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Mink Dissection Review

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Presentation on theme: "Mink Dissection Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mink Dissection Review

2 Menu Neck & Thoracic Cavity Abdominal Cavity Heart Blood Vessels
Urinary System Reproductive Systems

3 Neck & Thoracic Cavity

4 Trachea

5 Esophagus

6 Esophagus

7 Trachea

8 Larynx

9 Larynx

10 Trachea

11 Thymus gland

12 Heart (Organ)

13 Thymus gland

14 Heart (Organ)

15 Right apical lobe of the lung

16 Left apical lobe of the lung

17 Right cardiac lobe of the lung

18 Right diaphragmatic lobe of the lung

19 Left diaphragmatic lobe of the lung

20 Intermediate lobe of the lung

21 Left apical lobe of the lung

22 Left diaphragmatic lobe of the lung

23 Intermediate lobe of the lung

24 Right diaphragmatic lobe of the lung

25 Right cardiac lobe of the lung

26 Right apical lobe of the lung

27 Trachea

28 Bronchi

29 Diaphragm

30 Bronchi

31 Abdominal Cavity

32 Stomach

33 Liver

34 Greater omentum

35 Intestines

36 Greater omentum

37 Stomach

38 Diaphragm

39 Liver

40 Gall bladder

41 Spleen

42 Intestines

43 Liver

44 Gall bladder

45 Rectum

46 Intestines

47 Spleen

48 Stomach

49 Liver

50 Intestines

51 Pancreas

52 Duodenum

53 Pyloric sphincter

54 Stomach

55 Gall bladder

56 Cystic duct

57 Stomach Organ

58 Gastric rugae (Folds)

59 Rectum

60 Liver

61 Duodenum

62 Pancreas

63 Pyloric sphincter

64 Liver

65 Stomach

66 Pyloric sphincter

67 Pancreas

68 Duodenum

69 Intestines

70 Liver

71 Gall bladder

72 Cystic duct

73 Stomach

74 Intestines

75 Stomach

76 Duodenum

77 Pancreas

78 Gall bladder

79 Liver

80 Heart

81 Precava

82 Heart

83 Postcava

84 Right atrium

85 Right ventricle

86 Precava

87 Postcava

88 Left atrium

89 Left ventricle

90 Left ventricle

91 Precava

92 Right atrium

93 Postcava

94 Right ventricle

95 Left ventricle

96 Right ventricle

97 Right atrium

98 Left atrium

99 Right ventricle

100 Left ventricle

101 Cardiac veins (Blood vessels)

102 Coronary arteries (Blood vessels)

103 Coronary artery (Blood vessel)

104 Cardiac vein (Blood vessel)

105 Left ventricle

106 Left ventricle

107 Right ventricle

108 Right ventricle

109 Right atrium

110 Left atrium

111 Right atrium

112 Right atrium

113 Right ventricle

114 Left ventricle

115 Left atrium

116 Left atrium

117 Left ventricle

118 Right ventricle

119 Right atrium

120 Left ventricle

121 Right ventricle

122 Right atrium

123 Aortic arch

124 Aortic arch

125 Precava

126 Postcava

127 Pulmonary veins

128 Pulmonary trunk

129 Blood Vessels

130 Precava

131 Postcava

132 Thoracic aorta

133 Thoracic aorta

134 Aortic arch

135 Left subclavian artery

136 Brachiocephalic artery

137 Precava

138 Postcava

139 Precava

140 Postcava

141 Aortic arch

142 Left subclavian artery

143 Brachiocephalic artery

144 External jugular

145 Internal jugular

146 Precava

147 Subclavian vein

148 External jugular

149 Common carotid

150 Subclavian vein

151 External jugular

152 Internal jugular

153 Common carotid

154 Common carotid

155 Common carotid

156 Thoracic aorta

157 Left subclavian artery

158 Brachiocephalic artery

159 Azygous vein

160 Thoracic aorta

161 Hepatic portal vein

162 Hepatic portal vein

163 Postcava

164 Abdominal aorta

165 Renal vein

166 Renal vein

167 Renal artery

168 Abdominal aorta

169 Postcava

170 Iliac artery

171 Iliac vein

172 Urinary System

173 Kidney

174 Renal vein

175 Renal artery

176 Kidney

177 Renal vein

178 Ureter

179 Kidney

180 Kidney

181 Ureter

182 Urinary bladder

183 Urinary bladder

184 Renal cortex

185 Renal medulla

186 Renal pelvis

187 Renal vein

188 Renal cortex

189 Renal medulla

190 Renal pelvis

191 Renal Vein

192 Reproductive Systems

193 Ovary

194 Uterine horn

195 Uterine body

196 Urinary bladder

197 Uterine horn

198 Uterine body

199 Ovary

200 Uterine body

201 Uterine horn

202 Testis

203 Epididymis

204 Vas deferens

205 Penis

206 Urinary bladder

207 Rectum

208 Testis

209 Vas deferens

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