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EOC and LAA2 Testing Training
November 03, 2016
GROUP NORMS Please turn off all communication devices.
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Contact Information – Testing Krewe Accountability Karen Herndon – Executive Director of Testing and Accountability Testing Procedures and Materials JoLynn Tompson– State Testing Specialist Accommodations Chip Farman - Special Ed. Test Compliance Specialist Parent Questions Yolanda Rollins– Testing Technician Fax: Emergencies during testing – Louisiana Believes
AGENDA Welcome Test Security EOC Administration LAA2 Administration
Contact Information
Meeting Objectives Purpose Objectives
This presentation is designed to provide test coordinators and administrators with an overview of test security procedures for online assessments. Objectives Through this overview coordinators and administrators will be prepared to: Maintain test security during administration of state online assessments.
Test Security Must strictly adhere to all JPPSS Test Security Policy procedures. All personnel involved in any aspect of standardized testing must be trained. Only personnel trained in test security and administration shall be allowed to have access to or administer any standardized test.
Test Security Assurance
All parties involved in the testing procedure must sign the EOC Security and Confidentiality Agreement. eDIRECT Homepage JPPSS Oath of Security LDOE Security and Confidentiality Agreement Scan and School Test Coordinator’s to Yolanda Rollins at Keep Test Administrators’ agreements on file at school. The EOC Security and Confidentiality Agreement. must be kept on file for three (3) years.
Test Security Materials: Storage
A predetermined, secure, locked area must be designated for storage of secure materials – the principal and School Test Coordinator (STC) should have the only keys for the duration of testing. It is strongly recommended that no one work in the secure storage area without another person present.
Test Security Secure Materials: Definition:
Test materials that contain administration test items or student responses and to which access is restricted. Secure test materials include: Braille student test booklets and answer documents Communication Assistance scripts student log-in information; and any other materials containing test items or student responses (e.g., scratch paper)
Test Security Materials: Storage and Use
Test materials must NEVER be left in open areas or unattended. Test Administrators (TA) should be given access to test materials ONLY on the day(s) the test is administered.
Test Security Accommodations for Special Populations
LEP accommodations are permitted on this assessment. Must be accommodations the student receives on a regular basis throughout the school year (IEP, IAP, ACE). Accommodations are in place only in order to give the student with disabilities a level playing field with non-disabled peers.
Test Security Test administrators testing students with accommodations should be provided with the following: Training on what accommodations each student will receive A list of the accommodations each student is set to receive and when they should receive them Processes for communicating with the testing coordinator should questions or issues arise during administration Test administrators testing students with accommodations, including small group, are expected to actively monitor during administration including moving about the room and ensuring limited student interaction during any breaks.
Test Security Classroom Preparation
The classroom must be prepared for testing. Manila folders or other visual barriers may be placed between adjacent computers to prevent students from viewing the computer monitors of neighboring students. If computer labs are configured in rows, care should be taken that students cannot see the work of students seated in front of them. Seating charts must be completed by each TA. Any content related bulletin boards, walls, or posters must be covered or removed. Conduct a walk through to determine that classroom preparation has occurred.
Test Security Test Administration Testing signs must be on door.
If TA does not know students, then an ID must be presented by the students before testing begins. TA must have a list of accommodations for the students. Students must have room for materials and to write at desks. TA must read directions as written.
Test Security Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Apple watches
If an individual student’s cell phone/electronic device/apple watch is seen, rings, or if there is any activity while the device is on the student’s person during the actual testing sessions, then the test on which the student is working will be voided. In such instances, the teacher is to collect the student’s test and answer document immediately and have a hall monitor take the student to the office. The student must remain out the classroom until testing is completed for that subject. An Irregularity Report and a Void Notification Form must be completed and sent to the Chip Farman as soon as possible.
Test Security Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Apple watches
If a student’s cell phone/electronic device/apple watch rings and it is with the items that have been collected, all students are to continue testing. An investigation by the Principal and School Test Coordinator will be conducted when testing is completed to determine if tests will be voided If a TA’s cell phone/electronic device/apple watch rings, is seen, or if there is any activity during testing, all students are to continue testing. An investigation by the Principal and School Test Coordinator will be conducted when testing is completed to determine if tests will be voided due to Administrative Error.
Test Security Administrative Error
Administrative errors that raise questions regarding the security of a test or the accuracy of the test data may result in the test being invalidated. Examples of administrative error include allowing students more than the maximum session time to complete a test or not administering accommodations correctly. When administrative errors occur, a Test Ticket must be invalidated and the LDOE must be notified. If tests are voided due to Administrative Error, a retest may be give prior to the next scheduled test administration. $350 charge to school for each retest due to administrative error.
