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Strategy Discussion Andrés Tapia President, Diversity Best Practices

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1 Strategy Discussion Andrés Tapia President, Diversity Best Practices
Diversity Best Practices 5th Annual Global Best Practice Session Strategy Discussion Shanghai, China November 15, 2011 Andrés Tapia President, Diversity Best Practices

2 Next Generation Diversity Competencies
LEADERSHIP IMPACT Systemic Thinking Strategic Savvy Influence PERSONAL MASTERY Global Mindset Crosscultural Competence TECHNICAL MASTERY Financial/Business Acumen Functional HR Know-how Tech and Social Media Fluency

3 Strategic Saviness TBD

4 What Strategy Is Not Operational effectiveness
Operational and action plans Principles and values

5 Ten Keys to Strategic Savviness Every Diversity Practitioner Needs to Know
Envision a compelling future. Understand the current and trending forces inside and outside the organization. Know the different stakeholders and the mental models and motivations that drive them. Be brutally honest about the current challenges that would get in the way of achieving the compelling future. Identify the organization’s incredibly unique strengths and insights available right now.

6 Ten Keys to Strategic Savviness Every Diversity Practitioner Needs to Know
Be ready to let go of long cherished programs, structures, etc. Be clear about what the organization will need to execute the new strategy. Create metrics and scorecards to take on the contours of the strategy. Communicate relentlessly with consistent language and images. Debate assumptions, not forecasts.

7 James Collins and Jerry Porras
Strategy Tools McKinsey 7-s Model Performance Wheel Visual Articulation Stakeholder Analysis SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats James Collins and Jerry Porras

8 Managing Strategy: Four processes Translating the Vision
Feedback and Learning Business Planning Communicating and Linking Robert Kaplan and David Norton

9 Characteristics of Great Strategy
Operates off a systemic analysis of the current and desired state Simple and compelling Not about everything About choices About alignment Tells a compelling story

10 Strategy without execution is dead.
Execution without strategy is a dead end.

11 Asia & South Asia

12 China Generated 12 million jobs in Impending skilled labor shortage More than 100 million people in China are age 65 or older 56 official ethnic groups Generational challenges between modern young Chinese and traditional elders

13 Korea Aging is even more acute in Korea, which nears the top of the list in terms of shrinking populations Gender disparity issues Southeast Asian immigrants marrying the home town women

14 Japan Rapidly aging workforce. 20% of population 65 or older. By 2055, it will be 40%. Companies have started rehiring retirees to fill gaps—and part time opportunities were reduced, again to plug gaps. Only 10% of managerial positions in Japan are held by women, compared to 43% in the US. Up to 70% of Japanese women leave the workforce when they begin their families.

15 India India is not struggling with a shrinking workforce. Challenge is to ensure its large population of youthful workers is adequately trained and educated to meet workforce needs around the globe. Gender concerns are bursting upon the scene in India, as women are needed in the workplace and just beginning to enjoy their new working status. Class and religion in India also present diversity challenges.

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