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Introduction to ACCESS User Training Course

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1 Introduction to ACCESS User Training Course
Michael Naughton Earth Systems Modelling Program Bureau of Meteorology ACCESS User Training Course Melbourne, March 2016

2 Course information Course administrator Val Jemmeson
Organising Committee Michael Naughton, Joao Teixeira, Martin Dix, Scott Wales, Robin Bowen, Val Jemmeson, Wenming Lu, Yi Xiao, Oscar Alves, Ben Evans Organising Committee have red lettering on name badges Course Reception: Level 6 entry area Collect name badge, and have your name ticked off registration list

3 Apologies Kamal Puri – Road trip to Parliament House for Public Service Medal presentation CSIRO Aspendale staff meeting Monday morning re O&A staffing changes BoM CPSU and Professionals Australia staff Monday morning Enterprise Agreement certified industrial action

4 Course information Building access
6th Floor Conference Room access available 8:30am – 5pm Building access pass not required Course badge to be worn while in building Visitor access to other floors only if accompanied by Bureau staff member Toilets located in lobby areas on each floor Emergency evacuation Warning siren – proceed to lobby Evacuation siren – use stairs, following direction of helmeted fire wardens Proceed as directed to off-site assembly areas First Aid and other assistance Registration Desk; leave note if unattended Lobby phones Bureau Reception Level 5 behind lifts on station side Bureau staff

5 Course information (2) Program times 9:00 – 4:30
Catering – Morning & afternoon teas, Monday lunch Course photo Tuesday at start of Morning Tea Remote participants shots also welcome Course survey – To be sent by next week

6 Sponsors UM Partnership Collaboration Fund ACCESS partners
Bureau of Meteorology CSIRO ARCCSS NeCTAR CWSLab Project

7 Joao Teixeira, Lead Trainer
UK Met Office External Collaboration Team Climate modelling support scientist Responsible for organising 2016 UM Users Tutorial PhD in High Resolution Modelling, Univ of Aveiro, Portugal Comes from Azores islands, Portugal Interests: Sailing, rock climbing, photography

8 Conference Room Tables are for participants with laptops for practical sessions Front tables are reserved for visitors until presentations start. Remaining tables and row seating are free for anyone to use. Bureau staff have option to join by video, using Bureau Cisco Jabber from their desktop or office phone. V-C details have been provided on course wiki and by . Charging for laptops on half the work tables and on side tables. Share spots at tables with power outlets so everyone who needs them can get access.

9 Video-Conferencing facilities
V-C connection info – refer course wiki and s Contact Robin Bowen or Scott Wales if assistance is required Slack – chat room coordinated by Scott Wales, present on-site Presentations will be shared on V-C; also available to download from course wiki AccessUserTrainingMar2016Program Please mute microphones when not speaking We aim to include you in all sessions of the course

10 Course program Combination of topic-talks, course-presentations, and practical sessions Primary purpose is to equip ACCESS community to be able to run and work with the ACCESS modelling systems Monday: Introduction to ACCESS, Rose-Cylc, UM Tuesday: Seasonal and Climate Modelling Wednesday: Numerical Weather Prediction and High-Resolution Modelling Thursday: Development tools and work practices

11 Monday – ACCESS, Rose-Cylc and UM
9:00 Arrival and pre-course setup 9:15 Peter May Welcome 9:20 Michael Naughton Introduction (sample for attachment syntax only)​ 9:35 Martin Dix Introduction to ACCESS User Facilities 10:00 Wenming Lu / Joao Teixeira Introduction to Rose and Cylc (1) 10:50 Morning Tea 11:10 Joao Teixeira Introduction to Rose and Cylc (2) 11:40 Introduction to UM (1) 12:30 Lunch (provided) 13:30 Introduction to UM (2) 14:50 Afternoon Tea 15:10 Practical exercise with UM suite (1) 16:30 Finish

12 Tuesday – Seasonal Forecasting and Climate Modelling
9:00 Prac and tutorial time 09:30 Martin Dix / Tony Hirst ACCESS Climate Modelling 09:50 Joao Teixeira HadGEM-GC3 Rose Suite 10:50 Morning Tea 11:10 Duncan Ackerley Introduction to ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science 11:30 ​Global Model Science Configurations -- GA and GC documentation in the GMED portal 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Debbie Hudson Bureau ACCESS-S Seasonal Forecasting 13:50 Using Iris for UM data visualisation 14:50 Afternoon Tea 15:10 Practical exercise with Iris data visualisation 16:30 Finish

