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Jr. Hi. Shop 2017 General tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Jr. Hi. Shop 2017 General tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jr. Hi. Shop 2017 General tools

2 Tool: Any instrument used in doing work
Hand tool: Operated by hand Power tool: Operated by other sources

3 Measure or Mark anything to cut or drill
Layout Tools Measure or Mark anything to cut or drill

4 Squares

5 Try Square: Usually 8” blade Wooden or Plastic handle
Squares Try Square: Usually 8” blade Wooden or Plastic handle May have a 45 degree angle

6 Carpenters or Framing Square
Squares Carpenters or Framing Square 24” blade 16” tongue used for buildings

7 Combination Square Moveable 12” blade 45 degree angle level
Squares Combination Square Moveable 12” blade 45 degree angle level Scale usually used for metal

8 Used to transfer angles
Squares Sliding T bevel movable blade Used to transfer angles

9 Rules

10 Folding or Zig-Zag Rule
Rules Folding or Zig-Zag Rule 6’

11 Rules Steel Tape Retractable 6’-25’ Usually divided down to 16 ths

12 Chalk Line Container with chalk and wound string
Rules Chalk Line Container with chalk and wound string Used for marking and leveling

13 Levels

14 Levels Carpenters Usually 24”-36” Level and plumb

15 Levels Line Level only used with Chalk line

16 Marking tools!

17 Scratch Awl Sharp metal object with a wood or plastic handle
Marking tools Scratch Awl Sharp metal object with a wood or plastic handle Used to draw lines on metal

18 Used to make the center Of holes Or center of corners Marking tools
Center Punch Used to make the center Of holes Or center of corners

19 Marking tools Soapstone Used to mark metal

20 cutting tools Chisels Usually used with a striking tool

21 Angled on one side usually 25 degrees Used to cut wood only
cutting tools Chisels Wood chisels Angled on one side usually 25 degrees Used to cut wood only

22 Angled on two sides 60 – 70 degrees
cutting tools Chisels Cold chisels Cuts metal Angled on two sides 60 – 70 degrees

23 Tools that use a shearing force
cutting tools Cutters Tools that use a shearing force To cut material

24 Used to cut, pull, and twist wire
cutting tools Cutters Linemans pliers Used to cut, pull, and twist wire

25 Used to cut wire and small bolts
cutting tools Cutters Diagonal cut pliers Used to cut wire and small bolts

26 Used to grab small objects Cut wire Twist wire
cutting tools Cutters Needle nose pliers Used to grab small objects Cut wire Twist wire

27 Cutters A razor blade – like cutting device
cutting tools Cutters Utility Knife A razor blade – like cutting device Used on shingles, wood, and paper

28 Files Files are made of high carbon steel and are used to remove small
cutting tools Files Files are made of high carbon steel and are used to remove small Amounts of metal at a time. Files are very brittle so they break easy - do not use them as a Pry bar. Do not let them get wet as rust formation will dull them. Do not Let them get covered with oil as they will not work as well.

29 cutting tools Files Parts. Tang Length Point Heel

30 Files Cut – number of rows of teeth Single cut – one row of teeth
cutting tools Files Cut – number of rows of teeth Single cut – one row of teeth Double cut –two rows of teeth

31 Files Shape – There many shapes of files here are some of the more
cutting tools Files Shape – There many shapes of files here are some of the more Common. Circular or Rat tail Triangle Flat Half circle or Half moon (a flat shaped Single cut file Is called a Mill file, a Flat shaped Double cut File is called A FLAT file)

32 cutting tools Files A file card cleans the pieces of metal out between the file teeth.

33 These tools must be harder than the material that they
Boring tools Tools that cut circular holes These tools must be harder than the material that they Cut so they are very brittle. Most of the time these tools need to operated at a special Speed where they cut the best.

34 The larger the drill bit the slower the speed
Boring tools Twist drill – used for wood and metal (if high Speed steel) The larger the drill bit the slower the speed These can be sharpened Use oil when drilling metal

35 Usually operated at a slow speed
Boring tools Masonry bit – used to drill holes in concrete, Brick, or masonry block Usually operated at a slow speed Does not require lubricant

36 Has a square end. Has screw threads on The cutting end
Boring tools Auger bit – used with a brace to drill wood Has a square end. Has screw threads on The cutting end Cannot be used on metal

37 Striking tools are case hardened which means the striking face is
Striking tools are usually hammers of one Sort or another. Striking tools are case hardened which means the striking face is Only hard on the outside. They will mushroom and small pieces Of metal may fly off. NEVER strike to hammers together.

38 Curved claw Straight or ripping claw Used to drive nails
Striking tools Claw hammers - woodworking Curved claw Straight or ripping claw Used to drive nails And you have more Leverage to pull nails Used to drive nails And it is easier to Start pulling nails

39 And for finishing rivets
Striking tools Metal working hammers Ball peen hammer: Used for forming metal And for finishing rivets

40 Striking tools Metal working hammers Sledge hammer: Heavy hammer 10 – 16 Pounds with a long handle. Used to drive pins and Break thins up.

41 Other shop tools

42 Used to hold material while working With it.
Vices and clamps Machinist vice: Used to hold material while working With it. Pipe vice: Used to hold pipe or round material

43 Used to hold wood when gluing.
Vices and clamps Pipe clamps: Used to hold wood when gluing. Parallel clamp: Wood ones are used to clamp and hold Wood. Metal ones are used in the Machining shop to hold metal.

44 Used in metal working to hold pieces Together.
Vices and clamps “C” clamp: Used in metal working to hold pieces Together. Spring or hand clamp Used to quickly hold material Together.

45 Wrenches Box end Open end Combination

46 Wrenches Adjustable Or Cresent

47 Sized by drive end, ¼”, 3/8”, ½”, ¾”.
Wrenches Ratchets: Sized by drive end, ¼”, 3/8”, ½”, ¾”. Sockets: Usually sized by 1/16 ths. In english and by Number in metric. standard Deep well

48 Tools that are used to install fasteners
Drivers Tools that are used to install fasteners Such as screws, machine screws, stove Bolts, or cap screws

49 Standard or flat screwdriver
Drivers Standard or flat screwdriver Phillips or cross Screwdriver.

50 Drivers Torx or star driver

51 The set should contain six sided tools.
Drivers Allen wrench set: The set should contain six sided tools. They can be in english and metric. Sometimes Torx or star tools can be Found. This is the same tool in a Different configuration. This is called a folding Allen wrench set.

52 Anvil Used with a striking tool to Form and shape metal. The Pointed end is called the horn. The square hole is the hardy, And the round hole is the Pritchel. They are sized by Weight.

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