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Asking others what they need and telling what you need: Quest-ce quil te faut pour les maths? Quest-ce quil vous faut pour langlais? To tell what you need:

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Presentation on theme: "Asking others what they need and telling what you need: Quest-ce quil te faut pour les maths? Quest-ce quil vous faut pour langlais? To tell what you need:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asking others what they need and telling what you need: Quest-ce quil te faut pour les maths? Quest-ce quil vous faut pour langlais? To tell what you need: Il me faut un stylo et un classuer.

2 Make a list of your school subjects. Exchange lists with a partner. Then, take turns asking each other what you need for various classes. Exemple: - Quest-ce quil te faut pour les maths? - Il me faut une calculatrice et un crayon. Be prepared to share with the class.

3 Quest-ce quon va acheter? un short

4 des baskets

5 un jean

6 un portefeuille

7 un bracelet un dictionnaire un magazine un poster un pull-over une radio un sweat-shirt un tee-shirt une télévision une cassette une vidéocassette un DVD

8 Telling what youd like and what youd like to do Je voudrais un sac. Id like…. Je voudrais acheter un tee-shirt. Id like to buy….

9 Mon Journal – (Bellwork) Ecrivons You earned 100 dollars this summer. Write down three or four items youd like to buy for yourself. Begin with Je voudrais acheter… *Have calendar/crossword out*

10 Page 84 Vocabulaire Finish the set of flashcards you started to make by including the additional vocabulary on page 84. Write the French word on one side (include the un/une) and illustrate the word on the other side.

11 Bellwork: Write 3 things you would like to do this weekend. Exemple: Je voudrais étudier le français!


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