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Presentation on theme: "DC OPEN DOORS LENDER TRAINING"— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to DC Open Doors
Presentation Summary Program Overview Program Highlights Loan Products Down Payment Assistance Program Facts Program FAQs Program Process Reservation Process Data Transmission Pre-closing Review Reservation Extensions Direct Funding, Closing Post-Closing Process FAQs Contact Information

3 Program Highlights DC Open Doors allows participating lenders to offer affordable mortgages and down payment assistance to eligible homebuyers. DC Open Doors has Continuous Funding for its mortgages AND down payment assistance! Interest rates are posted daily at Facebook (DC Open Doors) and Twitter U.S. Bank, National Association is the Master Servicer. All participating lenders must: Be approved by both U.S. Bank and DCHFA Participate in all mandatory trainings Lenders are encouraged to originate a minimum of $1 Million annually.

4 More Inclusive Affordable Homeownership!
Program Highlights FHA and Conventional Loan Types Open Doors can provide 1st trust alone or 1st trust and DPAL Open to First Time and Repeat Homebuyers Open to all D.C. Neighborhoods and Wards Maximum Borrower Income of $131,040 No Household income test $424,100 Maximum 1st Trust Loan Amount No Sales Price Limitations No Asset Test U.S. Bank Overlays & Investor Guidelines Apply More Inclusive Affordable Homeownership!

5 DC Open Doors Loan Products
Government Conventional FHA 1st Mortgage up to 96.5% LTV Standard FHA Loan Standard MIP, upfront and monthly FHA Plus Subordinate loan of 3.5% of sales price Standard FHA Loan, MIP, etc. HFA Preferred HFA Advantage 1st Mortgage up to 97% LTV Charter minimum, MI Coverage Refinances eligible Homebuyer education required Conventional w/DPAL Subordinate loan of 3.0% of sales price

6 Down Payment Assistance
DC Open Doors Down Payment Assistance Available for FHA and Conventional Loans Must be coupled with DC Open Doors 1st Trust Amount is 3.0% or 3.5% of sales price Structured as Subordinate Lien Can be used in conjunction with other assistance programs (HPAP, EAHP, etc.) Forgiven over 5 years, 20% per year DPAL is 0% & non-amortizing (No Payments) Interest rate on 1st Trust will be slightly higher when using DPAL DPAL is repayable within first 5 years only upon sale, refinance or transfer of title

7 DC Open Doors – Program Facts
Interest Rates Not Credit Score Based Rate Offered at Par (No Lender Credit, Points, etc.) 45% Maximum Debt to Income Ratio (U.S. Bank) 640 Minimum Credit Score The maximum loan amount of $424,100 can only be exceeded by the UFMIP on an FHA loan

8 DC Open Doors – Program FACTS
Charter minimum MI coverage for conventional loans – 18% at 97% LTV Seller Contributions Allowable – Follow FHA/Fannie/Freddie Guidelines Buyers can use their own funds plus DPAL for additional down payment or closing costs DC Open Doors continues to offer 97% LTV on condominiums Homebuyer education requirement can be completed online or face-to-face. Provider must meet standards defined by the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling = (follow FNMA/FHLMC guidelines) No DCHFA Review/Requirement of the Home Inspection

9 DC Open Doors – Program FAQs
Why use HFA without DPAL? The MI rates are lower on DC Open Doors than on standard conventional loans (HomeReady/Home Advantage) Rates are not credit score driven Choice of Homebuyer Education Provider - Not required to use a specific Homebuyer Education Provider Is there a maximum sales price for the program? No, there is not a maximum sales price amount. However, the loan amount may not exceed $424,100 plus FHA MIP. What income must be used to determine qualifications under the maximum income requirement? All borrower income must be documented/verified, regardless of whether or not being used for qualifying purposes –however, NOT based upon household Maximum Income for all borrowers is $131,040 Do you allow a non-occupant co-borrower? Yes, following Investor/Insurer/Servicer guidelines. Income is counted for eligibility Is there a maximum origination charge the lender is permitted to collect? No, however it must be reasonable and customary

10 DC Open Doors – Program FAQs
Can the borrower buy down the interest rate? No, all of our loans are quoted with 0 points only (no lender credits, either) If I have more than one purchaser, but only one is going to be on the loan, can the other person be on the deed? Yes, non-borrowers are permitted to be on the title. Can the DC Open Doors programs be used for a refinance? Yes, the HFA Preferred is also a refinance program up to 97% LTV/CLTV Can my borrower own any other property at the time of closing on a DC Open Doors loan? No, the borrower may not have ownership interest in any other property at the time of closing. What types of non-resident aliens are allowed under the program? We follow FHA/FNMA/FHLMC/U.S. Bank guidelines


12 DC Open Doors Program Process
No separate application for DC Open Doors – the borrowers meet with Lender and start loan application DCHFA will pay the cost to record the DPAL Deed of Trust, negating the need for a Lender Estimate/GFE or Closing Disclosure/HUD1 The only allowable fee on DPAL is the cost to record the DOT – NO TITLE INSURANCE ON DPAL Lender reserves loan with DC Open Doors (via eHousingPlus website) at time of rate lock (must have ratified contract) Reservation (Rate Lock) starts 70 Day reservation period (delivery & purchase) – recommended quote to borrower is 30 days

13 DC Open Doors Program Process
DC Open Doors does pre-closing review for all loans DC Open Doors coordinates closing with Lender Post-closing – eHousingPlus review & U.S. Bank review DC Open Doors – always here to answer questions!