13 Wednesday – Numerical Weather Prediction and High Resolution Modelling
9:00 Prac and tutorial time 09:30 Chris Tingwell Introduction to ACCESS NWP 09:50 Joao Teixeira Rose nesting suite 10:50 Morning Tea 11:10 Practical exercise with Rose nesting suite 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Peter Steinle ​Report on Singapore Convective Scale Modelling Workshop 13:50 Jeff Kepert High-resolution ensemble prediction of an East Coast Low 14:10 Tan Le / Robin Bowen RDS data repositories at NCI -- ACCESS NWP and Bureau-provided observational data 14:50 Afternoon Tea 15:10 Lawrie Rikus Synthetic satellite imagery from ACCESS NWP model forecasts 15:25 Useful utilities -- SMOCS and pretty_stash 15:35 Other NWP tools -- File format converters, CreateBC, etc. 16:30 Finish

14 Thursday – Development tools and work practices
9:00 Prac and tutorial time 09:30 Joao Teixeira Rose suite design for any application 10:50 Morning Tea 11:10 Practical exercise with simple Rose suite design 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Scott Wales Code development working practices, rose stem, local testing, suite portability 14:50 Afternoon Tea 15:10 Tour through various useful sites 16:00 Finish

15 ACCESS – Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator
 ACCESS 10th anniversary 2005: Kamal Puri appointed ACCESS Leader BoM, CSIRO, Australian research community Formulation and recommendations ACCESS Blueprint 2006: Commenced work with UM 2007: First UM Licence signed : APS0 ACCESS NWP operational 20xx: ACCESS CM1 released

16 ACCESS – Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator
 ACCESS Awards 2013 CSIRO Medal for Science Excellence 2014 Bureau Excellence Award

17 Bureau, CSIRO and Universities weather and climate modelling since ~ 1970
Priestley Bourke, Puri, McAvaney, Leslie, Seaman, LeMarshall, Davidson Hunt, Gordon, McGregor Bureau: Research Branch – CMRC – ANMRC – BMRC – CAWCR – R&D Branch CSIRO: DAR – CAR – CMAR and Oceanography, CLW Monash CDM & CDMO, CRCSHM UNSW Ocean Modelling Group Macquarie Uni Climate Centre GASP, LAPS CSIRO Mkx 197x- CCAM

18 BoM ACCESS Research and Operational NWP
Chris Tingwell Wednesday talk Global, regional, high-resolution city domains, TC, ensembles Data assimilation and short-medium range 0-10 day forecasts BNOC – Bureau National Operations Centre – 24-7 operations ISS – Information Systems and Services – Supercomputing and IT systems Basis of Bureau forecasts: severe weather warnings and public weather forecasts

19 BoM ACCESS Research and Operational NWP (2)
Automated forecast generation – GFE Graphical Forecast Editor Specialised services for aviation, defence, emergency services, mining, agriculture, marine and business customers Research computing at NCI ACCESS NWP forecasts available to Australian research community in NCI RDS facility Tan Le & Robin Bowen Wednesday talk Talk also covers tool for accessing and converting data

20 NWP and High Resolution Modelling presentations and training session
Joao Teixeira and Scott Wales Wednesday training session – Nesting suite for high-resolution modelling studies Peter Steinle Wednesday talk – Singapore Convective Scale Modelling Workshop report Jeff Kepert Wednesday talk – High resolution ensemble forecast of March 2015 Dungog-Maitland East Coast Low Lawrie Rikus Wednesday talks – Synthetic satellite imagery; Tools for Model Output Statistics collection and examining STASH settings

21 BoM ACCESS-S Seasonal Forecasts
Debbie Hudson Tuesday talk Multi-week to Annual timescales Input to Bureau Seasonal Climate Outlooks Rainfall & temperature anomalies, El Nino, MJO ACCESS successor to POAMA Predictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for Australia 20xx- Couple Atmosphere-Ocean System

22 BoM ACCESS-S Seasonal Forecasts (2)
Originally based on Bureau Coupled Climate Model – Bureau Global Spectral Model atmosphere, AUSCOM MOM ocean ACCESS-S based on ACCESS CM1 ACCESS-S2 based on GC2-GC3 Ocean DA Coupled initialisation Long period hindcasts for calculating climate anomalies Scheduled to be operational in

23 CSIRO Climate Modelling
Martin Dix / Tony Hirst Tuesday talk CSIRO Ocean and Atmosphere Program ACCESS CM1 & CM2 CABLE land surface model (Community Atmosphere Biosphere Land Exchange) AUSCOM MOM ocean modelling CMIP5 & CMIP6 participation Long history in climate and air quality modelling CSIRO Mk1/2/3 climate model, CCAM, TAPM

