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Power in QTL linkage analysis
Shaun Purcell & Pak Sham SGDP, IoP, London, UK F:\pshaun\power.ppt
Power primer Statistics (e.g. chi-squared, z-score) are continuous measures of support for a certain hypothesis YES NO Test statistic YES OR NO decision-making : significance testing Inevitably leads to two types of mistake : false positive (YES instead of NO) (Type I) false negative (NO instead of YES) (Type II)
Hypothesis testing Null hypothesis : no effect
A ‘significant’ result means that we can reject the null hypothesis A ‘nonsignificant’ result means that we cannot reject the null hypothesis
Statistical significance
The ‘p-value’ The probability of a false positive error if the null were in fact true Typically, we are willing to incorrectly reject the null 5% or 1% of the time (Type I error)
Misunderstandings p - VALUES
that the p value is the probability of the null hypothesis being true that high p values mean large and important effects NULL HYPOTHESIS that nonrejection of the null implies its truth
leads to the conclusion that the null is false BUT, this may be trivial IF A RESULT IS NONSIGNIFICANT leads only to the conclusion that it cannot be concluded that the null is false
Alternate hypothesis Neyman & Pearson (1928) ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS
specifies a precise, non-null state of affairs with associated risk of error
P(T) Critical value T Sampling distribution if H0 were true
Sampling distribution if HA were true P(T) Critical value T
Nonsignificant result
STATISTICS Rejection of H0 Nonrejection of H0 Type I error at rate Nonsignificant result H0 true R E A L I T Y Type II error at rate Significant result HA true POWER =(1- )
Power The probability of rejection of a false null-hypothesis
depends on - the significance crtierion () - the sample size (N) - the effect size (NCP) “The probability of detecting a given effect size in a population from a sample of size N, using significance criterion ”
Impact of alpha P(T) Critical value T
Impact of effect size, N
P(T) Critical value T
- avoiding false positives vs. dealing with false negatives MAGNITUDE VS. SIGNIFICANCE - highly significant very important INTERPRETING NONSIGIFICANT RESULTS - nonsignficant results only meaningful if power is high POWER SURVEYS / META-ANALYSES - low power undermines the confidence that can be placed in statistically significant results
Practical Exercise 1 Calculation of power for simple case-control association study. DATA : allele frequency of “A” allele for cases and controls TEST : 2-by-2 contingency table : chi-squared (1 degree of freedom)
Step 1 : determine expected chi-squared
Hypothetical allele frequencies Cases P(A) = 0.68 Controls P(A) = 0.54 Sample 150 cases, 150 controls Excel spreadsheet : faculty drive:\pshaun\chisq.xls Chi-squared statistic = 12.36
P(T) Critical value T Step 2. Determine the critical value for a given
type I error rate, - inverse central chi-squared distribution P(T) Critical value T
df = 1 , NCP = 0 X 0.05 0.01 0.001
Step 3. Determine the power for a given critical value
and non-centrality parameter - non-central chi-squared distribution P(T) Critical value T
Determining power df = 1 , NCP = 12.36 X Power 0.05 3.84146
0.94 0.83 0.59
Exercises Using the spreadsheet and the chi-squared calculator, what is power (for the 3 levels of alpha) 1. … if the sample size were 300 for each group? 2. … if allele frequencies were 0.24 and 0.18 for 750 cases and 750 controls?
Answers 1. NCP = Power 2. NCP = Power nb. Stata : di 1-nchi(df,NCP,invchi(df,))
QTL linkage POWER Type I errors Variance explained Type II errors
Sample N Effect Size Allele frequencies Genetic values Variance explained
Power of tests For chi-squared tests on large samples, power is determined by non-centrality parameter () and degrees of freedom (df) = E(2lnL1 - 2lnL0) = E(2lnL1 ) - E(2lnL0) where expectations are taken at asymptotic values of maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) under an assumed true model
Linkage test HA H0 for i=j for ij for i=j for ij
Expected log likelihood under H0
Expectation of the quadratic product is simply s, the sibship size (note: standarised trait)
Expected log likelihood under HA
Linkage test Expected NCP
For sib-pairs under complete marker information Determinant of 2-by-2 standardised covariance matrix = 1 - r2
Approximation of NCP NCP per sib pair is proportional to
- the # of pairs in the sibship (large sibships are powerful) - the square of the additive QTL variance (decreases rapidly for QTL of v. small effect) - the sibling correlation (structure of residual variance is important)
QTL linkage POWER Type I errors Variance explained Type II errors
Allele frequencies Genetic values Type I errors Type II errors Sample N Effect Size Variance explained Marker vs functional variant Recombination fraction
Incomplete linkage The previous calculations assumed analysis was performed at the QTL. - imagine that the test locus is not the QTL but is linked to it. Calculate sib-pair IBD distribution at the QTL, conditional on IBD at test locus, - a function of recombination fraction
at QTL 1/2 1 at M 1/2 1
Use conditional probabilities to calculate the sib correlation conditional on IBD sharing at the test marker. For example : for IBD 0 at marker : at QTL 1/2 1 r VS VA / 2 + VS VA + VD + VS P(M=0 | QTL) VS VA / 2 + VS + C0 = VA + VD + VS +
The noncentrality parameter per sib pair is then given by
If the QTL is additive, then
attenuation of the NCP is by a factor of (1-2)4 = square of the correlation between the proportions of alleles IBD at two loci with recombination fraction
Effect of incomplete linkage
Effect of incomplete linkage
Comparison to H-E Amos & Elston (1989) H-E regression
- 90% power (at significant level 0.05) - QTL variance 0.5 - marker and major gene are completely linked 320 sib pairs 778 sib pairs if = 0.1
GPC input parameters Proportions of variance additive QTL variance
dominance QTL variance residual variance (shared / nonshared) Recombination fraction ( ) Sample size & Sibship size ( ) Type I error rate Type II error rate
GPC output parameters Expected sibling correlations
- by IBD status at the QTL - by IBD status at the marker Expected NCP per sibship Power - at different levels of alpha given sample size Sample size - for specified power at different levels of alpha given power
From GPC Modelling additive effects only Sibships Individuals
Pairs (320) 530 Pairs ( = 0.1) 666 (778) 1332 Trios ( = 0.1) Quads ( = 0.1) Quints ( = 0.1)
Practical Exercise 2 What is the effect on power to detect linkage of : 1. QTL variance? 2. residual sibling correlation? 3. marker-QTL recombination fraction?
