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Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals

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1 Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals
New Chapter Leader Orientation

2 Congratulations! Overview History & Purpose Elevator Pitch
Intro to Leadership Intro to Staff Duties & Responsibilities Chapter Operations Manual Yearly Schedule of Submissions Funding Bylaws Available Resources

3 History & Purpose Core Purpose To lead and advance the hospitality profession by providing a forum for continuous learning and knowledge sharing. As a chapter leader, it is your responsibility to further the HFTP purpose whenever possible.

4 HFTP’s Elevator Pitch HFTP is a global nonprofit hospitality association that uniquely understands the industry’s problems. We assist our members in finding solutions to industry problems more efficiently than any organization via our expert networks, research, conferences such as HITEC, and certification programs. HFTP has about 5,000 members and several thousand stakeholders across the globe. HFTP is recognized as the spokes group for the finance and technology segment of the hospitality industry.

Executive Committee PRESIDENT Lyle Worthington, CHTP VICE PRESIDENT Timothy G. Nauss, CHAE TREASURER Scot Campbell, CHTP SECRETARY Michael Levie, CHTP IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Arlene Ramirez, MBA, CHE, CHAE

6 Exchange Director, Ex Officio
Board of Directors The HFTP Board of Directors is comprised of the Executive Committee, Directors, an Exchange Director, and Ex Officio. 2016 – 2017 Board of Directors Stephanie Anderson, CPA, CHAE Christopher S. Garland Ted Horner Kaeko Shirasu-Bailey, CPA Cindy Estis Green Chris Koepper, CPA Mark Pate Sr., CHAE, CHTP, MBA Nick Price Laurie Rozeski, MBA, CHAE Kris Singleton Sherry Marek Derek Wood Exchange Director, Ex Officio Joori Jeon, CPA, CAE Ex Officio Frank I. Wolfe, CAE

7 HFTP STAFF Please contact HFTP’s staff with any questions you may have. HFTP GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Boulder Lane, Suite 110 Austin, Texas USA Toll Free: (800) 646-HFTP (4387) US Ph: +1 (512) Fax: +1 (512) Skype: HFTP.Global HFTP EUROPE Boschcour JR Maastricht The Netherlands Ph: +1 (512) HFTP AMERICAS RESEARCH CENTER University Hilton Hotel College of Hotel & Restaurant Management 4450 University Drive Houston, TX Ph: +1 (713) (866) 572-HFTP HFTP ASIA RESEARCH CENTER School of Hotel & Tourism Management The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 17 Science Museum Road TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Ph: +1 (512) Skype: HFTP.Asia

8 HFTP Chapter Website Updates chapteradmin@HFTP
  HFTP Chapter Website Updates (800) |+1 (512) HFTP Membership Department (800) |+1 (512)

9 Duties And Responsibilities
Chapters will establish officer and director positions to meet their needs. At a minimum Chapters will have a president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer with responsibilities consistent with the HFTP Global Bylaws. Each chapter must hold at least 4 board meetings annually.

10 Chapter Operations Manual (COM)
The Chapter Operations Manual is an invaluable resource that can be used to find information on a wide variety of topics including: Chapter policies & standards Governance Recruitment & retention Public relations Certification Chapter awards. …and more! The Chapter Operations Manual can be found by logging in to the website in the Chapter Leader Resource Center.

11 Yearly Schedule of Submissions
October 1st - Chapter Profiles Due 1st – Chapter Officer Cycle begins December 31st - Chapter Funding Requirement Information Due 31st - Chapter Financial Yearly Reports due 31st - Chapter Affiliation Agreement Checklist & Signature forms due 31st - Chapter Management Plan Evaluation forms due January 1st - 15th - Chapter Relations Coordinator notifies chapter of funding status

12 Yearly Schedule of Submissions
February 15th - Chapter Quarterly Reports Due (November 1, thru January 31), Not Financial Report/Written summary of quarter. March 1st - 31st - Chapters receive funding 15th - Chapter should file 990N (e-postcard) with IRS (U.S. Only) April 1st - Election/Leadership Recruitment Campaign Begins - Chapter President appoints nominating committee, nominating committee prepares letter of solicitation to members for future leader nominations.

13 Yearly Schedule of Submissions
May 1st - 15th - Nomination committee meets to discuss nominees.. Ballots are mailed or ed at least 25 days before June meeting date. Slate officers announced. 15th - 2nd Quarterly Chapter Reports Due (Feb 1 thru April 30) Not Financial Report/Written summary of quarter. June 1st - 15th - Election results are announced. New officer list sent to HFTP Global. July 1st - New officer’s select committees, begin planning. 15th - 31st - Chapter Funding Estimate –Sent from HFTP Global Office 3rd wk HFTP Global sends Group Tax Exemption Form to chapters (U.S. only).

14 Yearly Schedule of Submissions
August 15th - 31st Joint meeting with new and old officers to discuss the upcoming year. 2nd Friday - Paragon Award Nominations due 3rd wk - HFTP Global sends Group Tax Exemption Form to IRS (U.S. only) 15th - 3rd Quarterly Reports Due. (May 1 thru July 31) Not Financial Report/Written summary of quarter. 4th Friday - HFTP Global sends calculation sheet to chapters for Chapter of the Year submissions. September New officers installed 1st - New Chapter Leaders Cycle begins 30th – Previous Chapter Leader Cycle ends 4th Friday - Chapter of the Year Score Cards Due

15 Chapter Funding Chapter funding falls into three categories: fully funded, partially funded, and probationary. To have a fully funded chapter, chapters must meet all standards in the Chapter Affiliation Agreement: Chapters must hold four (4) educational meetings in nature, publically announced at least 30 days in advance. Chapters must appoint/elect chapter officers and/or directors Chapters must participate in at least two (2) chapter leader webinar series. Chapters must maintain an operating chapter reserve not to exceed one year of operating expenses.

16 Chapter Required items
Chapters are also responsible to submit their Required Items to HFTP Global annually by December 31. The required items consist of: Chapter Affiliation Signature Pages Chapter Management Plan (CMP)  or Chapter Management Plan (Excel)  Chapter Action Plan Form End of Year Financials > Sample Financial Form(Excel)  Special Reserves Form  (Only if needed) HFTP Global Website Policy  Chapter Officer Profile  Chapter Bylaws

17 Chapter Funding Fully Funded Chapters are eligible to receive $500 USD annually, plus $50 USD Annual Affiliation Fee per member. Per member funding will occur as members join or renew. Fully Funded Chapters are also eligible to receive additional funding based on the chapter membership counts as follows: •With less than or equal to 30 members, an additional $1,000 USD funding •With greater than 30 and less than or equal to 50 members, an additional $1,500 USD funding •With members, an additional $2,000 USD funding •With members, an additional $2,500 USD funding •With members, an additional $3,000 USD funding •With members, an additional $3,500 USD funding •Chapters will receive $500 USD for every increment of 25 members thereafter.

18 Bylaws It is the policy of the HFTP Board of Directors that chapter bylaws must be consistent with the Global Bylaws. The only exception is in regards to which members are allowed to vote and hold office at the chapter level. A copy of the chapter bylaws is to be submitted to the HFTP global office to be retained on file.

19 Thank you for your time and dedication to HFTP.
-HFTP Executive Committee and Board of Directors and Staff.

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