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Presentation on theme: "The POWER of ACKNOWLEDGMENT"— Presentation transcript:

IIL's Webinar Learning Series Name of Webinar The POWER of ACKNOWLEDGMENT Judith W. Umlas Welcome to The Power of Acknowledgment. I am very excited about talking to all of you Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day. This is a REAL thank you. You have started on a journey, and the result is guaranteed transformation. That’s why I am so excited to be here. I call this a CONVERSATION and we will have a real dialogue.

2 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar This presentation includes the following topics: The life and work altering power of Acknowledgment Creating powerful and gratifying relationships through Acknowledgment The significance and necessity of authentic acknowledgment The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment This webinar covers x topics.

3 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Presentation Goal To identify techniques for creating a more positive and meaningful connection between you and the people around you, and to improve your ability to develop a more rewarding and successful personal and professional life. This event will become a catalyst for an immediate, positive change in your life and the life of others that are part of your world. Promise: The webinar will become a CATALST for an immediate, positive change in your life and the life of others that are part of your world. Addressing you as business PEOPLE – some of anecdotes personal, many are professional. We are all people first and foremost.

4 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar At the conclusion of this presentation, you’ll be able to: Use the 7 key principles of acknowledgment Identify relationships that you will improve Identify myths that get in the way Develop a personal plan Start acknowledging people on a regular basis Please review the learning objectives for this webinar. By doing this, you will be able to focus your attention to the areas this webinar is intended to address. Focus on 4 of the 7 principles Identify the professional and personal relationships that you will improve and enhance, using the POA and start doing it!! ID the myths Start developing a personal plan Start acknowledging people on a regular basis and reap the rewards!!!

5 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Start the presentation with the opening page of the newly published book, TPOA, to give you a sense of the exciting “tool” or soft skill we are about to focus on. Also show you some of the press pickup about the book. This is news!! Drink your coffee, put feet up on desk, relax. Read first page…

6 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #1: The world is full of people who deserve to be acknowledged. Principle #1 – seems self evident, but isn’t!

7 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar How to Begin the Journey Start by practicing acknowledgment skills on people you don’t know very well, or even at all. Then you will begin making the world a happier place. Now here is where we start in our quest for competency. “It will be easier to acknowledge those you care most about if you Start… (read) Let’s take a moment to think about the people we interact with on a daily basis that we don’t know by name. People who serve us in some way. One example that started me on this ack journey and exploration: coffee lady. Small black, half decaf, half regular caramel coffee. Big smile. No one ever.. Began to notice the “no one evers…” Name those in your life by writing on the whiteboard. What can we ack them for? TEXT CHAT Here’s my list….

8 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Start with relative strangers you interact with on a daily basis who do something good for you: Order taker in coffee shop Garage mechanic Telephone operator Person manning the voting booth when you vote Garbage person Newspaper deliverer Toll booth attendant Now What about people we know by name – people we work with, your boss, your office manager, people you live with. Who are they and What can we ack them for? TEXT CHAT… list of attributes…

9 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar What Can We Acknowledge about others? Expertise Intelligence Kindness Opinions Persistence Good work Contributions to a team effort What else? Thank you for your great responses! Now WHY IS ACK IMPORTANT? Next slide…

10 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Why is acknowledgment important? Effects of acknowledgment Sense of self-worth Excitement Joy Purpose for living Sense of contribution Documented physical changes, both for giver and receiver “Pay it forward” types of behavior Think back to a time when someone acknowledged you for something that was important to you, a job you knew you did really well. We know for a fact that there are positive emotional, psychological and physical effects of ack. What are some of these? Read Carl quote… Read list… End with REPAIR OF THE WORLD – one person at a time. My personal mission. Webinar participant asked me to come up with slogan. That’s it. Ack not a panacea, but when people are ack for who they are and what they do and contribute, they behave differently than when they are not. They feel better, they come alive, they light up. Repair of the world – one person at a time!

11 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Why acknowledgment Can Be Difficult What prevents some people from acknowledging others: Complete the following statements: It is sometimes difficult to acknowledge my co-workers because ____________ It is sometimes difficult to acknowledge my family members because _________ Important to look at obstacles to ack as we start out. There are many reasons NOT to ack people. SOME PEOPLE ALREADY GREAT AT THIS – AUTHENTICITY IS CRITICAL Use TEXT CHAT to respond to statements: Give your ideas

12 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The “Knock Your Socks Off” Power of Acknowledgment People you should and don’t acknowledge, or don’t acknowledge enough: Why should they be acknowledged? How will you acknowledge them? When will you acknowledge them? Think about how you will feel when you acknowledge someone important to you One person you will acknowledge and for what Share one person you will ack and fo rwhat and by when… TEXT CHAT Miracles!!!

13 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #2: Acknowledgment builds intimacy and creates powerful interactions. READ principle

14 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Create Powerful Interactions What is it about your spouse, your daughter, your uncle, your oldest colleague or subordinate that you want to acknowledge? Look for ways to say how much you value them and then be prepared for miracles! INTRO: Ack the people around you directly and fully, especially those with whom you are in an intimate relationship…. Yes, you CAN ack people in your intimate circles. Think of your child that you spend time berating for messy room. Think of effect it would have on him or her if you told her what you admire about her as a person. What you’re proud of. My son…

15 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Building Relationships Through Acknowledgment Acknowledgment improves relationships builds self- worth and level of performance Creates positive environment Someone you work with that you have had challenges with: What can you acknowledge about him or her? Ack improves relationships. Improves the performance of peers, co-workers, subordinates Family members blossom Sincere, honest ack builds greater self-worth and desire to further improve or maintain a level of performance. Creates a positive environment. CHALLENGES: think of someone you work with. There will be something to ack if you think about it. Letting that person know what you admire – as long as authentic – can begin to transform the relationship. TEXT CHAT: who is your challenge and for what can you ack him or her? What prevents us from ack others? I call them the MYTHS OF ACK.

