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Target Scholarship Case Competition: Healthy Guests = Happy Guests

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Presentation on theme: "Target Scholarship Case Competition: Healthy Guests = Happy Guests"— Presentation transcript:

1 Target Scholarship Case Competition: Healthy Guests = Happy Guests
Speaking Tips for the Presenter: Thank audience for joining you to learn more about this opportunity

2 Introductions Matt Roberts Ellie Kantzos
Healthcare Business Partner (HCBP) Ellie Kantzos Introductions Explain your background with Target What your role entails

3 What is a Case Competition?
The Target Scholarship Case Competition is a contest in which teams of four student pharmacists compete to present the best solution to a business case specifically related to Target Speaking tips to the presenter: Read off the definition Explain what a business case is: the case is a prompt for teams to address Emphasize that no clinical pharmacy knowledge is required for this competition Emphasize that it is related to Target Explain who can participate: any student pharmacist currently attending that school (some schools/organization may have additional requirements) If this is the case, an additional slide can be added to explain the team member requirements Explain how to sign your team up: this will also vary at different schools

4 Why Compete? Win a $3,000 Scholarship ($1,000 per group member)
Develop team-building skills by working with your peers Strengthen leadership qualities Showcase your intellect and creativity Enhance your curriculum vitae/resume Network with Target Team leadership! Speaking tips for the presenter: Explain that $3000 = $1000 per team member Briefly touch on the bullet points, including personal examples as applicable and as time permits

5 Case Analysis Teams will be given approximately 4-5 weeks to prepare a solution and presentation to the case Research the industry and company Provide a SWOT Analysis of the current situation and of your proposed solution Present an innovative solution Speaking tips for the presenter: (Preparation time allotted may vary from school to school) Encourage participants to research the company. Tailor the solution to fit Target. Encourage participants to research SWOT analysis: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

6 Case Study Tips Know your audience Utilize your resources
Prepare a creative yet feasible solution Focus on one solution Explain how it can be implemented

7 Presentation Teams are required to produce a presentation via Microsoft PowerPoint Handouts or prototypes for the judges are optional Presentations are to be 8-10 minutes in length The judges will take 5 minutes for Q&A Speaking tips for the presenter: Presentations are not public, and contestants will not be observing

8 Presentation Tips Be confident! Speak clearly and concisely
Keep track of the time Anticipate questions and be receptive of feedback All team members should play a role in the presentation Speaking tips for speaker: Briefly touch on the bullet points Include any additional tips from personal experience if time permits Resources: Visit a nearby Target, etc

9 Judging Teams will be randomly placed in a preliminary round judged by a small panel of judges One team from each room will proceed to the final The final round will be judged by all judges from the preliminary rounds Judging criteria is based on a mix of content, presentation, and leadership Competition Winners Announced that day Speaking tips for the presenter: Briefly describe who the judges are: Judges can include but not limited to RxBPs, ETL-Rxs, ETL-HR, STL, DTL, etc Explain how the rounds are structured (this may vary from school to school) Briefly explain what the teams will be evaluated on: Ie. Content, presentation skills Questions will be based on the information presented by the team. There may be no right or wrong answer to the questions asked by the judging panel, however part of the scoring will be based on the team’s ability to field the questions quickly Teams will be judged on the viability of their strategy and the logical flow of their overall presentation Competition winners will be announced immediately after judges deliberate after the final round

10 Competition Presentation Day
Date: May 1st, 2014 A confirmed date, location and presentation times will be ed to the respective teams Speaking tips to presenter: Please provide the date of the Competition Presentation Day Please also provide the location Next we will present the case for the Target Scholarship Case Competition for school name year

11 The Case Speaking tips for the presenter:
Encourage audience to ask questions regarding the case study process/competition before going on to discuss the case prompt After questions, pull up the Case Prompt Document and discuss Encourage audience to ask any additional questions regarding the competition and/or the case prompt; stay to network/discuss one-on-one post-presentation if time allows

12 Healthy Guests = Happy Guests
Project Question How might Target position itself as the one stop shop for guests’ health and wellness wants/needs?

13 Healthy Guests = Happy Guests
Case Study Evaluation Presentation & Content Was your objective clear? Are your recommendations well-founded? What data did you use to support your position? Professionalism Visual Aids Presentation Skills Question & Answer Session Tie Breakers How feasible is your idea? Could it actually be implemented?

14 Good Luck!!! Any questions???

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