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Used Lube Oil Transfer System

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1 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
General Locations and Operations

2 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
The Used Lube Oil (L.O.) Transfer System is designed to provide a means for easily and safely pumping out machinery lube oil from the machinery sumps. A Used L.O. suction hose is attached to a fixed 1 inch Cam-Lock connection located at each engine or Lufkin Gear box. The transfer pump is then configured, and started to pump any machinery L.O. sump directly to the Used L.O. Tank, or, if preferred, directly off the vessel to a shore side tank, disposal truck, or slops barge.

3 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
The Used L.O. Tank has a capacity of 400 US Gallons, but because we do not want to fill higher then 90 percent, its true capacity is 360 US Gallons. Once the Used L.O Tank is at maximum capacity, arrangements can be made to pump it out to some type of receiving facility, slop barge, shore tank, disposal truck, etc. The system may be configured to utilize the Used L.O. Transfer Pump to pump off the Used L.O. Tank, or to use a shore side vacuum truck to “suck” it out.

4 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
The system has the following main components: Used Lube Oil Storage Tank – 400 US Gallons. Aft Hold, Stbd, Forward. Piping, valves, distribution manifold, vent and fill connection. Pneumatic, positive displacement diaphragm pump – Yamada NDP, psi. Starboard Engine Room, on aft side of aft tonnage frame. Suction hose with fittings. System air supply, with electric-over-air solenoid switch and adjustable air-flow needle valves.

5 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Try to follow this drawing as a guideline. This is the Foss As Built. It represents how the builder put the system together (more or less), and is based on the Design Drawing.

6 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used Lube Oil discharge is located in containment area on Starboard Side Main Deck, Aft.

7 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Storage and Discharge Used L.O. Vent In the containment area you’ll see the vents for the Clean and Used Lube Oil Tanks, Oily Water Tank, Fuel Oil System, and the fill/discharge connections for these tanks.

8 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Clean Lube Oil Fill Used Lube Oil Discharge has a 1 inch Female Cam-Lock connection. The other 1 inch Female Cam-Lock connection is for Oily Water Pump Off, and the 1 inch Male Cam-Lock connection is for Clean Lube Oil Fill. Used Lube Oil Discharge Oily Water Discharge

9 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge When you enter the Aft Hold, looking to the starboard side of the fireboat, you will see the Used L.O. Tank. Used L.O. Tank Sight Glass Used L. O. Tank Note: There is a ½ inch ball valve drain under this tank. You have to crawl under to find it… Aft Hold, Stbd. Side, Forward

10 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used L.O. Tank Fill/Suction Line Close up of Fill/Suction Line coming out of Used L.O. Tank, Aft E/R, Starboard Side Comes out right here

11 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used L.O. Tank Fill/Suction Line Clean L.O. Fill/Suction

12 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used lube oil tubing heads fwd, under E/R plates near the Starboard F.O. Day Tank. It eventually joins the Used L.O. piping manifold where the valves can be configured to direct the flow of Used Lube Oil to/from sumps, to/from Used L.O. Tank, and to the discharge at the Main Deck Containment Area.

13 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge The fill/suction line rounds the aft, starboard tonnage frame, crosses the front of this frame under the floor plates and then…

14 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Rises towards the distribution manifold Used L.O. Tank Fill/Suction line

15 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge To Used L.O. pump suction Used. L.O. Tank Fill/Suction (Continuation from left to right)

16 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used L.O. Transfer Pump Discharge From the distribution manifold, used lube oil travels to the Used L.O. Transfer Pump suction and then out the pump discharge. Used L.O. Transfer Pump Suction

17 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Leaving the Used L.O. Transfer Pump, used lube oil heads back to the distribution manifold on the forward side of the tonnage frame.

18 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Back at the distribution manifold it heads back across to the discharge and suction valves. Note: Discharge Gauge. There are suction and discharge gauges with all three pneumatic pumps.

19 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Depending on how you configure the system will determine the direction the used lube oil will go… Trace your system and know your line-up!

20 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge The used lube oil leaves the distribution manifold, and heads up the discharge riser to the main deck containment area.

21 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge A little broader view.

22 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Fwd Aft Aft Fwd

23 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge The circuit ends here at the discharge. Now, lets go over the Used L.O. Tank Discharge Procedure…

24 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Note: Any Lube Oil, Oily Water or Fuel Oil Transfer Operation on the new fireboats requires the Fuel Oil/Lube Oil/ Oily Water SOPs be followed. This is both a federal, state, and local law, and will probably be adopted as an LBFD fireboat policy/procedure (TBD). Since our vessel is capable of storing over 250 barrels of what the USCG considers a “dangerous liquid” (Fuel Oil), we are obligated by law to follow a Dangerous Liquid Transfer Plan for ALL Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Oily Water transfers on the new fireboats. We will be creating a Dangerous Liquid Transfer Plan as part of the Fireboat Program Operational Procedures. This will contain SOPs, training procedures for Person’s In Charge (PICs), and other information regarding all Dangerous Liquid Transfers on the new fireboats. The next slide is a review of the SOPs…

