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TEI Reform During our district visits, we heard that we need to help services by providing tools and resources to assist with outcomes collection and.

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Presentation on theme: "TEI Reform During our district visits, we heard that we need to help services by providing tools and resources to assist with outcomes collection and."— Presentation transcript:


2 TEI Reform During our district visits, we heard that we need to help services by providing tools and resources to assist with outcomes collection and reporting. In response, Fams is partnering with Youth Action and LCSA to offer access to the Clear Impact Scorecard for this trial. The Scorecard is an outcomes measurement tool that plots your data in a series of easy-to-see graphs. It allows you to undertake "turn the curve" analysis, which enables you to review and improve your service provision and outcomes. The Scorecard will come populated with a selection of basic TEI performance measures for you to choose from. The performance measures have been developed using information available to the peaks from FACS. It is intended to be a restricted software trial for you to practice showing the alignment of the work you do towards TEI reform outcomes and the NSW Outcomes Framework.

3 Clear Impact Scorecard Software
Simplifies data collection Improves communication about your work Standardises reporting Helps you measure and improve the performance of your organisation Helps you link Quantitative data with Qualitative data (The Story)

4 How to enter data and use the Scorecard… For demonstration purposes we will use a mock Scorecard.
Step 1. Login into the Scorecard. Your username is your address and you should have received an from clear impact with a temporary password. (Please check your Junk Mail if it is not in your inbox.)

5 Step 2. This is the page you will see when you login
Step 2. This is the page you will see when you login. Please access your organisations scorecard via the top drop down menu indicated below.

6 Step 3. This is an example of a scorecard with the different ‘objects’ such as Result, Indicator, Program and Performance Measure. You will only need to interact with the Performance Measure objects for the purpose of this trial. Performance Measure Object

7 Step 4. To input your data into the Performance Measures which you will find on your Scorecard you will need to click on the red PM button A small pop out menu will appear and you will click on Add Data Values Red PM button Add Data Values

8 Step 5. This is the screen you will see – in order to bring up the month you require (i.e March 2017) you will click on the green Future + button. Future + button

9 Step 6. Once you can see the correct month, you will add your data to the Actual Value box. You will only type a digit, you do not need to add # or % signs. Then click the green Save button. Green Save button Only fill in the Actual Value box

10 Does anyone have any questions at this point?
Please type your questions in the space provided.

11 Step 7. You can view the data and your graph if you click the small expand button next to the red PM button. Current Trend - which way the data is tracking (arrow up, straight or down) with the number of months (Time Period) it has been tracking in that direction. Baseline Change % - the change in % from the first data point entered to the current data point. Small expand button

12 Step 8. To add context/qualitative information to this Performance Measure you will first click on the title of the Performance Measure (in this case ‘How much did we do?’) Click on the title of the measure

13 Step 9. You will then see this screen with all the information about this measure, such as the data, graph and qualitative/note sections. To edit these sections and add your own information you will click on the small pencil edit button. Edit pencil button

14 Step 9. continued These are the notes sections that are provided by the Clear Impact Scorecard.

15 Step 10. The editing bar of the notes section is a lot like Microsoft Word, you are able to format text, add images, videos and links. It is good practice to type the time period you are reporting on at the start of your note, i.e March, Once finished, click on the floppy disk save button. Floppy Disk Save button

16 Step 11. Please follow these steps to add data and qualitative information for each of your measures every month. You can always navigate back to your Scorecard view by clicking on the title in the black bar at the top of the page, in this case ‘Demo Scorecard’. Title of Scorecard

17 Please type your questions in the space provided.
Any questions? Please type your questions in the space provided.

18 Thank you Thank you for your participation in the trial. We will be scheduling online Q & A sessions – you will be sent times and dates for these soon. Each session will be limited to 10 people so please to reserve a spot and we will you the meeting link. To help make the Q & A sessions run smoothly please your questions in advance to with the subject line ‘Scorecard Question’.

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