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11 Further abstraction techniques
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 11 Further abstraction techniques BK Chap. 12 Abstract classes and interfaces DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Main concepts to be covered
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Main concepts to be covered Abstract classes Interfaces Multiple inheritance Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Simulations Programs regularly used to simulate real-world activities city traffic the weather nuclear processes stock market fluctuations environmental changes Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Simulations They are often only partial simulations They often involve simplifications Greater detail has the potential to provide greater accuracy Greater detail typically requires more resources: Processing power Simulation time Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Benefits of simulations
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Benefits of simulations Support useful prediction The weather Allow experimentation Safer, cheaper, quicker Example: ‘How will the wildlife be affected if we cut a highway through the middle of this national park?’ Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Predator-prey simulations
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Predator-prey simulations There is often a delicate balance between species A lot of prey means a lot of food A lot of food encourages higher predator numbers More predators eat more prey Less prey means less food Less food means ... Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
The foxes-and-rabbits project
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 The foxes-and-rabbits project Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Main classes of interest
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Main classes of interest Fox Simple model of a type of predator Rabbit Simple model of a type of prey Simulator Manages the overall simulation task Holds a collection of foxes and rabbits Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
The remaining classes Field Represents a 2D field Location Represents a 2D position SimulatorView, FieldStats, Counter Maintain statistics and present a view of the field Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Example of the visualization
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Example of the visualization Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
A Rabbit’s state public class Rabbit { Static fields omitted.
// Individual characteristics (instance fields). // The rabbit's age. private int age; // Whether the rabbit is alive or not. private boolean alive; // The rabbit's position private Location location; // The field occupied private Field field; Methods omitted. } Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
A Rabbit’s behavior Managed from the run method Age incremented at each simulation ‘step’ A rabbit could die at this point Rabbits that are old enough might breed at each step New rabbits could be born at this point Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Rabbit simplifications
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Rabbit simplifications Rabbits do not have different genders In effect, all are female The same rabbit could breed at every step All rabbits die at the same age Others? Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
A Fox’s state public class Fox { Static fields omitted
{ Static fields omitted // The fox's age. private int age; // Whether the fox is alive or not. private boolean alive; // The fox's position private Location location; // The field occupied private Field field; // The fox's food level, which is increased // by eating rabbits. private int foodLevel; Methods omitted. } Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
A Fox’s behavior Managed from the hunt method Foxes also age and breed They become hungry They hunt for food in adjacent locations Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Configuration of foxes
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Configuration of foxes Similar simplifications to rabbits Hunting and eating could be modeled in many different ways: Should food level be additive? Is a hungry fox more or less likely to hunt? Are simplifications ever acceptable? Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
The Simulator class Three key components: Setup in the constructor The populate method Each animal is given a random starting age The simulateOneStep method Iterates over separate populations of foxes and rabbits Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
The update step Iterator<Rabbit> it = rabbits.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Rabbit rabbit =;; if(! rabbit.isAlive()) { it.remove(); } … Iterator<Fox> it = foxes.iterator(); Fox fox =; fox.hunt(newFoxes); if(! fox.isAlive()) { Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Room for improvement Fox and Rabbit have strong similarities but do not have a common superclass The update step involves similar-looking code The Simulator is tightly coupled to specific classes It ‘knows’ a lot about the behavior of foxes and rabbits Refactor! Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
The Animal superclass Place common fields in Animal:
age, alive, location Method renaming to support information hiding: run and hunt become act Simulator can now be significantly decoupled Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1
Revised (decoupled) iteration
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Revised (decoupled) iteration Iterator<Animal> it = animals.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Animal animal =; animal.act(newAnimals); if(! animal.isAlive()) { it.remove(); } Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
The act method of Animal
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 The act method of Animal Static type checking requires an act method in Animal There is no obvious shared implementation Define act as abstract: abstract public void act(List<Animal> newAnimals); Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Abstract classes and methods
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Abstract classes and methods Abstract methods have abstract in the signature Abstract methods have no body Abstract methods make the class abstract Abstract classes cannot be instantiated Concrete subclasses complete the implementation Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
The Animal class public abstract class Animal { fields omitted /** * Make this animal act - that is: make it do * whatever it wants/needs to do. */ abstract public void act(List<Animal> newAnimals); other methods omitted } Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Ex. Abstract and Concrete classes
