Operational Tests Achievement Level Setting* Summer 2018 WA-AIM development begins Fall 2016

31 Science Assessment Office Staff
General account Dawn Cope — Science Assessment Lead Amy Viveiros — Science Assessment Specialist Jessica Cole— Science Assessment Support Cinda Parton—Dir. of Assessment Development November 2016

32 Thank you!

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