14 DC Open Doors – Reservation Process
Reservation = Official Program Rate Lock Date Reservation date starts 70 Day period from lock to U.S. Bank purchase post-closing Recommended quote of 30 days to borrower to allow sufficient time for post-closing Reserve Loan Using Online Reservation System (eHousingPlus): Input as much borrower/loan information into the reservation system as possible to reduce Pre-Closing Review processing time Information must match what is submitted to DCHFA Purchase Contracts MUST be Fully Ratified Prior to Reserving a Loan with DCHFA

15 DC Open Doors Data Transmission
DCHFA uses a secure FTP portal for receiving and sending all data, documents, etc. FTP portal supports PDF, Word, Excel, etc.; Lenders are responsible for transmitting all document submissions via FTP portal; Documents are uploaded to DCHFA via secure FTP portal, with specific file naming: Last Name, First Name – Submission or Document Title DCHFA will transmit DPAL closing documents (commitment letters, loan documents, settlement instructions, etc.) via FTP portal; DPAL docs are NOT sent to lender via eHousingPlus – the FTP is a separate website; Each Lender will be provided with login credentials FTP link:

16 DC Open Doors Data Transmission
Lenders must designate a system administrator to manage access to FTP portal DCHFA will provide each individual lender with one set of log-in credentials for access. Credentials can be used by multiple parties (processors, underwriters, etc.)

17 DC Open Doors Pre-closing Review
DCHFA reviews all loans for compliance and provides a “Clear to Close” Notice. DCHFA is reviewing for the following: Loan Application Form 1003 for accuracy Maximum Borrower Income of $131,040 Proof of Income (*see checklist) Ratified Purchase Contract Homebuyer Education (If Applicable) DPAL (If Applicable) DPA Loan Funding Request form & Wiring Instructions Need 3 business days to process DPAL funding *Always reference the Review Checklist to ensure your package is complete.

18 DC Open Doors Pre-Closing Review
Files reviewed on “first come, first served” basis; We will receive an alert when a loan file has been uploaded by a lender. Files will be logged upon receipt; Files missing documentation will be taken out of the review queue and placed in pending queue until the files are complete; DCHFA commits to a timely pre-closing review time from receipt of a completed package; File Approved – DC Open Doors Sends ‘Clear to Close’ Notice

19 DC Open Doors – Reservation Extensions
Lenders must request all reservation extensions in writing All extensions will trigger Extension Fees 70 Day Base Rate Lock 30 Day Extension – 0.25% of Loan Amount Fee 100 Days Total 20 Day Extension – 0.50% of Loan Amount Fee 120 Days Total Extension Fees are netted from ALL loans delivered after 70 Days Avoid Extension Fees – Quote 30 Day Locks to Borrowers!

20 Direct Funding and Closing – DPAL only
DC Open Doors Direct Funding and Closing – DPAL only DCHFA prepares DPAL closing documents and uploads to FTP for lender to access Lender downloads DPAL closing documents and sends to settlement company with 1st trust docs DCHFA funds the DPAL directly to settlement company DCHFA NEEDS 3 BUSINESS DAYS TO PROCESS FUNDING. PLEASE ENSURE DCHFA HAS SUFFICIENT TIME TO FUND THE DPAL If a first trust loan contains deficiencies, or for any other reason cannot be purchased by U.S. Bank, the lender is responsible for reimbursing DCHFA for the DPAL DCHFA will send a letter to the lender requesting reimbursement including wiring instructions and timing Failure to reimburse DCHFA for a DPAL closed with a first trust loan that is not purchased by U.S. Bank could result in lender suspension.

21 DC Open Doors Post-Closing
Three Parallel Processes Start Immediately After Closing: DC Open Doors & DPAL Copies of Executed Note, Closing Disclosure & DOT for 1st Trust Loan Original Borrower Recertification, Note & Recorded DOT mailed to DCHFA eHousingPlus Compliance Review Package is sent to eHP in Weston, FL eHP will follow DCHFA’s Post-Closing Review File Checklist for review: Copy of checklist – available on eHousingPlus Copy of the Borrower Recertification Final executed 1003 Copy of executed Closing Disclosure Certified true copy of Executed DOT and Note for all financing eHousingPlus compliance approval is required before U.S. Bank will purchase loan U.S. Bank Purchase Review Package is sent to U.S. Bank via docVelocity Imaging Standard purchase file – please refer to US Bank for complete document list Please ensure package is complete Allow time for review and purchase – reservation timeline management is critical eHousingPlus Approval & U.S. Bank Approval Required Loan purchased!

