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H. First aid for NDD Participants: PLEASE do not open or disturb the materials on the tables! THANK YOU.

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Presentation on theme: "H. First aid for NDD Participants: PLEASE do not open or disturb the materials on the tables! THANK YOU."— Presentation transcript:

1 First aid for NDD Participants: PLEASE do not open or disturb the materials on the tables! THANK YOU

2 h







9 First Aid for Nature Deficit Disorder
Elizabeth Straszynski University of Toronto Schools Ontario Society for Environmental Education

10 Outline What is NDD? Where are we? Where are we going?
Why should we care? What we can do!

11 What is Nature Deficit Disorder?
The lack of nature in a person’s life A term coined by Richard Louv in his book “Last Child in the Woods”


13 NDD is correlated to a wide range of modern “epidemics”
Obesity Attention Deficit Disorder Depression

14 … all of which have been shown to improve with increased time outdoors.

15 NDD is scaring children out of the woods
Due to society teaching young people to avoid direct contact with nature Legal and regulatory structure of communities Families Schools Messages about Nature: dangerous, alien, unproductive, off-limits, alien, cute, televised …

16 Where are we? Find someone who…
Make sure everyone at the table has a sheet and pen/ pencil Wait for the word “GO” If you get a row in any direction, do your best bird call LOUD! There are prizes!

17 Find out who has the best public speaking voice at your table!
BONUS QUESTION: Find out who has the best public speaking voice at your table!

18 Where are we going? How children are exposed to nature will shape the lives, homes and cities of the future You should know: all 32 recommendations of the Working Group on Environmental Education have been accepted by MoEd Curriculum in ALL subjects and grades will reflect these priorities

19 SO: if you don’t already have a copy of “Shaping Our Schools, Shaping Our Future”, you better get one! PDF format file of the document is available at: Recommendation 24: “Use the Natural and human-built environments as sites of discovery and active learning… as well as first hand experiences that put students in touch with nature.”

20 Where are we going? Where are we coming from? Attitudes and Ideas
For the one deemed the best public speaker, now is your chance! You will find a quote in your basket on your table… please read this when you see the slide with the corresponding number appear on the screen.

21 1.

22 2.

23 3.

24 4.


26 5.

27 6.

28 7.

29 8.

30 9.

31 10.

32 Why should we care? Helps solve problems: Obesity (frequent, unscheduled activity), ADD (quiet, private space), Depression (restorative ability of nature) Increases resilience to stress, general emotional health Chance for success: fosters self-esteem Fosters creativity and self-reliance Addresses 8th type of MI: Naturalist intelligence Speeds healing Develops the senses

33 What can we do? (First Aid) What have we been doing?
Find a good resource (and use it) Use positive, realistic images of nature in your classroom Use works of poets, artists, etc. that were inspired by nature in your teaching Watch what you say and how you say it! Find local expertise to help you

34 What can we do? At your table, share some ideas you have used or heard of to get your students better in touch with nature. You can use the materials at your table for inspiration. Share the good one(s) with your dry erase slate. (Write it on, hold it up and do a turn for the crowd.)

35 What can we do? (First Aid)
Have plants (and pets if allowed) in the classroom Use nature and natural objects as inspiration for your own practice! Reconsider where/ how you do PD. Talk to those in charge: the curriculum changes are coming! Consider “outdoor homework”

36 What can we do? Be brave! Try something new!
Developing senses Using personal experience, or the materials at your table as inspiration, come up with a list of sounds that you cannot hear, or “The Sound of Not a Creature Stirring” Save a good one to share with your dry erase slate. (Write it on, hold it up and do a turn for the crowd.)

37 Teacher Improv Game Replace objects in egg carton (one per divot, order does not matter) Whoever has their birthday next goes first (then whoever is to their right, and so on): Pick an object (your choice) Brainstorm as many ideas for possible functions for that object in a lesson (e.g. hook, example…) Share the good ones with us on your slates.

38 Nature abhors a vacuum, and if I can only walk with sufficient carelessness I am sure to be filled.
- H. D. Thoreau

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