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Making scenarios for your Amendments. Morning work.

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Presentation on theme: "Making scenarios for your Amendments. Morning work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making scenarios for your Amendments. Morning work.

2 Amendment 1: write a scenario for this amendment
The first amendment is the freedom of press, religion, assembly, and petition. Example: I am able to write a letter to a newspaper and get it published because we have a freedom of press.

3 Amendment 2 Write a scenario that will not be justified as a right to bear arms.

4 Amendment Three: No soldier quartered in my house
Explain why we may have needed this amendment.

5 Amendment four: no right to unreasonable searches
Explain a situation where the police may be able to use this amendment.

6 Amendment 5 1. what does it mean to plead the fifth. 2
Amendment 5 1. what does it mean to plead the fifth? 2. Is it eminent domain if the government takes my house and makes me move? Eminent Domain

7 Amendment 6 Correct this scenario:
A man is caught robbing a house. He is arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison by the police.

8 Amendment 7

9 Amendment 8: Was my right violated? A girl stole a candy bar, has no bail and the judge sentenced her to life in prison.

10 Amendment 9: Explain this amendment

11 Amendment 10 Scenario: Florida and Georgia have lotteries. South Carolina does not want them to have a lottery and appeals to the Supreme Court to stop them. Is this possible?

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