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1 A POCKET GUIDE TO PUBLIC SPEAKING 3rd Edition Section(s) 25 - 32
Speaking in Other Courses

2 Academic Presentations
Many academic courses require individual or group presentations. Presentation formats differ slightly for different academic subjects. Future teachers practice how to deliver content specific lessons.

3 Debates Are persuasive in nature depending on reasonable arguments and evidence Are between opposing speakers or teams of two for each viewpoint Make resolutions, or statements for change or consideration of the issue, by the affirmative side Dissuade the audience from accepting the affirmative’s arguments by presenting a negative case

4 Advance Strong Arguments
The debater’s primary responsibility is to advance strong arguments in support of his/her position by stating a claim, using valid reasoning, and presenting evidence. Characterized by refutation, the debater who follows the first speaker attempts to destroy the opponent’s reasoning or evidence. In formal debates, judges monitor the flow of the debate and ensure that no arguments are dropped.

5 Presentation of Academic Articles
Identify the author’s thesis Explain the methods used to reach the conclusion Explain the findings of the study Identify the theoretical perspective used Describe the credibility of the author’s sources Apply the findings to other circumstances Suggest how this study could lead to future research

6 Poster Sessions Speakers prepare visuals and reports on free- standing poster display boards. Impromptu speaking skills are needed to answer questions posed by viewers of the poster. Posters are judged by their clarity, completeness, and visual presentation. Still used in scriptwriting and filmmaking classes to show how to use storyboarding techniques. Also in marketing and advertising courses.

7 Speaking in Science & Math Courses
Students describe the results, processes, or experimental procedures of original or replicated research. Instructors expect students to offer observations or experimental findings as support and to select details carefully. Types of presentations are: Scientific Investigation Methods/Procedure Research Overview or Panel Discussion Field Study

8 Technical Disciplines
Engineering, computer science, and design-oriented fields tend to assign presentations related to projects done by the student. Types of presentations include: Design review on a prototype. Request for funding presentation. Technical sales presentation.

9 Speaking in Social Science Courses
Students in the social sciences, such as psychology, learn to evaluate and conduct qualitative research which observes, describes, and interprets human behavior. Sometimes statistical measurement is taken which is called quantitative research. Topical speech patterns are most effective for the informative nature of social science presentations. Policy recommendation reports are more persuasive in nature and can follow a problem- solution pattern.

10 Speaking in the Arts and Humanities
Instructors typically expect informative speeches on significant persons or events in the field, specific pieces of art, literature, or music, or demonstrations of student’s own work. Audio/visual aids are necessary for effective arts and humanities presentations.

11 Speaking in Education Courses
Students are usually asked to prepare lectures for a specific age level or subject area. Facilitation of audience involvement in the lecture is essential. Knowledge level of peers is not to be considered since the preparation is for a student audience.

12 Speaking in Nursing Courses
Nursing courses may require many of the same methods as other academic areas. Types of presentations include: Community service learning project reports Treatment plan or case conference report Policy recommendation report

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