Test Security How to Avoid a Violation Do not examine any test items.
Do not give students access to test questions prior to testing. Do not copy, reproduce, discuss, or use at any time, all or part of any secure test booklet or answer document. Do not coach examinees in any manner during the test.
Test Security How to Avoid a Violation
Do not alter or interfere with examinees’ responses in any way. Do not provide answers to students in any form - written, printed, verbal, or nonverbal. Administer the tests in a manner that is consistent with instructions provided by LDE. Follow all security regulations for distribution and return of secure materials.
Test Security How to Avoid a Violation
Have a written accounting of secure materials before, during, and after testing. Report ANY testing irregularities to the Principal and the District Test Coordinator. TESTING IRREGULARITY REPORT to DTC (Appendix IX) Testing irregularities to be on the look out for: Plagiarism Unauthorized materials use
Test Security Violations of test security are defined in Bulletin 118 and include: Administering tests in a manner that that would give examinees an unfair advantage or disadvantage Examining any test item at any time (except for providing certain accommodations) At any time reproducing or discussing all or part of any secure materials Administering previously administered or current forms of any state-wide assessment Failing to account for and secure test materials Conducting testing in alternate environments without approval Failing to report any testing irregularities Participating in, encouraging, or failing to report any violation Violations of test security can result in the revocation of a teaching or leadership certificate as defined in Bulletin 746.
Plagiarism Definition:
Plagiarism occurs when a student duplicates another student’s response or an external source. Examples include similar responses across multiple answer documents and use information from internet resources. Practices to prevent plagiarism: Administering the assessment to students taking the same test within the same day. Limiting reopened sessions by scheduling in such a way that ensures student completion of individual sessions. Prohibiting or limiting the use of other electronics within the testing environment Limiting access to backpacks and other belongings during the administration Ensuring technology readiness prior to administration in order to prevent previewing and reopened test sessions
Test Security What Happens After a Violation
The District Test Coordinator (DTC) shall be notified in writing immediately by the School Test Coordinator (STC) and Principal. STC must complete and submit the updated Void Notification form (page 19) to the District Test Coordinator. A form should be completed for each student involved in an incident. The District Test Coordinator (DTC) starts an investigation process. A report of the investigation and a written plan of action is provided to JPPSS and State Superintendent within 30 days. The District Test Coordinator must submit the completed Void forms to the LDOE with any other necessary documentation by Thursday, December 15.
When something out of the ordinary happens complete an irregularity form. WHEN IN DOUBT, FILL IT OUT.
State Monitoring During Testing
Monitor’s Role Observing testing Documenting observations Notifying LDOE of issues requiring immediate attention NOT Monitor’s Role Assisting in testing including supervision of students or materials Answering questions regarding testing Providing immediate feedback to schools
District Monitoring During Testing
DISTRICT monitors will be in the schools during all phases of testing. Monitor’s Role Observing testing Documenting observations Notifying LDOE of issues requiring immediate attention NOT Monitor’s Role Assisting in testing including supervision of students or materials Answering questions regarding testing Providing immediate feedback to schools
Test Security Training at School Site
Use PowerPoint to train all personnel. Training must be completed by November 11, 2016 Record of training must be scanned and ed to Yolanda Rollins by Friday, November 11, 2016. Use Appendix V for sign-in sheet. Test administrators must have ample time to read the manual before testing occurs. At least one week before testing begins.
Summary Summary Test Security is of the utmost importance.
Completely read the entire “JPPSS Test Security Policy” and Test Administrator Manual BEFORE testing begins.
Active Monitoring Definition:
Active monitoring means that test administrators should be actively engaged in observing students’ behavior at all times during the administration of state assessments. Practices to ensure active monitoring: Active monitoring involves moving about the testing area so students’ actions can be viewed from multiple vantage points. Test administrators should not be engaged in other activities that would distract or prevent them from accomplishing this task. Test administrators should glance down at the tops and margins of the test to ensure that students are working in the correct portion of the test. Test administrators must be aware that active monitoring also applies to maintaining test security during breaks by limiting interaction between students. Test administrators testing in a small group should pay attention to ensure students receive the appropriate accommodations at the appropriate times.
