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shift to the Test Mode (Forced Operation).
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-1. Test Function (Forced Operation / Forced Defrost Function) If When pressing the Power Freeze and Fridge buttons for 8 seconds at the same time, it will shift to the Test Mode and the entire Display Panel will go off. Each time when any one of the buttons on the Display Panel is pressed within 15 seconds after shifting to the Test Mode, its operation will be shifted in the order of Forced Operation 1 (FF 1) → Forced Operation 2 (FF 2) → Forced Operation 3 (FF 3) → Forced F/R Defrost (Fd) → Cancellation (Display all off). When there is no button pressed within 15 seconds after being shifted to the Test Mode, the Test Mode will be cancelled and it will shift to the normal display mode. To cancel the Test Mode while it is performing the Test Mode, it is recommended to plug out and plug in the unit. 1) Forced Operation ① ① Press the Power Freeze and Fridge buttons for 8 seconds at the same, The entire Display will be off, and when pressing any one of the buttons, it will shift to the Test Mode (Forced Operation). ①
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-1. Test Function (Forced Operation / Forced Defrost Function) 1-1) When any one of the buttons is pressed once at the Test Mode, "FF 1" will light up on the Display which indicates Forced Operation #1. And, it will send out "Beeping" alarms. 1-2) Each time when any one of the buttons is pressed at the Forced Operation #1, "FF 2“ and "FF 3" will be followed, each indicating the Forced Operation #2 and #3. And, it is to run the compressor in different RPM. Forced Operation #1 Forced Operation #2 Forced Operation #3 1-3) When the Forced Operation is selected, the compressor starts without a 7-minute delay in any operation mode. At this time, when it is in a Defrost mode, it stops defrosting and the Forced Operation begins (If the Forced Operation begins as soon as the Compressor stops, it may cause the overload. So, take care when entering into the Forced Operation.) 1-4) When the Forced Operation is selected, the Compressor and the F-Fan operates for 24 hours without stopping and the Fridge compartment operates based on the set temperature.
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-1. Test Function (Forced Operation / Forced Defrost Function) 1-5) When the Forced Operation is selected, the Freezer compartment will be set to -8℉(-22℃), and the Fridge compartment will be set to 32℉(1℃) automatically. 1-6) During the Forced Operation, the Power Cool function does not work. When the Power Cool function is selected, its electric icon automatically goes off in 10 seconds. 1-7) To cancel the Forced Operation in the middle of the Test function, turn off the power and turn it on again, or select the Test Cancellation mode. 1-8) The alarm sound during the Forced Operation (0.25 sec On and 0.75 sec Off) keeps on until the Forced Operation completes and there is no cancellation function. 2) Forced Defrost (R,F) Function 2-1) When any one of the buttons is pressed once more at the Forced Operation (FF 3), "Fd" lights up on the Display Panel and the Forced Operation is cancelled and the Fridge and the Freezer compartments start defrosting. 2-2) At this time, it does "Beeping°± alarms for 3 seconds. And then, the alarm sound repeats 0.1 sec On and sec Off which keeps on until the Forced R/F-Defrost finishes. 3) Test Cancellation Mode 3-1) While it is defrosting at the Fridge and the Freezer compartments simultaneously, shift the Display Panel to the Test Mode and press any one of the buttons once more. Then, the Defrost Mode will be cancelled and it goes to the normal operation mode. Or, turn off the unit and turn it on to cancel the Test function.
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-2. Communication Error Display Function 1) Indicating Communication Error between Display Panel ↔ MICOM 1-1) When there is no reply from MICOM on the Display Panel PCB for 10 seconds after it receives a communication request, the "Pc - Er" error code blinks until the Communication Error is cancelled (0.5 sec ALL ON, 0.5 sec ALL OFF alternately) 1-2) The Pantry Room Display also blinks until the error is cancelled (0.5 sec On & 0.5 sec Off) 2) Indicating Option Error between Display Panel ↔ MICOM 2-1) It blinks "OP-Er" until the Option Error is cancelled.
seconds, the Self-Diagnosis Error Mode will be cancelled.
