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Dustin MCdaniel – Director of Financial Aid Athens Technical College

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Presentation on theme: "Dustin MCdaniel – Director of Financial Aid Athens Technical College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dustin MCdaniel – Director of Financial Aid Athens Technical College
Verification in James Chiara – Assistant Director of Financial Aid Gwinnett Technical College Dustin MCdaniel – Director of Financial Aid Athens Technical College

2 Verification in 2017-2018 Earlier Availability Prior-Prior Year
October 1 Prior-Prior Year Tax information from two years prior For example: the FAFSA uses 2015 tax information, the FAFSA will use 2016 taxes, etc. FAFSA is now available on October 1 every year Base year information. Explain why PPY was implemented Taxes shouldn’t hinder a student’s financial aid application Conflicts between 1617 and 1718—same tax year. Warning edits before students submit the FASFA

3 Verification in 2017-2018 Warning Messages and Conflicting Information
Will only occur for Warnings will pop-up on the FAFSA before submission If a student submits the FAFSA with conflicting information from the two applications, Comment Code 399 will be generated.

4 Examples of the warnings on the FAFSA

5 Verification in 2017-2018 Methods for processing 399
Budget Groups Packaging Groups Completely manual Tracking/Batch Posting We felt Tracking/Batch posting was the most effective.

6 Verification in 2017-2018 Identification
Must identify students with 399 for 1718, but also have a FAFSA on record for 1617 Batch post a requirement in 1718 based on the comment code as part of the 1718 dataload Batch post a requirement in 1617 based on a popsel for those who have a 399 code in 1718 RRAAREQ as part of the 1617 dataload. (Should do 1718 and dataload on the same day, starting with 1718) [See attachment 1 for my population selections and batch posting entries]

7 Verification in 2017-2018 Ramifications
Once a discrepancy is found, no more pell disbursements can be made until it is resolved. Not loading FAFSAs doesn’t get around this. You are responsible for your ISIRS as soon as they arrive in your SAIG mailbox. If a 399 is still sitting in your SAIG mailbox and you have disbursed spring Pell to that student, you may be out of compliance.

8 Verification in 2017-2018 What Causes Code 399
Standard verification items – AGI, Taxes Paid, Education Credits, etc. You can use the IRS DRT to deal with these in either year if the student used it in at least 1 of the years.

9 Verification in 2017-2018 What Causes Code 399
Non-Standard verification items – Child Support Received, Savings/Checking, VA non-educational benefits, Scholarships/Grants reported in AGI etc (see attachment 2 for full list) No way to verify many of these items other than having the student self report it again. Forms can be used, or some schools are making 1 big form that covers everything.

10 Verification in Bridging the gap between processors and frontline Mark your 399 code as reviewed but not satisfied, and post additional requirements in RRAAREQ that will satisfy the discrepancy. You can also allow the student to fix the issue. If you do that, I recommend leaving the 399 code as not reviewed and adding a code that indicates the student has been contacted and will fix the issue. (I use STUFIX). RHACOMM

11 Verification in 2017-2018 Keeping up with the 399s
If you don’t have a 1617 ISIR for the student, you don’t have to care about the 399 on 1718 But you do have to care if a 1617 comes in later Batch post a status update on your 399 codes in to a waived status for those who do not have a ISIR on record after you complete the dataload.(See attachment 5)

12 select spriden_id,a. rrrareq_aidy_code,a. rrrareq_treq_code,a
select spriden_id,a.rrrareq_aidy_code,a.rrrareq_treq_code,a.rrrareq_trst_code,a.RRRARE Q_STAT_DATE, b.rrrareq_aidy_code,b.rrrareq_treq_code,b.rrrareq_trst_code,b.RRRAREQ_STAT_DATE from spriden,rrrareq a, rrrareq b where spriden_pidm = b.rrrareq_pidm and spriden_pidm = a.rrrareq_pidm and spriden_change_ind is null and a.rrrareq_aidy_code = '1617' and a.rrrareq_treq_code = 'DISC' and b.rrrareq_aidy_code = '1718' and b.rrrareq_treq_code = 'DISC' order by 8,4


14 Verification in 2017-2018 What about the 1617 FISAP
The Fed has said that any 399 codes that come in after September 9th will not have to be reviewed for 1617. Still have to clear it up for Basically turns into super- verification for that student. Things that don’t make sense Current day questions like cash savings and checking or net worth of assets. Things that are self reported. What are we supposed to verify? Make them self report again. (Form example attachment 3)

15 Verification in 2017-2018 Other Changes No longer required to Verify:
Child Support Paid SNAP Benefits V6 (>^-^)> <(^-^<) ^(^-^)^ <(^-^<) (>^-^)>

16 Verification in 2017-2018 Verification of Non-Filing
Must get IRS Non-Filing Letter No more homemade form Includes dependent students who have no income Must Verify Wages for Non-filers Batch Post requirements to find these (See attachment 4)

17 Questions/Discussions?
Verification in Questions/Discussions?

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