Active Monitoring While it is essential to actively monitor during test administration, it is considered a violation of test security for test administrators to do any of the following: Unauthorized viewing of test content for any reason other than to ensure students are working on the correct area is a violation and can include: Viewing test content long enough to determine the essence a question or prompt Looking the test booklet to determine if a student marked responses Viewing a testing booklet to see if a student used a strategy Memorizing test questions Copying test questions Examining a graph or illustration
Active Monitoring Ensuring the Proper Monitoring of Students
It is strongly recommended that one test administrator and at least one proctor for every 15 students be present in a room during testing. Adding a proctor to the testing situation, even for a small group of students, allows the test administrator to address any issues while still maintaining test security. This is especially important for the computer-based testing due to the nature of the online environment.
Test Scheduling Guidance
Scheduling practices that limit interaction between tested and untested students as well as maintain a secure environment lessen opportunities for testing irregularities to occur. Examples of good scheduling practices include: Limiting reopened test sessions by having students complete test sessions within a single seating Scheduling students participating in the same test to be assessed at the same time or within the same day with no interaction Administering make-up test on the day the student returns in order to eliminate interaction with others already tested Utilizing a proctor to maintain security of any student that needs to leave the testing environment during the test
Test Scheduling Guidance
Testing should be scheduled to allow students enough time to complete a test session on the same day it is begun. Review testing schedule and suggested times for each session in the TCM. If testing is disrupted by emergencies, lost Internet connections, lost power, or computer crashes and students are unable to continue testing on the same day, the STC should document what occurred as a testing irregularity and notify Chip Farman.
Test Scheduling Guidance
When scheduling test sessions, School Test Coordinators need to ensure that all sessions may be completed as directed. Students must be able to complete the entire session once it has been started. Only students with the designated accommodation Extended Time will be allowed to exit out of a test session and complete it at a later time within the same day. Test Tickets for all In Progress sessions will automatically lock at the end of each day.
Test Scheduling Guidance
In order to plan for administration of the EOC, STCs shall submit testing schedules. After test sessions have been created, export to Excel. Send Excel spreadsheet to JoLynn Tompson Schedules must be completed by Wednesday, November 16, 2016.
Key eDIRECT Dates
Key EOC Dates
Resources Available in eDIRECT
Which students must test in December?
Students completing EOC courses in high schools with block schedules Students completing the second semester of an EOC course Retesters who need EOC as graduation test Students completing EOC courses in the summer or early fall and have not had a chance to test Students enrolled in a Course Choice course and complete an EOC course in the fall.
Rules for Transfer Students
A transfer student is not required to take the EOC tests for courses he/she already successfully completed for Carnegie credit. A transfer student shall be required to take the EOC test for courses he/she previously took but did not pass. A transfer student may choose to take an EOC test for a course he/she successfully completed if he/she scored Needs Improvement on an EOC test in another course and the student must pass the EOC test for one of the EOC pairs.
Alerts Test Security Policy
To the extent that it is feasible and with the exception of teachers testing students with accommodations, STCs should assign a Teacher or Test Administrator who is NOT the teacher of record to administer tests to students.
Alerts Preidentified Students
DRC will upload preidentified students who were identified in the Student Information System (SIS) database. Preidentified students must be placed into test sessions, either by manually creating test sessions or by uploading multiple test sessions. Nonpreidentified students must be added to eDIRECT manually. Step-by-step instructions to add or edit students in eDIRECT can be found in the eDIRECT Test Setup User Guide for EOC.
Alerts Accountability Codes (Testing Codes)
A student’s testing codes information cannot be added until the student has been added to a test session in eDIRECT. See the eDIRECT Test Setup User Guide for EOC for step-by-step instructions on how to add accountability codes.
Alerts Teacher, Course, Section
A student’s teacher, course, and section may be viewed or edited through the Testing Codes tab. Pre-populated for all preidentified students. Non-preidentified students, this information can be populated through the Test Session Upload file or manually added. Refer to the eDIRECT Test Setup User Guide for EOC for step-by-step instructions on how to manage teacher, course and section information.
Alerts Demographics Demographic information must be completed for newly added students. Only Grade, Special Education Student, Special Education Exceptionality, Limited English Proficient, and Sec- tion 504 fields are editable for precode students. Refer to the eDIRECT Test Setup User Guide for EOC for step-by-step instructions on how to add or edit student demographics.
Alerts STCs must assign accommodations to all special education, Section 504, and Limited English Proficient (LEP) students before students are placed into eDIRECT test sessions so students with accommodations receive the correct forms. Students who are approved to use accommodations during online testing, please indicate in eDIRECT which accommodations they will use, by content area. Instructions for adding student accommodations can be found in the eDIRECT Test Setup User Guide for EOC. Accommodations cannot be assigned after a student begins testing. When an accommodation is not properly assigned, it must be reported as a testing irregularity and properly documented.