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-3. Self Diagnosis Function ① ① When pressing the ① Power Freeze + Power Cool buttons simultaneously for 8 seconds, the Self-Diagnosis Error Mode will be cancelled. Self Diagnosis with Initial Power-On 1) When the unit is plugged in, its MICOM checks if there are no defects in the various sensors within one second. 2) When there is any defective sensor during the Self-Diagnosis, the related segment in the LED blinks at an interval of 0.5 sec. At this time, there is no beeping alarm. (Refer to the Self-Diagnosis Check List) 3) When there is a defective sensor with the Display Panel flashing an error code, only the Self-Diagnosis function buttons work. And, the Display Panel does not work normally and it operates under an emergency mode. 4) The errors being occurred during the Self-Diagnosis can be cleared when the defective sensors repaired or when the Self-Diagnosis function buttons (Power Freeze + Power Cool) are pressed for 10 seconds simultaneously. (It shifts to the Normal Display Mode)
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-3. Self Diagnosis Function ① ① Self-Diagnosis During Normal Operation 1) During the Normal Operation, press the Power Freeze + Power Cool buttons for 6 seconds. Then, the entire Display Panel blinks at intervals of 0.5 seconds for 2 seconds. When pressing the Power Freeze Power Cool buttons for 8 seconds including the 2-second blinking time, it goes into the Self-Diagnosis function. 2) When it goes into the Self-Diagnosis function, it sends out a "Ding Dong" sound. And, the error code stays on for 30 seconds and it goes back to the normal operation (When it goes back to the normal operation, it also sends out "Ding Dong" sound). 3) During the Self-Diagnosis, it is not possible to control the buttons.
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-3. Self Diagnosis Function Self-diagnosis CHECK LIST F-10 R-10 F-1 R-1 ⓐ ⓕ ⓑ ⓖ ⓔ ⓒ ⓓ NO Error Code List Display LED Description 1 Ice Maker Sensor Error R-1-ⓐ Ice Maker Sensor Related 2 R-Sensor Error R-1-ⓑ R-Sensor Related 3 R-DEF-Sensor Error R-1-ⓒ R-DEF-Sensor Related 4 R-FAN Error R-1-ⓓ R-FAN Related 5 Ice Maker Function Error R-1-ⓔ Ice Maker Function Related 6 R-DEF. - Heater Error R-1-ⓖ Fridge Defrost Parts Related
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-3. Self Diagnosis Function Self-diagnosis CHECK LIST NO Error Code List Display LED Description 7 Ambient-Sensor Error F-1-ⓐ Ambient-Sensor Related 8 F-Sensor Error F-1-ⓑ F-Sensor Related 9 F-DEF-Sensor Error F-1-ⓒ F-DEF-Sensor Related 10 F-FAN Error F-1-ⓓ F-FAN Related 11 C-FAN Error F-1-ⓔ C-FAN Related 12 F-DEF. - Heater Error F-1-ⓖ Freezer Defrost Parts Related 13 Pantry-Damper-Heater Error R-10-ⓐ Damper Heater Open or Wire Defect 14 Pantry-Sensor Error R-10-ⓑ Pantry-Sensor Related 15 Communication Error between Display Panel ↔ MICOM F-10-ⓖ Communication Trouble between Display Panel ↔ MICOM 16 Ice Pipe Heater Error R-10-ⓕ Water Tank Heater Open / Wiring Defect
Ice Maker Function Error
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-3. Self Diagnosis Function Self-Diagnosis Error Code Description LED Item Error Description Trouble Shooting R-1-ⓐ Ice Maker Sensor Error Slipped out Sensor Housing, Defective Wire Contact, Wire-Cut, Wire-Short, When the sensor pickup temp is over 149℉ (+65°C) or under -58℉(-50°C), the Error Code lights up. Voltage between MAIN PCB CN90 #8 and #4 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. R-1-ⓑ R-Sensor Error Voltage between MAIN PCB CN30 #6 ↔ CN76 #1 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. R-1-ⓒ R-DEF-Sensor Error Voltage between MAIN PCB CN30 #8 ↔ CN76 #1 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. R-1-ⓓ R-FAN Error When the related Fan Motor operates, it occurs if the contact of the Feed Back Signal Wire is defective, the Motor Wire is slipped out or the Motor is defective. Voltage between MAIN PCB CN76 #4 (Orange) ↔ #1 (Gray) should be within 7V~12V. R-1-ⓔ Ice Maker Function Error When there are ice ejection or ice tray parallel position errors over three times, the Error Code lights up ** Only applied to the model with an Ice maker Replace the Ice Maker and check it after replug in the unit. R-1-ⓖ R-DEF. Error [ R-Defrost Heater ] Wire Harness Slipped-Out, Contact Error, Wire Cut, Defect Temp Fuse When the defrosting does not finish after 80-minute continuous heating, the error occurs. After separating MAIN PCB CN70 and CN71 from PCB, check the continuity between CN70 White↔CN71 Orange. The resistance should be within 110(440) ohm ±7%. (according to the input voltage, the resistance value changes) When it is 0 Ohm, check if the Heater is short and when it is ∞Ohm, check if it is open. (Make sure to plug out the unit)