25 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Storage and Discharge Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures LBFD Fuel Oil/Lube Oil/Oily Water Transfer SOPs Person In Charge (PIC) – LBFD Fireboat Qualified individual (usually Fireboat Engineer), trained to supervise Fuel Oil, Lube Oil or Oily Water transfer operations on the fireboats. Conducts pre-transfer conference, completes Declaration of Inspection (fancy name for check list mandated by USCG regulations) as required, operates all valves and pumps associated with transfer, verifies and monitors tank soundings/volumes/weights and distribution of liquids, establishes primary and secondary means of communications to be used by all personnel, ensures all federal, state and local regulations are followed. Supervises entire transfer operation from start to finish and must be present during entire operation unless relieved by other PIC or Assistant PIC. Assistant PIC – LBFD Fireboat Qualified individual (usually second Fireboat Engineer) trained supervise and/or assist the PIC. Double checks and verifies PIC’s procedures. Safety Officer – LBFD Fireboat Qualified Captain. Monitors overall transfer operation for safety of personnel and environment. Has authority to stop operation at any time. Fireboat Pilot – Assist with transfer operation as directed by PIC. In charge of Deck Watch during transfer operation. Ensures vessel secure to pier, wharf, or dock. Maintains anchor watch or underway watch depending on type of transfer operation. Fireboat Deckhands (2) – Assist with transfer operation as directed by PIC. Assist PIC or Assistant PIC in Engine Room or on deck as directed. Assist Fireboat Pilot with Deck Watch as directed by Fireboat Pilot, but with permission of PIC.

26 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 1. Display Bravo flag during day or all around red light at night

27 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 2. Put scupper plug into containment area. 3. Ensure containment area deck drain cap is in place.

28 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 4. Always have rags, spill pigs, buckets, and absorbent material available at containment/fill station during entire transfer. Place (1) 20# Dry-Chemical fire extinguisher near containment area. (This is a fuel oil discharge operation in the picture, just an example of having absorbent around)

29 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 5. Ensure diverter valve for containment area deck drain to Pump Engine #3 Overboard Discharge is closed (Position shown). Note: We advise that this valve ALWAYS BE closed. The containment deck drain was designed to drain the containment area into the Oily Water Tank in the event of an accidental fuel spill, lube oil spill, or oily water spill. Diverting overboard is for absolute emergency only!

30 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 6. Measure level of Used L.O. in tank, and extract volume from sounding tables to determine what volume of Used L.O. you want to discharge.

31 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Conduct Pre-Transfer Conference with shore facility, vacuum truck, or barge operator (Receiving PIC): Establish primary and secondary means of communications. State used lube oil is being discharged. Agree on quantity to be discharged based on your calculations. Agree on discharge rate and pressure maximums. If pumping to truck, determine whether vacuum pump will be used alone, or in conjunction with Used L.O. Transfer Pump. Complete Declaration of Inspection (safety checklist) and sign if applicable. Verify discharge hose is in compliance with current hydrostatic test date and is rated for petroleum service. Make sure hose has compatible connections and/or adaptors.

32 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 8. Connect discharge hose to Used L.O. Discharge. Do not open valve until ready to discharge! This should be the last valve opened.

33 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 9. Ensure Used L.O. Discharge to tank (V16) closed (Normally Closed) 10. Open Used L.O. Pump Suction (V21) (Normally Closed) 11. Open Used L.O. Tank Fill/Suction Valve (V17) (Normally Closed)

34 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 12. Ensure Used L.O. Main E/R Suction Valve Closed (V19) (Normally Closed) (Dead center of the engine room)

35 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Ensure Lube Oil Catch Basin Drain Valve is Closed (Normally Closed) Note: This valve allows you to suck up any messes you make filling make-up oil jugs.

36 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 14. Open Used L.O. Transfer Pump Discharge Valve (V20) (Normally Closed) 15. Open Used L.O. Discharge Block Valve (V15) (Normally Closed)

37 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Double check your line up. (Good opportunity for Assistant PIC to check your work). Put all support personnel in place: One person to remain at discharge/containment station through entire transfer to verify connection does not leak. Other personnel can keep an eye on other stuff, check mooring lines, and make occasional checks of surrounding environment.

38 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures You are now ready to discharge Used Lube Oil. Direct the person at discharge/containment station to open the Used L.O. discharge valve. You may now tell the Receiving PIC you are commencing discharge.

39 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 20. Make sure all pneumatic pump needle valves are closed (CW) (Normally Closed)

40 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 21. Air solenoid “On” (Open service air solenoid)

41 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 22. Open needle valve on Used L.O. Transfer Pump slowly (CCW) (it’s the upper one of the three 25 GPM Yamadas). The pump will start pumping, so bring it up to about 40 to 50 cycle per minute.

42 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Confirm with Receiving PIC that they are getting flow. Confirm with person at discharge/containment area “no leaks.” If everything is looking good, increase the rate of the Used L.O. Transfer Pump to about 60 to 80 cycles per minute. That should give you about 25 no more then 50 PSIG.