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Ex. Abstract and Concrete classes <<abstract>> A f() g() h() B C public abstract class A { public void f() { ... } public abstract int g(); public abstract boolean h(float x); } public abstract class B extends A { public int g() { ... } public class C extends B { public boolean h(float x) { ... } A a = new A(); B b = new B(); C c = new C(); c.f(); // from A int x = c.g(); // from B boolean flag = c.h(3.14); // from C NOT ALLOWED! A and B are abstract Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Further abstraction Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Multiple inheritance Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Multiple inheritance Having a class inherit directly from multiple ancestors Each language has its own rules How to resolve competing definitions? Java forbids it for classes Java permits it for interfaces No competing implementation (p.39-42) Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
An Actor interface public interface Actor { /** * Perform the actor's regular behavior. newActors A list for storing newly created * actors. */ void act(List<Actor> newActors); * Is the actor still active? true if still active, false if not. boolean isActive(); } Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Classes implement interfaces
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Classes implement interfaces implements extends Animal deklarerar antingen act som abstrakt, eller så implementerar den act <<Stereotyper>> Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Classes implement interfaces(2)
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Classes implement interfaces(2) public interface Actor { ... } public interface Drawable { ... } public abstract class Animal implements Actor { ... } public class Fox extends Animal implements Drawable public class Rabbit extends Animal implements Drawable public class Ant extends Animal public class Hunter implements Actor, Drawable Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Interfaces as types Implementing classes do not inherit code, but ... ... implementing classes are subtypes of the interface type So, polymorphism is available with interfaces as well as classes Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Features of interfaces
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Features of interfaces All methods are abstract There are no constructors All methods are public All fields are public, static and final So they are public constants (The above is true for Java version 7 and earlier versions.) Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Interfaces as specifications
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Interfaces as specifications Strong separation of functionality from implementation Though parameter and return types are mandated Clients interact independently of the implementation But clients can choose from alternative implementations Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Alternative implementations
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Alternative implementations implements Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Lists – the (nearly) whole truth
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Lists – the (nearly) whole truth Iterable Object Collection List AbstractCollection AbstractList AbstractSequentialList OBS! En länkad lista är en FIFO-kö (bl.a.) ArrayList LinkedList Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Interface extension public interface Iterable public interface Collection extends Iterable public interface List extends Collection Interfaces can be extended by defining sub interfaces. A sub interface declares additional method signatures. Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Ex. Some legal combinations
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Ex. Some legal combinations Map<String,List<Integer>> m; m = new HashMap<String,List<Integer>>(); m.put("first",new ArrayList<Integer>()); m.put("second",new LinkedList<Integer>()); OK! HashMap<String,List<Integer>> is a subtype of Map<String,List<Integer>> OK! ArrayList and LinkedList are subtypes of List Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Ex. Some ILLEGAL combinations
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Ex. Some ILLEGAL combinations Map<String,List<Integer>> m; m = new HashMap<String,ArrayList<Integer>>(); Wrong! HashMap<String,ArrayList<Integer>> is not a subtype of Map<String,List<Integer>> or of HashMap<String,List<Integer>> (the same applies to LinkedList) Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Problems with multiple inheritance
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Problems with multiple inheritance Languages which allow general multiple inheritance have to deal with two problems: Name conflicts caused by inheritance of the same method from multiple base classes. Conflicting inheritance of variables (diamond inheritance ). Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Problems with multiple inheritance (2)
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Problems with multiple inheritance (2) Competing methods There is a name conflict when calling f in C c = new C(); c.f(); f is inherited from both A and B. Which one should be called? Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Problems with multiple inheritance (3)
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Problems with multiple inheritance (3) “Diamond” inheritance The variable x is inherited by both B and C – no problem so far. Should D inherit two instances of x? If not, should it inherit x via B or via C? Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Problems with multiple inheritance (4)
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11 Problems with multiple inheritance (4) Design issues Multiple inheritance allows for inheritance hierarchies with many roots. This makes them more complicated to understand and use. A single rooted hierarchy is simpler and cleaner. In Java the single root is named Object. To guarantee single rootedness, multiple inheritance should be abandoned. Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Review (1) Inheritance can provide shared implementation. Concrete and abstract classes. Inheritance provides shared type information. Classes and interfaces. Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Review (2) Abstract methods allow static type checking without requiring implementation. Abstract classes function as incomplete superclasses. No instances. Abstract classes support polymorphism. Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
Objektorienterad programmering d2, förel. 11
Review (3) Interfaces provide specification without implementation. Interfaces are fully abstract. Interfaces support polymorphism. Java interfaces support multiple inheritance. Objektorienterad programmering, DAT050, DAI2, 16/17, lp 1 DAT050, 16/17, lp 1
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