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-3. Self Diagnosis Function Self-Diagnosis Error Code Description LED Item Error Description Trouble Shooting F-1-ⓐ Ambient-Sensor Error Slipped out Sensor Housing, Defective Wire Contact, Wire-Cut, Wire-Short, When the sensor pickup temp is over 149℉ (+65°C) or under -58℉(-50°C), the Error Code lights up. Voltage between MAIN PCB CN31 #1 and #4 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. F-1-ⓑ F-Sensor Error Voltage between MAIN PCB CN30 #3 ↔ CN76 #1 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. F-1-ⓒ F-DEF-Sensor Error Voltage between MAIN PCB CN30 #4 ↔ CN76 #1 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. F-1-ⓓ F-FAN Error When the related Fan Motor operates, it occurs if the contact of the Feed Back Signal Wire is defective, the Motor Wire is slipped out or the Motor is defective. Voltage between MAIN PCB CN76 #3 (Yellow) ↔ #1(Gray) should be within 7V~12V. F-1-ⓔ C-FAN Error Voltage between MAIN PCB CN76 #5 (Skyblue) ↔ #1 Gray) should be within 7V~12V. F-1-ⓖ F-DEF. Error [ F-Defrost Heater ] Wire Harness Slipped-Out, Contact Error, Wire Cut, Defect Temp Fuse When the defrosting does not finish after 70minute continuous heating, the error occurs. After separating MAIN PCB CN70 and CN71 from PCB, check the continuity between CN70 Brown ↔ CN71 Orange. The resistance should be within 55 ohm ±7%. (according to the input voltage, the resistance value changes) When it is 0 Ohm, check if the Heater is short and when it is ∞ Ohm, check if it is open. (Make sure to plug out the unit)
Pantry-Damper-Heater Error Panel↔Main communication Error
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-3. Self Diagnosis Function Self-Diagnosis Error Code Description LED Item Error Description Trouble Shooting R-10-ⓐ Pantry-Damper-Heater Error The Error Code lights up when the Damper Heater is detected as Open Error because of Damper Heater Harness Slipped-Out, Contact Error or Wire Cut. After separating MAIN PCB CN91 from PCB, check the continuity between Black ↔ Brown wires. The resistance should be within 145 ohm ±7%. When it is 0 Ohm, check if the Heater is short and when it is ∞ Ohm, check if it is cut or slipped out. R-10-ⓑ Pantry-Sensor Error Slipped out Sensor Housing, Defective Wire Contact, Wire-Cut, Wire-Short, When the sensor pickup temp is over 149℉ (+65℃) or under -58℉(-50℃), the Error Code lights up. Voltage between MAIN PCB CN30 #9 ↔ CN76 #1 should be within 4.5V~1.0V. R-10-ⓖ Panel↔Main communication Error When there is no communication between MICOM MAIN ↔ PANEL, the Display Panel shows the "Pc - Er" error and sends out alarm sound. Also, when the specifications between the Main and the Display PCBs, "OP - Er" lights up. It needs an Oscilloscope to test. But, if there is not such a thing and there is no wire or connector problem, replace the MAIN or PANEL PCB. F-10-ⓕ Ice Pipe-Heater Error The Error Code lights up when the Ice Pipe Heater is detected as Open Error because of Damper Heater Harness Slipped-Out, Contact Error or Wire Cut. After separating MAIN PCB CN79 from PCB, check the continuity between Blue ↔ White wires. The resistance should be within 72 ohm ± 7%. When it is 0 Ohm, check if the Heater is short and when it is ∞ Ohm, check if it is cut or slipped out (Refer to the Schematic Diagram)
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-4. Load Status Display Function ① ② ① When pressing the ① Power Freeze + Power Cool buttons for 6 seconds simultaneously, the entire Display Panel blinks at an interval of 0.5 sec for 2 seconds. While it is blinking, press ② Fridge button to enter the Load Status Display Mode. 1) At the normal operation, press the Power Freeze + Power Cool buttons for 6 seconds. Then, the entire Display Panel blinks at intervals of 0.5 second for 2 seconds. 2) At this time, release the Power Freeze + Power Cool buttons and press the Fridge button. Then, with “Ding Dong” sound, it goes into the Load Display mode. 3) The Load Display function shows what MICOM signals come out from MAIN PCB. But, it just indicates that there are MICOM signals coming out. It does not necessarily mean that the related parts (Loads) are operating. In other word, even though it shows a certain load working, the related part may not operate due to such as a defective PCB relay or the defective part itself. Also, this function can be used in trouble-shooting. 4) The Load Display function lasts for 30 seconds and then it goes back to the normal operation. 5) The Load Display will be as follows.