Pairs required (=0, p=0.05, power=0.8)
Pairs required (=0, p=0.05, power=0.8)
Effect of residual correlation
QTL additive effects account for 10% trait variance Sample size required for 80% power (=0.05) No dominance = 0.1 A residual correlation 0.35 B residual correlation 0.50 C residual correlation 0.65
Individuals required
Selective genotyping Unselected Proband Selection EDAC
Maximally Dissimilar ASP Extreme Discordant EDAC Mahanalobis Distance
Selective genotyping The power calculations so far assume an unselected population. - calculate expected NCP per sibship If we have a sample with trait scores - calculate expected NCP for each sibship conditional on trait values - this quantity can be used to rank order the sample for genotying
Sibship informativeness : sib pairs
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Sib 1 trait Sib 2 trait 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 Sibship NCP
Sibship informativeness : sib pairs
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Sib 1 trait Sib 2 trait 0.5 1.5 Sibship NCP -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Sib 1 trait Sib 2 trait 0.5 1.5 Sibship NCP dominance -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Sib 1 trait Sib 2 trait 0.5 1.5 Sibship NCP unequal allele frequencies rare recessive
Selective genotyping SEL T ASP PS ED EDAC MaxD MDis SEL B p d/a .5
15.82 .1 17.10 .25 15.45 .1 1 16.88 .25 1 15.76 .5 1 18.89 .75 1 27.64 .9 43.16 1
Impact of selection
QTL linkage POWER Type I errors Variance explained Type II errors
Allele frequencies Genetic values Type I errors Type II errors Sample N Effect Size Variance explained Marker vs functional variant Recombination fraction Locus informativeness PIC
Indices of marker informativeness:
Markers should be highly polymorphic - alleles inherited from different sources are likely to be distinguishable Heterozygosity (H) Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) - measure number and frequency of alleles at a locus
Heterozygosity n = number of alleles,
pi = frequency of the ith allele. H = probability that an individual is heterozygous
Heterozygosity Allele Frequency Genotype Frequency 11 0.04 12 0.14
Genotype Frequency 11 22 33 44 H = 0.675
Polymorphism information content
IF a parent is heterozygous, their gametes will usually be informative. BUT if both parents & child are heterozygous for the same genotype, origins of child’s alleles are ambiguous IF C = the probability of this occurring, PIC = H - C
Polymorphism information content
Possible IBD configurations given parental genotypes
Parental Mating Type Configuration Probability 1 Hom Hom 1/ / (1-H)2 2 Hom Het / H(1-H) 3 Hom Het / / H(1-H) 1: AA AA / AA AA 2: AA AB / AA AB 3: AA AB / AA AA 4: AB AB / AA AB 5: AB AB / AA BB 6: AB AB / AA AA 7: AB AB / AB AB Het Het / H2 / 2 5 Het Het (H2 -C)/4 6 Het Het (H2 -C)/4 7 Het Het / / C/2
PIC & NCP for linkage From the table of possible IBD configurations given parental genotypes, Therefore, NCP is attenuated in proportion to PIC
QTL linkage POWER Type I errors Variance explained Type II errors
Allele frequencies Genetic values Type I errors Type II errors Sample N Effect Size Variance explained Marker vs functional variant Recombination fraction Locus informativeness PIC Multipoint Marker density MPIC
Multipoint IBD Estimates IBD sharing at any arbitrary point along a chromosomal region, using all available marker information on a chromosome simultaneously.
, , and PIC ^
2. Convert map distances into recombination fractions
1. Calculate PIC for each marker PIC 0.41 0.77 0.84 0.79 5 cM --> = 2. Convert map distances into recombination fractions Haldane map function (m = map distance in Morgans) 5cM 5cM 5cM 5cM M1 0.1 0.2 0.7 M2 0.2 M3 M4 0.2 0.1 M5 0.2
3. Calculate covariance matrix between pi-hat at markers
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M M M M M MM =
4. Consider each multipoint position
5cM M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 10cM 15cM 20cM 25cM 30cM At each position along the chromosome, calculate covariance between trait locus and each of the markers 0.0344 0.0528 0.0472 0.0363 0.0290 MT = MD 10 15 20 25 30 RF 0.091 0.130 0.165 0.197 0.226 PIC 0.41 0.77 0.84 0.79
Fulker et al multipoint
If is a vector of single marker IBD estimates then a multipoint IBD estimate at test position t is given by : Conditional on the variance of at the test position is reduced by a quantity which can be thought of as a multipoint PIC
5. Calculate MPIC
10 cM map
5 cM map
Exclusion mapping Exclusion : support for the hypothesis that a QTL of at least a certain effect is absent at that position Normally, the LRT compares the likelihood at the MLE and the null In exclusion mapping, the LRT compares the likelihood of a fixed effect size against the null and therefore can be negative
Conclusions Factors influencing power QTL variance Sib correlation
Sibship size Marker informativeness Marker density Phenotypic selection
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