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Combating The Privacy Crime That Can Kill

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1 Combating The Privacy Crime That Can Kill
HITSS It Out of the Park 9 April 2015

2 Case History Examples of Identity theft Medical Identity Theft: Recommendations for the Age of Electronic Medical Records -California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris

3 Harris: “The move to electronic medical records provides an opportunity to address this serious quality-of-care issue….There are lessons to be learned from other industries that have experience in detecting and responding to fraud in electronic transactions.”

4 How Medical ID Theft Happens
Consensual Individual gives personal information to an acquaintance in order to receive care, goods, or services. 30 percent of all ID theft victims admit to sharing personal information with someone they knew. Expected to decline as ACA extends insurance to uninsured individuals.

5 How Medical ID Theft Happens
Unknown to the victim Very often from industry insiders Sometimes from strangers via normal ID theft routes Organized crime statistics

6 Impact/Potential Impact Still the Same
Inflict financial harm Quality of Care Incorrect history Incorrect diagnosis Incorrect treatment Dire consequences regardless if the crime was committed by a friend or a stranger

7 Difficulties with detection
Ponemon Institute: approximately 1.84 million victims in 2013. How many people actually read their statement of benefits? Timeliness?

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