22 DC Open Doors – Process Summary
Pre-Closing thru Closing Borrower starts process Meets with Lender No separate application for DC Open Doors DCHFA pays the cost to record the DPAL DOT, if applicable No other fees allowed on DPAL Lender Reserves Loan Reservation = Rate Lock Starts 70 Day Reservation Period Need fully executed purchase contract Can be before or after underwriting approval Pre-Closing Review Required for all loans, with or without DPAL Submitted to DCHFA via FTP Complete files reviewed Funding, Closing DCHFA funds DPALs directly at closing DCHFA sends DPAL loan docs to Lender via FTP 3 business days needed to fund DPAL Loan closes!

23 Post Closing Post Closing
Compliance Review file mailed to eHousingPlus Purchase file uploaded to U.S. Bank DPAL original docs sent to DCHFA eHousingPlus communicates any deficiencies to Lender. Approves loan Notifies U.S. Bank U.S. Bank communicates any deficiencies to Lender. Purchases loan 70 Day Reservation Period Extensions Must be requested PRIOR to expiration Must be requested in writing Trigger Extension Fees

24 DC Open Doors – Process FAQs and Tips
Subordinate financing listed as Source of Down Payment/Closing Costs on 1003 All lender and DCHFA numbers required to reflect the same amounts All files MUST have the MCC-001 Document whether or not there is an MCC with the loan or not!!!!!!!!!!!! After an approval is issued, no changes to DU, 1003, U.S. Bank approvals, etc. can be made. If so, it must be reviewed again with revisions. LENDERS DO NOT CANCEL DC OPEN DOORS LOANS IN SYSTEM Please us at to cancel a loan

25 DC Open Doors – Process FAQs and Tips
Lender should submit loan files as close to the loan settlement date as possible, but not less than 5 business days before; Please coordinate with your Secondary/Loan Ops Department about locks (timing and how-to) No specific MI company is required on DC Open Doors’ loans Refer to U.S. Bank for a list of acceptable MI Providers HFA Preferred (FNMA) loans must be run through DU and coded as “HFA Preferred” Must receive DU “Approve/Eligible” Findings HFA Advantage (FHLMC) loans must be run through LP and coded as “HFA”. Must receive Accept findings.

26 DC Open Doors Contact Information Program Administration Lisa Hensley, Single Family Director Bill Milko, Single Family Deputy Director Deborah Jones, Single Family Program Manager Website and Social Media Website: (All forms, presentations, etc. are in For Participating Lenders Only section) (Follow us!) Facebook: (Like our page!)

27 Additional Contacts U.S. Bank eHousingPlus U.S. Bank Guidelines:
Post-Closing Package: Upload via docVelocity Imaging Required Original Documents: Mail to: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, HFA Division Note Vault American Blvd. E, Suite 440, Bloomington, MN 55425 Help Desk: (800) or eHousingPlus Website: Mailing Address: Universal Blvd., Suite 190, Weston, FL 33331 Phone: (954) Address:

28 Common Conditions Findings Reflecting Cash Back to the Borrower –
Common reason for this finding is that EMD is reflected as paid under Details of Transaction. Cure is to reflect EMD under the Asset Section of the 1003. Property address mismatch on Flood Cert, Note and other Loan Documents Example: Unit #XXX, #XXX, Unit XXX – ALL MUST MATCH!!! Demand Feature not checked on the Closing Disclosure. List of Service Providers not provided. Source of Funds on 1003 must reflect Subordinate Financing/DC Open Doors (or Secured Borrowed Funds) for loans with DPA. AU Findings must reflect program type (HFA Preferred or HFA Advantage) so that MI requirements are correct and findings are correct. NO title insurance/fees other than cost to record! Let your title company know up front. 1st Trust Closing Disclosure must reflect TOTAL DPAL amount and the cost to record needs to be reflected as paid by DCHFA




32 DC Open Doors Program Instructions for after the Live Webinar Program Training
Step #1 Attend the eHousingPlus Lender Portal System Software Training This training is only required for anyone who will reserve funds, print forms, view the program pipeline and clear exceptions. System software training is conducted on a weekly basis via Live Webinar. Please click on this link to register : Step #2 After System Software Training - Apply for user credentials. Loan Officers who will NOT reserve funds in the eHousingPlus Lender Portal but DO need their name to appear in drop down to receive credit for originating a DCHFA DC Open Doors loan, click on this link: Loan officers, processors, closers, shippers and post closers who need access to the lender portal and do NOT currently have an eHousingPlus Lender Portal username and password, please click this link: Look for the Sign-In button, directly below click on the link “Register for User ID”. Complete the required information and submit the form. Loan officers, processors, closers, shippers and post closers who need access to the lender portal and DO currently have an eHousingPlus Lender Portal username and password, please click this link: Use the FlexCode: AEROMANCY (code will expire in 5 business days)



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