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TSMO Program Plan Development Roundtable

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1 TSMO Program Plan Development Roundtable
SLIDE 1: Operations in the 21st Century DOT TSMO Program Plan Development Roundtable

2 CMM Workshop Sites – Since ‘09
= Statewide = Regional

3 Capability Maturity Model Dimensions
Overall CMM results (avg/dimension)

4 TSMO Highlights (6) States have re-organized to advance TSMO

5 Trends - Implementation Plans

6 Why Plan for TSMO? Ensuring effective use of TSMO strategies requires a shift in thinking and approach … Away from project-focused responses Toward a collaborative, performance-based approach to planning for TSMO. 6

7 Example Operations Strategies and Solutions
SLIDE 4: Example Operations Strategies and Solutions Example Operations Strategies and Solutions Work Zone Management Traffic Incident Management Service Patrols Special Event Management Road Weather Management Transit Management Freight Management Transportation Demand Management Parking Management Traffic Signal Coordination Traveler Information Ramp Management Managed Lanes Active Traffic Management Integrated Corridor Management

8 The “Dimensions” of Capability
07/10/2017 The “Dimensions” of Capability Effective TSMO Strategies All (6) dimensions are: Essential Interrelated Requires executive support and leadership Objective is continuous improvement of operations and reliability Business Processes Systems and Technology Performance Measurement “Capabilities” Collaboration Organization and Staffing Culture

9 Planning for TSMO provides the foundation for proactively operating the transportation system Photo: iStock 9

10 Common Elements to Planning at all Levels
State Level Planning Metropolitan/ Regional Planning Corridor Planning Subarea/Local Planning Planning Levels Four Planning Levels Common Planning Process Activities (at all levels) Planning Process Activities (at all levels) Integration of Strategies into Plans and Funding Programs Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress toward Objectives Regional Vision and Goals Setting Operations Objectives Definition of Performance Measures Assessment and Selection of Strategies and Programs to Support Objectives

11 TSMO Program Plan Relationships
TSMO – Transportation System Management & Operations CMP – Congestion Management Process (23 CFR ) ROP – Regional Operations Plan RCTO – Regional Concept of Transportation Operations Regional ITS Architecture (23 CFR 940) LRTP – (Metropolitan or Statewide) Long Range Transportation Plan / some areas or states call these Regional Transportation Plan TIP – (Metropolitan) Transportation Improvement Program / the TIPs feed into a statewide TIP (STIP) UPWP – Unified Planning Work Program (typically, annual financial and work plan for an MPO – data support and the overall planning activities, including the development and management of the plans and architecture listed are identified in the UPWP) NOTE: ROPs (or RCTOs) are developed on a geographic (i.e., corridor, sub area) and/or strategy (i.e., TIM, Signal System) scope.

12 Key: A Fully Integrated Plan
Connects with: Regional/Statewide Architectures Internal / Department Plans UPWP, HSIP, Asset Management Plan, Freight Plan, etc. Processes/Programs required by law CMP, LRTP, Statewide Transportation Plan, TIP/STIP Supports agency with advancing capabilities to plan, design, procure, implement, manage, maintain, and monitor TSMO strategies and approaches

13 Purpose of a TSMO Program Plan
1. Define (or clarify) program mission, vision, goals, objectives, and performance measures 2. Describe, contextualize, and interconnect program components and subcomponents 3. Establish (or clarify) organizational roles, responsibilities, and strategic relationships (internal and external) 4. Recommend and prioritize actions to improve program components and commit resources 5. Inform and influence internal stakeholders, TSM&O partners, policy makers, and customers 6. Increase responsiveness to changes that may redefine the DOT’s roles and responsibilities Adapted from Table #4: NCHRP PROJECT Number / 345

14 TSMO Program Plan Components
Motivation (“Why”): Reasons for developing a Program Plan based on Agency needs, goals, or operational concerns. Objective (“What”): Desired near-term outcome(s) in terms of transportation system performance and related performance measures. Approach (“How”): Overall description of how the operations objective will be achieved.

15 TSMO Program Components (Cont’d)
Relationships and Procedures: Institutional arrangements, memoranda of understanding (MOUs), protocols, information sharing, etc. Physical Improvements: Investments for Facilities, equipment, systems, etc. needed to support and sustain TSMO functionality. Resource Arrangements: Sources and use of funding, staff, equipment, etc. to support and sustain TSMO capabilities.

16 Integrating TSM&O into the Planning Process (Planning for Operations)
How should the TSM&O Program Plan relate to the other things/efforts we do? Integrating TSM&O into the Planning Process (Planning for Operations) Congestion Management Process Goals and Objectives Systematic Process to select, analyze, evaluate, prioritize, and advance TSM&O strategies Plan and Program Monitor and Evaluate

17 How should the TSM&O Program Plan relate to the other things/efforts we do?
Program specific Road Weather Work Zones Traffic Incident Management Freight Planned Special Events Traffic Signal Systems MUTCD Real Time Traveler Information Etc.

18 How should the TSM&O Program Plan relate to the other things/efforts we do?
Jurisdictional Statewide Regional Corridor Subarea Other Connected Vehicle / Autonomous Vehicle Cyber attack prevention Pricing Performance Risk Triggers

19 Supporting Key Initiatives
SHRP2 Implementation Organizing for Reliable Operations TIM Train the Trainer Regional Operations Forum/TSMO Summits Data and Analysis Tools Every Day Counts Adaptive Signal Control Technology Smart Work Zones Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures Weather-Savvy Roads Using Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management Emerging Approaches ATDM ICM Planning Connected / Automated Vehicle

20 Resources to Support TSMO Program Plan
NCHRP 20-07/345 “Program Planning and Development for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) in State Departments of Transportation” NCHRP 20-07/365 “Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Planning – Experiences from the SHRP2 Implementation Assistance Program” FHWA “Developing and Sustaining a Transportation System Management & Operations (TSMO) Mission for Your Organization: A Primer on TSMO Program Planning”

21 How best should our agencies put the TSMO Program Plan together?

22 Today’s RoundTable Presenters
Iowa Department of Transportation TSMO Program Plan Scott Marler - Director of the Office of Traffic Operations South Dakota Department of Transportation - TSMO Program Plan Study Dave Huft - Research Program Manager and ITS Coordinator  Maryland State Highway Administration - TSMO Strategic Implementation Plan Mr. Subrat Mahapatra - Transportation Manager for the Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering. Mr. Glen S. McLaughlin - Deputy Director of Systems Development and Administration. Presenters: Mr. Scott Marler is the Director of the Office of Traffic Operations for the Iowa Department of Transportation. He is also Co-chair of the AASHTO STSMO Technical Working Group on Research. Mr. Dave Huft is the Research Program Manager and ITS Coordinator at the South Dakota DOT (SSDOT).  SDDOT’s Office of Research addresses a broad range of topics in transportation design, construction, operations, maintenance, planning, administration, and market research.  Dave has been active in national research activities and is past chair of the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee. He is currently a member of the AASHTO STSMO and the AASHTO Innovation Initiative, and was co-chair of the International Scan on Research Program Management. Mr. Subrat Mahapatra is the Transportation Manager for the Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering at the Maryland State Highway Administration. Mr. Glen S. McLauglin is the Deputy Director of Systems Development and Administration at the Maryland State Highway Administration.

23 Thanks! Ralph Volpe FHWA Resource Center
Operations Technical Service Team Phone: 

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