Alerts Tests Read Aloud
The text-to-speech (TTS) function is available for students testing online who require that their test be read aloud. TTS allows students testing online to listen via headphones or speakers to test information displayed on the screen. Words and numbers, including test directions, questions, answer choices, and other information will be read aloud and can be repeated as necessary. Due to the absence of Spanish TTS in the Fall administration, Spanish Human Reader DVDs are also available (one per district) for the District Test Coordinator to request using the eDIRECT Additional Materials System.
Alerts Tests Read Aloud
If more than one student is using TTS and testing concurrently, they must each have their own computer and individual headphones. The English II and English III reading passages in sessions 2 and 3 and their related questions may not be read aloud or signed; doing so is a violation of test security resulting in voiding of the tests. The passage in English II, Session 1, Writing, and the two sources in English III, Session 1, Writing, may be read aloud or signed to students assigned the accommodations Tests Read Aloud and Communication Assistance.
Alerts Large Print Accommodation
All online test content has been developed to scale in relation to the available area on larger monitors, which maintains the correct aspect ratio. Prior to testing the STC must arrange for and have on-hand the appropriate size monitor based on the student’s needs. Additionally, students may utilize the magnification tools to increase text to 1.5 and 2.0. Braille Accommodation Students with the braille accommodation will receive a braille test booklet. All braille responses will need to be transcribed into the INSIGHT System. If braille materials are needed, the DTC should request them using the eDIRECT Additional Materials System.
Alerts EOC Tests Reports
Reports for all subjects become available three to four days after a student completes all sessions of a test and exits the test properly. The additional time is required to score more complex test questions such as the 4-point constructed response, extended-response questions, and the English language arts essays. STCs are responsible for distributing reports to teachers. Teachers will not have access to reports within eDIRECT. All reports will be grouped by classroom for quick distribution. Refer to the eDIRECT Reports User Guide for EOC for step-by-step instructions on how to access reports.
Alerts Seniors Eligible for Rescore
Eligible grade 12 students will automatically qualify for a rescore during the testing window. Eligibility is defined as a scaled score that is within 10 points (Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, or U.S. History) or within 20 points (English II or English III) below the Fair achievement level. When a student’s test is being rescored, the status in the reports will show as Pending. If the student’s score increases to the Fair achievement level as a result of the rescore, the new score will become available. If the rescore does not result in a Fair score, the report’s status will no longer be Pending and the original score will become available.
Alerts Post Administration Rescoring Process
Students may request a rescoring of their test(s) if the scores meet the following criterion. Rescoring requests that do not meet the criterion will not be granted. Eligibility is defined as a scaled score that is within 10 points (Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, or U.S. History) or within 20 points (English II or English III) below the Fair achievement level. See page 17 for the process and cost to request rescores. STC fills out the request, gets signatures, and brings the paperwork and money order to Jo Lynn Tompson at 501 Manhatthan Blvd.
Alerts Post Administration Rescoring Process
Students may request a rescoring of their test(s) if the scores meet the following criterion. Rescoring requests that do not meet the criterion will not be granted. Eligibility is defined as a scaled score that is within 10 points (Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, or U.S. History) or within 20 points (English II or English III) below the Fair achievement level. See page 17 for the process and cost to request rescores. STC fills out the request, gets signatures, and brings the paperwork and money order to Jo Lynn Tompson at 501 Manhatthan Blvd.
Alerts Computer Labs purchased with Carl Perkins Funds must be used for the programs for which they were purchased. If a lab is not being used full time during a day, it may be used to administer the EOC tests during the time it is not being used for Career and Technical Education.
Alerts EOCs should be scheduled with sufficient time for completion
Only students with the designated accommodation Extended Time will be allowed to exit out of a test session and complete it at a later time within the same day. Students returning to complete a testing session should be monitored for interaction with other students during the testing break. The one-day policy for completing test sessions will apply to all subjects and test sessions. Testing irregularities that raise questions regarding test security or accuracy of test data may result in a test being voided. If you believe a test should be voided, call immediately. Voids and irregularities must be scanned and ed to Chip Farman by the end of each testing day.
What if we experience problems during testing?
Questions ????? School Level Users
For questions about the EOC Tests system or assistance during testing, please have your schools call the help desk at: Support is available from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT s can be sent to the EOC Tests Help Desk at requests will be answered within one business day.
DRC Help Desk Support Louisiana Customer Service
If districts or schools experience difficulties with online testing setup or administration, please contact Louisiana Customer Service at or
Where To Access This Presentation
Go to: Departments Testing
Contact Information Chip Farman Office: Blackberry: Jo Lynn Tompson
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