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Earth’s Layers and Atmosphere Layers

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1 Earth’s Layers and Atmosphere Layers
Objectives: Identify and describe layers of the earth. Identify and describe layers of the atmosphere.

2 Earth’s Layers (p.61)

3 Earth’s Layers Lithosphere (solid) Asthenosphere Outermost layer
Crust and uppermost part of mantle “litho” means “rock” Huge pieces called tectonic plates, which “float” on top of the asthenosphere Asthenosphere Upper part of the mantle Made of mantle rock which flows slowly, allowing tectonic plates to move on top of it.

4 Earth’s Layers (cont.) Mesosphere Outer Core Inner Core
“meso” means “middle” Lower part of the mantle Outer Core Liquid nickel and iron Inner Core Solid nickel and iron

5 Layers of the Atmosphere (p.68)

6 Layers of the Atmosphere
Troposphere Closest to Earth’s surface Almost all weather occurs here Densest atmospheric layer Temperature decreases with altitude (height) Stratosphere Temperatures increase with altitude Contains ozone layer (O3)

7 Layers of the Atmosphere (cont.)
Mesosphere “meso” means ? Coldest layer Thermosphere “thermo” means ? Highest temperatures Contains ions in the ionosphere, which create the Northern Lights (the aurora borealis)

8 Assignment  Draw, color, and label (DCL) the layers of the earth.
DCL the layers of the atmosphere. ON EACH DRAWING, add things to each layer that will help you remember them. Example: What is a characteristic of the mesosphere? Make up with a mnemonic device to help you and your classmates remember the order of the layers.


10 Where do Earthquakes Occur?

11 Volcanoes: The Ring of Fire

12 Plate Tectonics Lithosphere – rocky, outermost layer of Earth’s crust – is divided into large pieces called tectonic plates. Tectonic plates float across the molten magma in the asthenosphere. Plate boundaries – most geologically active areas on Earth. Plates collide, creating mountain ranges Earthquakes occur here Volcanoes occur here

13 Earthquakes Caused by blocks of Earth’s crust sliding past each other along faults (breaks in Earth’s crust) Magnitude (measure of the energy released) rated on the Richter scale

14 Volcanoes A mountain built from magma (melted rock)
Usually located near tectonic plate boundaries Most are found along the edges of the Pacific Ocean (the “Ring of Fire”) Volcanic eruptions have local and global effects.

15 Local Effects of Volcanic Eruptions
Economic devastation Loss of human life Difficulty breathing due to volcanic ash Creates new crust Produces fertile soil Geothermal energy (“geo” = earth; “thermal” = heat)

16 Global Effects of Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic ash in the atmosphere can block incoming sunlight. Less sunlight = lower temperatures Mount Pinatubo (1991)

17 Erosion Definition: the transport (movement) of surface materials
Water erosion Ocean waves Cliffs and sea stacks Battered shorelines Rivers Canyons

18 Erosion (cont.) Wind erosion Removal of soil Rock formations

19 Energy in the Atmosphere
Energy from the sun enters Earth’s atmosphere and is then transferred 3 ways (Fig. 15, pp.70-71): Radiation – across space (EX: heat from a fire) Convection - transfer of heat by air currents (also happens in water) Conduction – by direct contact

20 Methods of Heat Transfer

21 Greenhouse Effect Definition: gases in the atmosphere trap radiation and emit it as heat Most common greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide Water vapor Methane Nitrous oxide Sources? The same effect is achieved in actual greenhouses and in automobiles. (Fig. 16, p.72)


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