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Stimulus Control of Behavior
Stimulus Control Classical Conditioning: Operant Conditioning:
The CS signals the delivery of the US Operant Conditioning: Thorndike's original law of effect implied stimulus control Stimuli (S) present at the time of the reinforced response come to control the response S-R S(R-O) Not just simple stimuli, the context such as a place also control behavior Every day examples of stimulus control Traffic signals control traffic Classroom context influences student behavior
Identification and Measurement of Stimulus Control
Differential Responding and Stimulus Discrimination How do you know that an instrumental response has come under the control of certain stimuli? Cartoon Stimulus control of instrumental behaviour is demonstrated by differential responding in the presence of different stimuli Reynolds (1961) See Figure 8.1 trained pigeons to respond to white triangle on a red circle tested then with either a white triangle or a red circle Some responded more to the white triangle and others to the red circle Demonstration of individual differences in stimulus control Stimulus discrimination occurs if an animal responds differently to two or more stimuli This procedure can be used in any instrumental conditioning to test stimulus discrimination
Figure 8.1 – Summary of procedure and results of an experiment by Reynolds (1961).
The Principles of Learning and Behavior, 7e by Michael Domjan Copyright © 2015 Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Stimulus generalization
Procedures to measure stimulus control Generalization occurs when an animal responds in a similar fashion to two or more stimuli Responding the same amount to two lights So it is a failure to discriminate between the two stimuli Stimulus generalization When testing with a large number of stimuli that vary along a specific characteristic such as color gradients used to measure amount of stimulus control Provide an index of how much the physical stimulus has to change for behaviour to change
Stimulus Generalization Gradients as Measures of Stimulus Control
Guttman & Kalish (1956) Pigeons - VI - reinforce responding to a yellow key light (580nm) test wavelengths were varied from about nm Gradient of responding: responding generalized to the range of approx nm declined sharply to stimuli outside of this range See Figure 8.2 A flat stimulus generalization gradient indicates the absence of stimulus control. A sharp or steep stimulus generalization gradient is evidence of strong stimulus control. The steepness of stimulus generalization gradients provides a precise measure of the degree of stimulus control that a particular stimulus dimension has.
Testing stimuli The Principles of Learning and Behavior, 7e by Michael Domjan Copyright © 2015 Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Generalization of Treatment Outcomes Box 8.1
Behavior therapy should generalize to situations outside the therapist’s office For example bug phobia, Entomophobia Behavioral therapy to reduce fear of bugs Treatment such as gradual exposure in the therapist’s office If this treatment is effective only in the therapist’s office then it is useless Treatment needs to generalize to other places and situations to be effective A number of techniques can be used to improve generalization in therapy such as : a natural environment across a variety of situations with a variety of bug examples with stimuli common to many situations exposure as part of every day activities include reinforcement for these every day activities (DRO)
Stimulus and Reinforcement Variables
Experimental studies of stimulus control use simple stimuli white triangle on a red key Although, even in an operant chamber there are numerous stimuli a key light has color, shape, size and location Stimuli in natural environments have complex combinations Specific sounds Specific odors Place context Social context Which of these stimuli control behavior is related to Sensory capacity and orientation Relative ease of conditioning Type of reinforcement Configural cues in compound stimuli
Sensory Capacity and Orientation
Sensory systems limit which stimuli can be use as cues to reinforcers Used to study color vision in dogs (Neitz, 2001) Dogs were tested in a three alternative force choice discrimination They viewed three small circular stimulus panels along one wall of the test chamber Two of the panels were identically illuminated while the third received different illumination dogs were trained to select the panel that was different from the others
Relative Ease of Conditioning Various Stimuli
Environments usually have complex combinations of cues that could function in stimulus control Walking into a restaurant results in a barrage of sights, sounds, and odors all of which could be cues to getting some food Some cues in the environment are better stimuli for predicting response - outcome combinations because of Stimulus salience such as intensity of a stimulus belongingness i.e. odor for food Overshadowing: Stimuli that get more attention and work as better cues can overshadow other cues in that situation Table 8.1 experimental design for overshadowing
Overshadowing experiment using Pavlovian fear conditioning
Weak/Strong Weak Overshadowing experiment using Pavlovian fear conditioning Potentiation and Overshadowing in Pavlovian Fear Conditioning (Urcelay and Miller 2009) Overshadowing group: (CS1)Weak clicker sound with (CS2) Strong 3000Hz tone paired with footshock (CS2) was 5 dB louder Control group: Weak clicker sound paired with footshock Testing for both groups is clicker sound only overshadowing group has less fear response compared to the control group The Principles of Learning and Behavior, 7e by Michael Domjan Copyright © 2015 Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Type of Reinforcement Instrumental outcomes can be appetitive or aversive Getting food is reinforcing Avoiding shock is reinforcing Pigeons: Trained with compound tone/light stimulus One group received appetitive food reinforcer other group could avoid footshock, a negative reinforcer Tested with light only and tone only Visual cues better for appetitive situations Auditory Cues better for aversive situations See Figure 8.4 Behavioural ecology of species and the behaviour systems activated are important factors In this case pigeons foraging vs defensive behavior
The Principles of Learning and Behavior, 7e by Michael Domjan
Copyright © 2015 Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Stimulus elements versus configural cues
Stimulus-element approach: control over behaviour by distinct and separate elements of a stimulus compound such as white triangle on red not all stimulus compounds are processed as distinct stimulus elements Process a stimulus compound as a unique integral whole Configural-cue approach: configural information about the entire compound enters into an association with the US
Configural cues and overshadowing
Is Overshadowing due to differential associations being acquired by the elements, or is it due to the association being acquired by the configural compound “aB” ? Does a stimulus compound like aB consist of two separate elements "a" and B or is it a new entity aB that cannot be decomposed into separate elements? Configural-cue approach explains overshadowing in terms of generalization decrement from training to test In control group, training stimulus "a" is identical to test stimulus "a" In overshadowing group, training stimulus aB is very different from the test stimulus "a“
Importance of Configural-Cue Approach
Compound Stimuli can acquire control over behaviour By each of the stimulus elements as well as by stimulus configurations; the “configural cues” In some situations, stimulus elements predominate while in other situations control by configural features is dominant. There is debate over and current research on which conditions produce configural cue conditioning The configural-cue approach also helps us to be aware of generalization decrement as an alternative explanation of a variety of research findings involving stimulus compounds.
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