16 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Myths of Acknowledgment Too much waters it down, makes it worth less. Worrying whether you value them makes them work harder. A rare acknowledgment is treasured more. Answer: What if a boss were to give out $100 bills each time he felt you were doing a good job? Would that cheapen the effect of the $100 bill if you got 10 in one day? No way!!! I don’t want to cheapen my ack by praising too many people too often…READ 2. People might not work as hard if they are told how good they are….READ Answer: Worrying takes away valuable time from what could otherwise be accomplished. It distracts and de-focuses us. 3. A rare compliment is worth much more than a frequent ack; it’s treasured more Answer: : Yes, an ack from someone who rarely does this is worth something, just as ones that come more frequently. It is the SHOCK factor that makes it register more deeply. Not worth it to limit acks for this purpose.

17 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Bring acknowledgments from your brain to your mouth! There are many things people do each day that we can acknowledge but don’t. Steps to take to assure follow through, or… How to get them from your brain to your mouth Many things people do each day that we can ack but don’t: Bob example We often THINK an ack but fail to deliver it Steps to take to ensure you folow tthru on your thoughts of ack: When notice one in head, make sure it gets to person even if feels awkward Notice your discomfort or embarrassment and say it anyway- webinar person jump out of his seat See the wonderful results What to do if someone won’t “accept’ an ack – repeat, take arm

18 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #3: Acknowledgment neutralizes, defuses, deactivates, and reduces the effect of jealousy and envy! BREAKTHROUGH AHEAD!!!

19 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Acknowledgment Creates Positive Energy and Dissolves Negative Energy Acknowledge those you are jealous of, for the very attributes you envy. Watch the envy diminish and the relationship grow stronger as you grow to accept valuable input from the person you were envying. JUST READ

20 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Acknowledgment Overcomes Envy and Jealousy Jealousy and envy create conflict and anxiety Toxic quality of these emotions Acknowledgment of someone you envy clears the channels and opens communications Importance of authenticity in acknowledgments In both business and personal environments, READ first bullet 2nd bullet: GUT GRABBERS Getting beyond envy: You are so good at this, can you help me? Steve Osborn example

21 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #4: Recognizing good work leads to high energy, great feelings, high-quality performance and terrific results. Not acknowledging good work causes lethargy, resentment, sorrow, and withdrawal. Particular mention of SORROW. Not often dealt with at work. Think of a time….

22 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Recognize Good Work Creates positive and productive environment Simple - example Loyalty and engagement Current research: update Expressing appreciation and how you value employees will develop loyalty and creates a more positive and productive environment. Michelle Levine example – simple Loyalty and engagement are by-products of ack. Read from book SURVEY QUESTION: Gallup survey reference, do POLL Read Gallup results and excerpt from In Praise of Praising Your Employees



25 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Two Scenarios from the workplace Scenario #1 - Lack of acknowledgment by manager Feelings Results Scenario #2 - Deep of acknowledgment by manager Hypothetical workplace, but happens every day TEXT CHAT – ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS

26 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #5: Truthful, heartfelt and deserved acknowledgments always make a difference, sometimes a profound one, in a person’s life and work.

27 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Acknowledgment Makes A Profound Difference Sincere praise should not be withheld due to fear of diminishing returns, of appearing inappropriate or out of embarrassment. READ: Rarely given acknowledgments have no more value than frequent ones.

28 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #6: It is likely that acknowledgments can improve the emotional and physical health of both the giver and the receiver.

29 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Acknowledgment Improves Well-Being There is scientific evidence that gratitude and forgiveness help well-being, alertness and energy, diminish stress and feelings of negativity, actually boosting the immune system. It is reported that they can even reduce the risk of stroke and heart failure. This research leads us to believe that acknowledging others has similar effects.

30 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar The Seven Principles of Acknowledgment Principle #7: Practice different ways of getting through to the people you want to acknowledge.

31 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Practice Acknowledging Develop an acknowledgment repertoire that will give you the tools to reach out to people in your life in the different ways that will be the most meaningful to each situation and each person.

32 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Acknowledgment checklists People to acknowledge in my daily life People in my family People at work Start your ack journal People to ack in my daily life and what I could say to ack them People in my family and what I could say to ack them People at work and what I could say to ack them

33 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Presentation Recap This presentation included the following topics: 7 key principles of acknowledgment Myths that prevent you from acknowledging others Overcoming obstacles to acknowledgment Your personal plan for acknowledging others These are the main topics that were covered in this webinar.

34 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Moving Forward Thank you for attending our presentation Time for action Create your own “ Acknowledgment Journal” Age of Acknowledgment You can help accomplish this! Close with reading Shakir quote for real life example

35 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Questions? If you still have questions, now would be a good time to ask them.

36 IIL's Webinar Learning Series
Name of Webinar Come and see us in New York City or at any of our 15 global companies! We really appreciate your attendance and participation in this webinar. If you found this to be a valuable experience, please recommend the course to your friends and coworkers!

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