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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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1 Sexually Transmitted Diseases

2 STD/STI Facts Bacteria's, Viruses, or Parasites???
Put your card under one of the above categories

3 Can be cured with Antibiotics
Bacterial STI’s Chlamydia  Gonorrhea  Syphilis  Can be cured with Antibiotics

4 Chlamydia Symptom begin 7 to 21 days after infection
Often has no symptoms Possible symptoms include discharge, burning or pain while urinating Progression and Outcome: May cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which affects a women's fertility Most common bacterial STI among teens in WA State Chlamydia Song: (2 ½ min)

5 Gonorrhea Symptoms (begin 2-21 days after infections)
Most women & men show no symptoms Discharge, Burning/Pain while urinating Progression and Outcome: Can transmit to sexual partner and damage reproductive organs Cause heart trouble, blindness, skin disease, arthritis Passed from mother to childbirth

6 Progression & Outcome:
Syphilis Symptoms: Primary Stage: 1-12 weeks after infection Bacterial infection causing painless, open sores on the mouth or genitals, which goes away after 1-5 weeks Secondary Stage: 1-6 months after sore appears Rash anywhere on the body, infection damages the nervous systems, causing brain damage if not treated Latent Stage: A period with no symptoms but damage to the internal organs for 5 to 20 years. Progression & Outcome: Late Stage: If not treated, can cause blindness, heart problems and mental disorders. It can also cause death.

7 Viral STD’s Herpes HPV – Genital Warts Hepatitis (B, C) HIV

8 Herpes Symptoms begin 2 to 30 days after infection
Common Viral STD marked by small, painful sores/blisters on mouth or genitals Blisters can recur Progression & Outcome: Can be treated but cannot be cured Can be fatal to baby exposed during childbirth

9 HPV / Genital Warts Symptoms: Begin 1-6 months after infection
Itching & burning around sex organs Small bumps on penis or vagina Progressive & Outcome: Increases risk for cervical cancer in women and throat cancer in men Vaccine is now available

10 Hepatitis B A liver disease caused by a VIRUS carried in semen, saliva and blood
Symptoms: may mimic the flu and can include: Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) because liver is not functioning properly Rash, hives, or arthritis may occur prior to the onset of other symptoms (during the early acute stage) Loss of appetite, feeling ill, & extreme tiredness Tenderness or pain in the lower abdomen Progression & Outcome: Untreated may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer

11 Parasites & Fungal Diseases
Trichomoniasis  Scabies Pubic Lice (Crabs) 

12 Scabies These tiny mites (parasites) burrow under the skin in the pelvic region Symptoms: extreme itching. Transmitted through skin-to-skin contact Progression & Outcome: Kidney damage from untreated Scabies

13 Trichomoniasis Most common parasitic STI
Symptoms: Green frothy discharge, 'musty' smell. Progression & Outcome: Causes Vaginitis in women and urethritis in men

14 Pubic Lice Burrow down along the hair follicle
Symptoms itching in the genital area and visible eggs or crawling lice. Must use medication and wash all affected cloths and bedding

15 HIV/AIDS Transmitted (causes)with 4 bodily fluids: Semen Blood Breast Milk Vaginal Fluids

16 Don’t: Prevention Have unprotected Sex Share Needles
Infected Mothers shouldn’t breastfeed

17 HIV Symptoms 1st Stage: Flu-like symptoms that go away Window Period:
Test negative but are infected up tp 4 weeks to six months Asymptomatic Period: No Symptoms Can be in this stage for up to 10 years People appear healthy but show no symptoms, they can transmit HIV to someone else.

18 When does HIV become AIDS
If their T Cell count falls below 200 that person is given an AIDS diagnosis OR if they get an “Opportunistic Disease” Such as: Cervical Cancer, Dementia, Lymphoma, Recurrent Pneumonia, Wasting Syndrome etc.

19 If a Women with HIV is Pregnant
Use a drug cocktail (AZT) Most will have a C-Section

20 STD/STI Opinion Activity
Each group of 3, will use the Information Sheets to take notes about all 9 STD/STI’s. Then decide which are most serious, vote with your dollars to determine which STD/STI should get public funding. Place your dollars on the game card. Add up total for each. Tally up your groups top 3 STD/STI’s on Summary Sheet and explain WHY you believe they are most deserving of funds . Each group member will present to the class the reasons they chose one of the top 3 STD/STI’s (criteria on next slide).

21 STD/STI Information Sheets In your Journal
Name of STD/STI Category: (Viral Bacterial Parasite) Transmission: (How is it spread) Symptoms: (list at least 2-3) Curable or Treatable? (Explain what is needed) Prevention: Abstinence as well as 1 or 2 other ways Vote with your dollars… then tally & choose top 3 STD’s to present Presentation: You are the Advocate for funding this disease with public funds Describe the STD: Summary Explain if there is a cure?/vaccine?/drugs?: (Treatment) How & why should the public be educated about it? (Transmission & Prevention) How can people be supported who have this STD? (Should public dollars be used & HOW)

22 End of STD Activity and Start of Review

23 Test over STD’s and HIV/AIDS
Study journal and power point notes Next Class Period

24 Vocabulary of Disease Progression
Causes: Conditions that trigger a disease – where it comes from Symptoms: What to look for or how you may know you have a disease Treatment: What is recommended to get rid of the disease Progression: What happens to someone who has the disease Outcome: Possible final result of the disease

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