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Circulatory System.

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1 Circulatory System

2 Functions of Circulatory System
Carries oxygen to all cells and removes carbon dioxide Carries waste products of cell activity to kidneys to be removed Transports nutrients from the digestive system to all cells Carries materials that fight infections and heal wounds

3 Components of Blood Plasma Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets

4 Plasma Liquid part of blood Composed of water and nutrients
Contains electrolytes Electrolytes: chemicals that allow cells to maintain the correct electrical voltage (ex: nerve impulses)


6 Red Blood Cells Most numerous blood cells Tiny, flexible cells (allows
them to fit through capillaries) No nucleus Contains hemoglobin

7 Hemoglobin Hemoglobin contains iron & carries oxygen in the blood

8 White Blood Cells Fight infection

9 Platelets Small cell fragments that clot the blood when there are cuts and scrapes




13 3 types of Blood Vessels Arteries Veins capillaries

14 Arteries Carry blood away from the heart
Arteries branch into smaller vessels, known as arterioles Arteries have thick walls because the blood is pumped with strong pressure from the heart

15 Veins Carry blood from the body tissues back to the heart
Smallest veins are venules Deoxygenated blood is not under much pressure, so veins have thinner walls than arteries

16 Capillaries Smallest blood vessels One cell thick
This is the location of exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes, and other nutrients Arterioles and venules meet at the capillaries

17 Heart Made of cardiac muscle Located under the rib cage

18 Cardiac Muscle Muscle that contracts without nerve stimulation

19 Pacemakers Special cells in the heart that control the electrical system of the heart Cause the heart to beat by electrical signals 2 areas: Sinoatrial node Atrioventricular node

20 Heart Chambers The human heart has 4 chambers 2 small atria: right
atrium & left atrium 2 large ventricles: right ventricle & left ventricle

21 Valves Valves allow blood to flow in one direction only

22 Tricuspid valve separates the right atrium & right ventricle

23 Mitral valve separates the left atrium & the left ventricle

24 Aortic valve: between left ventricle & aorta

25 Pulmonary valve between the right ventricle & pulmonary artery

26 Pericardium a double walled sac filled with fluid that protects
the heart

27 Vena Cava Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava
The higher vein that brings blood from the head, neck, and arms to return to the heart Inferior Vena Cava The lower vein that brings blood From the rest of the body to the heart

28 Pulmonary artery This artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs

29 Pulmonary vein This vein brings oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart

30 Aorta This is the largest artery in the body
It has strong muscular walls to withstand the high pressure with which the left ventricle pumps the blood


32 Pulmonary Circulation
The circulation system that takes blood from your heart to your lungs and back to your heart

33 Systemic Circulation The circulation that takes blood from your heart to your body and back to your heart

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