43 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 26. Verify flow out of your Used Lube Oil Tank by observing level in sight glass is dropping. Sight glass is only means to gauge this tank.

44 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures 27. Continue to monitor tank levels, connections, and vent through out the filling operation. Do not leave containment/fill area or Engine Room unattended during transfer. 28. You may suck the tank dry. The pneumatic pumps are positive displacement, and they will effectively pump, even without head pressure.

45 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures When the tank is dry, continue pumping air through the line to help push used lube oil out of discharge hose. Once you are satisfied, let the Receiving PIC know you are shutting down – then shut down the pump by turning the needle valve off, and turn the solenoid switch “off.” Close Used L.O. discharge and suction valves (V20, V21). Open Used L.O. Discharge to tank valve (V16) to allow discharge hose to gravity drain to tank.

46 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Once you are satisfied the discharge hose is drained down. Close all valves in the Used L.O. Transfer System, disconnect hose, and replace plug in cam-lock fitting, clean up, and put your stuff away. (Don’t forget the Bravo flag or all around red light!)

47 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Notes on Using a Vacuum Truck to Discharge Used Lube Oil You may use a vacuum truck to suck the used lube oil directly out of the tank. Just do the following…

48 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Notes on Using a Vacuum Truck to Discharge Used Lube Oil Open V15, V16, and V17 In this configuration a vacuum pump can pull directly out of the Used L.O. Tank Close V20, V21

49 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Notes on Using a Vacuum Truck to Discharge Used Lube Oil You may also use a vacuum pump in series with the Used L.O. Transfer Pump as follows…

50 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Notes on Using a Vacuum Truck to Discharge Used Lube Oil Open V15 and V17 Close V16 Open V20 and V22

51 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Used Lube Oil Tank Discharge Procedures Notes on Using a Vacuum Truck to Discharge Used Lube Oil Now… Commence the discharge with the Used L.O. Transfer Pump first. Once it is pumping at full discharge rate, have the Receiving PIC start the vacuum pump. Observe the discharge gauge of the Used L.O. Transfer pump, and make sure it maintains at least 5 PSIG, and the suction gauge vacuum goes no greater then 25 inches. If the Used L.O. Pump does not stay in these parameters, then it is not worth pumping in series to the vacuum pump. If that’s the case, stop the discharge and reconfigure to use only the vacuum pump method, or the Used L.O. Transfer pump method.

52 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery For this procedure, you do not need to incorporate the full Fuel Oil/Lube Oil/ Oily Water SOP unless you are pumping the machinery sumps directly to a Receiving Facility, Slop Barge, Shore Tank, etc. Still, you will need a couple hands to help, and don’t forget to bring some rags and a few buckets for clean up! 1. Connect the male end of the Used L.O. suction hose to Used L.O. Suction fitting in the middle of E/R.

53 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery 2. Connect the other end of the Used L.O. Suction hose to whatever sump you are going to suck out. 1 of 2 Lufkin Gear Boxes CAT C-12 Pump Engine 1 of 4 CAT 3512s 1 of 2 CAT Gensets

54 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery 3. Open Used L.O. Suction Fitting Valve (V19) (Normally Closed)

55 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery This just lets you see the path of Used L.O. under the E/R floor plates on its way from the suction fitting, to the distribution manifold on the aft, starboard tonnage frame.

56 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery 7. Close V15 (to Main deck discharge) (Normally Closed) 6. Open V16 (Normally Closed) 5. Close V21 (Normally Closed) 4. Open V17 (To Used L.O. Tank) (Normally Closed) To Used L.O. Tank From Suction Fitting in center of E/R

57 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery 7. Ensure Solvent Sink Suction is Closed (Normally Closed)

58 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery Flow through Used L.O. Transfer Pump

59 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery This is a little different angle on the discharge line up… From Used L.O. Pump Discharge To Used L.O. Tank

60 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery 8. Make sure you have room in your tank to accommodate the volume of the machinery sump you are pumping out. 9. Now you can start the Used L.O. Pump and suck out the machinery. Note: Ensure proper Lock Out/Tag Out on the machinery, so no one tries to operate it while you are servicing the lube oil!

61 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery When you are done sucking down the machinery sump, you can run the pump a little while longer to push out as much residual oil from the suction hose as possible. When you are satisfied the hose is relatively clear, shut down your pump. Return all system valves to closed, and clean up.

62 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery …oh yeah, don’t forget to replace the lube oil in the machinery you just pumped out… Just saying. There is also another option to pump the machinery sumps directly to shore…

63 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery To send Used L.O. directly from a machinery sump to shore do the following: Open V15 Open V20 Close V16 Close V21 Close V17

64 Used Lube Oil Transfer System
Removing Used Lube Oil from Machinery Connect a discharge hose and open this valve and send it ashore. Make sure to observe all F.O./L.O./Oily Water Transfer SOPs when executing this kind of machinery sump pump out!

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