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Effective Public Speaking

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Public Speaking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Public Speaking
Speech is power, Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

2 What you will learn Aspects of Public Speaking Parts of the Speech
Types, Reasons, Why Parts of the Speech Delivery of the Speech

3 Aspects of Public Speaking
Types of public speaking Purpose of your speech Why we listen to speakers Who is your audience Preparation for your speech

4 Types of Public Speaking
Two types of Public Speaking Extemporaneous – means spur of the moment Prepared – having time to develop your material

5 Why are you there? (Purpose)
Part of your assignment Chance to tell others about what you learned You have something to share You know things about your topic that others do not Chance to show others your presentation

6 Why do we listen to public speakers?
Information Persuasive topics Motivation Entertainment

7 Know your audience? Age – How old is the majority of your audience?
Are there more boys/girls in the audience? What will your audience be interested in? How many people will be in your audience? Will your audience be knowledgeable about your topic?

8 How to win the audience? Keep your discussion Interesting To the point
Use examples or stories Provide interesting facts To the point Don’t go on and on and on and on and on Keep your comments simple but informative

9 Preparation Do your homework – Know your topic
Develop your presentation material Accuracy (content and spelling) Practice, Practice, Practice Mom, Dad, brother, sister, mirror, family pet, stuffed animals, record your speech Practice where you will do your actual presentation Accept criticism – no one is perfect/ there is always room for improvement Time yourself

10 Parts of the Speech Introduction Body Conclusion

11 Introduction of Speech
Get the audiences attention Introduce yourself State the purpose Relate the importance to the audience Preview the main points that will be covered

12 The first step Be Prepared Take a deep breath
Slow your breathing / pause between sentences Get the audience engaged Tell a joke, use a quote, use a poem to begin your speech Walk around – use your energy Find your own way to reduce nervousness Face your fears

13 Body of the Speech Conveys the message Discuss main points
Provide supporting details Educate/ entertain the audience

14 Conclusion Highlight the central theme of your speech
Briefly cover the main points Provide the audience with a feeling of satisfaction that you accomplished what you promised Closing statement Thank the audience for their attention

15 Delivery of your Speech
Appearance Speech and Voice Body Language

16 Appearance First Impressions – made in the first 7 seconds
Hair style, accessories, shoes, breath Who is your audience – dress appropriately How you dress will reinforce your authority Clean Neat

17 Speech and Voice Use variation in Loudness Pitch Quality Rate
Helps provide emphasis and attention Pitch Low and high pitch Creates interest Quality Provides emotion and feeling Rate Holds the attention of the audience

18 Body Language Posture Facial Expressions Eye Contact Gestures
Shows confidence Not too rigid – locked knees = chance to meet the floor / Relax Facial Expressions Smile/ enjoy yourself and your audience will also enjoy themselves Be serious when necessary Eye Contact Helps establish a relationship with your audience Makes them feel included Too nervous – look directly above their heads Look for signals from your audience – do they look confused? bored? Excited? Keep head up – Don’t talk to the floor Gestures Use your head, hands and arms – helps to emphasize ideas and feelings Should come naturally

19 Last minute tips Do Don’t
Speak on a topic you have earned the right to talk about Speak on a topic that you are interested in – be enthusiastic Talk from your heart – not from your mouth Be sincere Be honest Be eager to communicate your information Keep it simple Make brief notes of what you want to say Use pictures or examples to support your opinion Know more about your topic than you will use Rehearse the points of your speech through normal conversation with friends Don’t Memorize your speech Imitate others, be yourself Preach or scold

20 Conclusion Aspects of Public Speaking Parts of the Speech
Types, Purpose, Audience, Preparation Parts of the Speech Introduction, Body, Conclusion Delivery of the Speech Appearance, Voice, Body Language

21 Thank You Questions ???

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