24 ARCCSS Duncan Ackerley Tuesday talk
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Climate Systems Science 5 Australian Universities – UNSW, ANU, Monash, Melbourne, UTas Partnership with BoM and CSIRO Climate research and physical parameterisation research CMS Team – Scott Wales, Holger Wolff ACCESS-UM experts

25 NCI National Computational Infrastructure Located at ANU, Canberra
NCRIS supported national research supercomputing centre Collaboration of ANU, CSIRO, BoM, Geoscience Australia Partnership with Australian universities through Australian Research Council Raijin, accessdev, access_wiki, cwslab data processing RDSI Research Data Storage Initiative -> RDS Research Data Services project ACCESS-Opt – ACCESS Optimisation project

26 NeCTAR CWSLab National e-Research Collaboration tools and Resources project Climate and Weather Science Laboratory – Project to support ACCESS infrastructure and resources for national research community Includes support for ACCESS training course

27 Meetings CAWCR Workshop 2005-
Formerly BMRC Modelling Workshop from 1986—2004 ACCESS Model Evaluation Workshop Coordinated by Lawrie Rikus 2-3 per year since ~2006 AMOS Annual Conference ARCCSS Annual Science Workshop MOSAC – Met Office Science Advisory Council UM User Workshop and UM Users Tutorial

28 UM Partnership UM licensed to BoM, CSIRO and ARCCSS Australian universities UM Partners: Met Office (UK); BoM, CSIRO (Australia); KMA (Korea); NIWA (NZ); NCMRWF (India) UM Associates: SAWS (South Africa), Poland, PAGASA (Philippines), SMS (Singapore), US Air Force 55th Weather Wing (formerly AFWA). UK Universities – esp. Reading, Exeter, Leeds, Cambridge Australian Universities

29 UM Partnership UM Consortium Board Technical Infrastructure Project
Formal part of second UM Licence Agreement ( ) 4 FTE's p.a. contribution for each UM Partner O(10) work packages Rose-Cylc systems and suites, MOSRS shared repository HPC optimisation and benchmarking File formats (netcdf, grib) Land surface (JULES-CABLE) Visualisation (IRIS) Verification (VER & VerPY) UM development and testing Data Assimilation observations monitoring software

30 UM Partnership Science Collaboration Project Currently in development
Global model evaluation Regional model development Data assimilation

31 Websites and documentation wikis
Martin Dix ACCESS User Facilities talk ACCESS wiki ACCESS NWP wiki (BoM internal) ARCCSS CMS wiki CWSLab website MOSRS shared repository Met Office collab wiki 1000th user – Saima Aijaz

32 Rose-Cylc Core of Joao Teixeira training course content
Replacement for previous UM technical infrastructure: UMUI and SCSUI, OPSUI, VARUI Complete re-design of UM TI framework Development commenced 2009 Cylc developed by Hilary Oliver, NIWA Rose developed in Met Office – Dave Matthews, Matt Shin, Ben Fitzpatrick Includes SVN configuration management FCM system for building executables Released around 2012 Met Office Rose-Cylc NWP and Seasonal systems operational 2014

33 Rose-Cylc (2) Github open source projects
Python-based, built on publicly available components GUI-based, but also fully functional using file editing and command-line functions

34 IRIS Joao Teixeira Tuesday afternoon course session
Python visualisation and diagnostics environment Met Office AVD Team – Mark Hedley Github open source project IRIS data browser GUI being developed

35 GMED Global Model Evaluation and Development
Joao Teixeira Tuesday session Science configurations releases Incorporates GA and GC and other components David Walters, Keith Williams and many others

36 RMED Regional Model Evaluation and Development
New project Regional model equivalent of GMED Convective Scale Modelling Plan for annual RA releases RA1 target 1H 2017

37 Development tools and work practices
Joao Teixeira and Scott Wales Thursday sessions Creating Rose-Cylc suites for non-UM applications Rose-Cylc shared portable suite design Development work practices for UM codes and suites MOSRS shared repository SVN configuration management Trunk versions and user development branches Trac tickets, documentation of changes, peer review Release cycles Rose-stem test facility

38 Development tools and work practices
Joao Teixeira and Scott Wales Thursday sessions Creating Rose-Cylc suites for non-UM applications Rose-Cylc shared portable suite design Development work practices for UM codes and suites MOSRS shared repository SVN configuration management Trunk versions and user development branches Trac tickets, documentation of changes, peer review Release cycles Rose-stem test facility

39 Questions? ACCESS User Training Course Melbourne, March 2016

40 Questions?

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