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-4. Load Status Display Function Load mode CHECK LIST F-10 R-10 F-1 R-1 ⓐ ⓕ ⓑ ⓖ ⓔ ⓒ ⓓ Display LED Item Description R-1-ⓐ R-FAN High Indicating R-FAN is running High R-1-ⓑ R-FAN Low Indicating R-FAN is running Low R-1-ⓒ R-DEF Heater Indicating R-DEF Heater is running R-1-ⓓ Start Mode Indicating initial power is applied
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-4. Load Status Display Function Load mode CHECK LIST Display LED Item Description R-1-ⓔ Overload condition Indicating the ambient temp is over 93℉(34°C) R-1-ⓕ Low temperature condition Indicating the ambient temp is lower than 72℉(22°C) F-1-ⓔ,ⓕ ALL LED Off Normal Condition Indicating the ambient temp is between 73℉(23°C) ~ 91℉(33°C) R1-ⓖ Exhibition Mode Indicating the unit is in Exhibition Mode F-1-ⓐ COMP. Indicating the Compressor is running F-1-ⓑ F-FAN High Indicating F-FAN is running High F-1-ⓒ F-FAN Low Indicating F-FAN is running Low F-1-ⓓ F-DEF Heater Indicating F-DEF Heater is running R-10-ⓔ C-FAN High Indicating C-FAN is running High R-10-ⓕ C-FAN Low Indicating C-FAN is running Low F-1-ⓖ Dispenser Heater Indicating Dispenser Heater is running R-10-ⓖ French Heater Indicating French Heater is running R-10-ⓐ Pantry Room Damper Open Indicatiing Pantry Room Damper is open Ice Pipe Heater Indicating Ice Pipe Heater is on
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-5. Exhibition Mode ① ① When pressing ① Power Freeze + Freezer buttons for 3 seconds simultaneously, it shifts to the Display mode. 1) At the normal operation, press the Fridge + Power Cool buttons for 6 seconds simultaneously. Then, the entire Display Panel blinks at intervals of 0.5 second for 4 seconds. (It sends out "Ding-Dong" sound.) 2) When the Power Freeze and the Freezer buttons are pressed again for 6 seconds simultaneously, the Exhibition Mode will be canceled. 3) When the Exhibition Mode is engaged, the "OF-OF" code lights up on the Display Panel indicating that it is in the Exhibition Mode. 4) When the F-Room Sensor or the R-Room Sensor signals that it is over 65℃ during the Exhibition Mode, the Exhibition Mode will be cancelled automatically and it goes to the normal cooling operation. (At this time, there will be no "Ding-Dong" sound.) 5) Operations upon Exhibition Mode - The Display Panel, the Fan Motor and all others operate except the Compressor. - The Defrost and the French Heaters do not operate. - The real temperature display function will be off. - When there is power failure or when the unit is plugged out and plugged in again during the Exhibition Mode, the Exhibition Mode will maintain.
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-6. Option setting function At the normal operation mode, press the Freezer + Fridge buttons for 12 seconds at the same time, the Freezer and the Fridge Temperature Display will shift to the Option Setting Mode. ① ① When pressing the ① Freeze + Fridge buttons for 12 seconds at the same time, it will enter into the Option Setting Mode.
How to Control the Buttons at the Option Mode
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-6. Option setting function How to Control the Buttons at the Option Mode Reference Value Down Code Down Code Up Code Reference Value Reference Value Up ※ Button Control at Option Mode Power Freeze Key Code Down key Freezer Key Code Up key Power Cool key Reference Value down key Fridge key Reference Value Up key
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-6. Option setting function When the Display Panel shifts to the Option Setting mode, the entire Display will turn off except the Freezer and the Fridge LED as shown below. (The procedures of doing the Option Setting is the same for all. So, it will introduce the Fridge and the Freezer compartments at here.) Code Reference Value 1) For example, if you want to shift the standard temp of the Freezer compartment by-4℉(-2℃), follow the steps below. This function is to change the default temperature and when the default temperature of the Fridge compartment is -2℉(-19℃) and the default setting is lowered by -4℉(-2℃) with the Option function, the default temperature will be controlled at -6℉(-21℃). That is, when changing temperature options, the Fridge compartment will operate at -6℉ (-21℃) internally even if it shows -2℉(-19℃) on the display panel. Therefore, the temperature will be controlled by -4℉(-2℃) lower than the set temperature on the display panel. Basically, when units being shipped out, all the data in the Option function are cleared. That is, the Default settings are “0”. However, for the purpose of quality improvement during mass production, the Default values may change. Therefore, be sure to check quality information, such as SVC bulletins. NOTE
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-6. Option setting function 2) After shifting to the Option mode, "0" lights up on both temperature LEDs of the Display Panel. (When units being shipped out, both of the compartments shall be set to "0".However, for the purpose of quality improvement during mass production, the Default values may change.) When only "0" lights up on the Fridge temperature LED, the Freezer Temperature Reference Value shall be set and the current set temperature will show on the display panel.) 3) When it is set to "4" at the Fridge temperature LED, the Fridge default temperature is lowered by -4℉(-2.0℃) (Refer to the Freezer Temperature Shifting Draft.) Code Reference Value : When you wait for 20 seconds after changing the temperature, MICOM will store the set value in EEPROM. And, it goes back to the normal display and the Option Setting Mode is Cancelled.
