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Pre-AP English II August 24, 2017

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1 Pre-AP English II August 24, 2017
As you come in take out your journal or a sheet of paper and respond to the following: Think about a person who is governed more by intellectual decisions than by emotional decisions. This can be someone you know, or just an imaginary person. What are the positive and negative consequences of relying more on your intellect than your emotions?

2 Yesterday We… Discussed the characteristics and elements of Romanticism and Gothicism. We analyzed how those characteristics and elements are manifest in Frankenstein, and what impact they have on the novel. Discussed Frankenstein as an epistolary novel. We analyzed how that form shapes the novel and how the novel might be different in a different form. Discussed mood and tone in Frankenstein and how Mary Shelley uses diction and syntax to help establish both.

3 Epistolary Novel Epistolary novel: a novel written in the form of a series of letters What impact does this form have on the story? What “person” is the story written in? Does this matter? Why?

4 Mood & Tone In the literary sense, what are mood and tone?
Mood: the literary element that evokes certain feelings in the reader through words and descriptions; it creates the emotional situation that surrounds the reader Tone: the attitude of the writer toward the subject or audience; conveyed through word choice or viewpoint

5 Mood and tone…not how loud your mom screams when she’s mad
What is/are the mood(s) present in Frankenstein? Give examples of how Shelley establishes mood? What is/are the general tone(s) of the novel? What can we infer about Shelley’s attitude toward the story? Her readers (audience)?

6 Objectives Students will continue their analysis of Frankenstein by examining major and minor; examining their individual characteristics, and using specific examples from the text to make inferences and draw conclusions about their importance to the text. They will analyze seemingly irrelevant story lines and make relevant connections to the other characters and plot. Students will discuss various tropes, motifs, and character archetypes present in the novel, analyzing their importance to the progression of the story. TEKS: E2(B), 5(A, B); CCRS: ELA(II.A.1, 4, 10, 11)

7 Tropes, Motifs, and Archetypes, oh my!
Trope: a commonly recurring literary device used for artistic effect Motif: a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition Archetype: a symbol, motif, or character that recurs in literature or art

8 The gates of Geneva to a galaxy far, far away: character archetypes abound
Common Archetypes Archetypes in Frankenstein The hero The mentor The everyman The innocent The villain Mad scientist Tragic hero Damsel in distress Villain Outcast/freak Sidekick/foil

9 Frankenstein: The Cast of Characters
Victor Frankenstein The creature/monster Robert Walton Alphonse Frankenstein Elizabeth Lavenza Henry Clerval William Frankenstein Justine Moritz Caroline Beaufort & her father The peasants M. Waldman, M. Krempe, M. Kirwin (the 3M’s)

10 Heroes, Villains, and Anti-Heroes
Who is the hero of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein? Use text to prove your argument. Who is the villain? Use text to prove your argument. Why doesn’t Shelley make it more clear who the hero and villain are? What is an anti-hero? Is there one in Frankenstein? Use text to prove your point.

11 Questions?

12 Tomorrow We Will… Discuss the themes present in Frankenstein
How do characters and setting enhance or impact those themes Is the story plot-driven or theme-driven? Are any of the themes in the novel still relevant today? Discuss why authors include reality in their works of fiction

13 Homework Work on your group study guides
If you want to come to my room during tutorials to work, please get a pass BEFORE YOU LEAVE, check in with your teacher and get permission before coming here. Work together! You will be working with this group on an extension lesson after we finish our discussion and exam.

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