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-6. Option setting function 4) The above Option Setting procedure is the same for all RF263/266** models. 5) With the same method in the above, it is possible to change the Fridge Temperature, the Water Supply Time, the Ice Ejection Temperature / Time, the Defrosting Off Temperature, Temperature Hysteresis, Temperature Control Gap, etc. 6) Since option is already set in EEPROM while shipping, do not change it randomly except for emergencies anddo not turn off power before restoring to normal display because option is completed as long as it can restore to normal display after 20 sec. The Option function can be used for some purposes, but it has got to with the unit programming. It is not related with repairing the unit. So, it is not introduced in this manual. (Except the above, do not change other values.) NOTE
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-7. Option Table Freezer Temperature Shift Table Setting ITEM Freezer Temp Shift MODEL RF263/266** Reference Value Fridge Room 7-SEG Set Value Temp. compensation Freezer Code 8 +1℉ (+0.5°C) 1 -1℉ (-0.5°C) 9 +2℉ (+1.0°C) 2 -2℉ (-1.0°C) 10 +3℉ (+1.5°C) 3 -3℉ (-1.5°C) 11 +4℉ (+2.0°C) 4 -4℉ (-2.0°C) 12 +5℉ (+2.5°C) 5 -5℉ (-2.5°C) 13 +6℉ (+3.0°C) 6 -6℉ (-3.0°C) 14 +7℉ (+3.5°C) 7 -7℉ (-3.5°C) 15 +8℉ (+4.0°C) Code Reference Value ex) To decrease the Freezer Default Temperature by ℉(-2℃)
3.Alignment & Adjustment
3-7. Option Table Fridge Temperature Shift Table Setting ITEM Freezer Temp Shift MODEL RF263/266** Reference Value Fridge Room 7-SEG 1 Set Value Temp. compensation Freezer Code 8 +1℉ (+0.5°C) 1 -1℉ (-0.5°C) 9 +2℉ (+1.0°C) 2 -2℉ (-1.0°C) 10 +3℉ (+1.5°C) 3 -3℉ (-1.5°C) 11 +4℉ (+2.0°C) 4 -4℉ (-2.0°C) 12 +5℉ (+2.5°C) 5 -5℉ (-2.5°C) 13 +6℉ (+3.0°C) 6 -6℉ (-3.0°C) 14 +7℉ (+3.5°C) 7 -7℉ (-3.5°C) 15 +8℉ (+4.0°C) Code Reference Value ex) To decrease the Fridge Default Temperature by ℉(2℃)
Ice Ejection Standby Time
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-7. Option Table Changing the Ice Ejection Standby Time It controls the standby time of the ice ejection. Setting ITEM Ice Ejection Standby Time Reference Value Fridge Room 7-SEG 3 Set Value Temp. compensation Freezer Code 58 8 50 1 57 9 49 2 56 10 48 3 55 11 47 4 54 12 46 5 53 13 45 6 52 14 59 7 51 15 60 Code Reference Value ex) when changing the Ice Ejection Standby Time by 60 min
Ice Frozen Temperature Change
3.Alignment & Adjustment 3-7. Option Table Changing the Ice Maker Sensor Temp It is the criteria temperature to decide if the ice on the Ice Maker gets frozen completely. Setting ITEM Ice Frozen Temperature Change Reference Value Fridge Room 7-SEG 4 Set Value Temp. compensation Freezer Code 1.4℉ (-17°C) 1 3.2℉ (-16°C) 2 5.0℉ (-15°C) 3 6.8℉ (-14°C) 4 8.6℉ (-13°C) 5 10.4℉ (-12°C) 6 -0.4℉ (-18°C) 7 2.2℉ (-19°C) Code Reference Value ex) when changing the Ice Maker Sensor Temp to 5.0℉(-15℃)
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