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Revision Data and Information Home Entertainment

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Presentation on theme: "Revision Data and Information Home Entertainment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision Data and Information Home Entertainment
Home and Personal Communication Systems Home business Organisations: School, home, environment ICT and Learning Staying Safe Emerging Technologies



4 Data and Information?



7 Phishing Fraud - sending s pretending to be from reputable companies in order to get people to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, online To send a copy of an without other recipients seeing it (Blind Carbon Copy alone = no marks) Computer viruses Other possible answers: Spam Phishing Attachments too large (No marks = computer breaking or typing wrong ) Cyberbullying Hacking

8 Friday =AVERAGE(B3:B7) Merge cells

9 October A =B7-H7

10 ICT in Education Videoconferencing Interactive Whiteboards
To join in with lessons in other countries, improving students’ motivation Interactive Whiteboards Seen by the whole class, use of a pen like a mouse pointer so students can use it interactively – more fun Exchange ideas Via forum, blog, debate online with other students.

11 ICT in Coursework Internet
Help with research, online encyclopaedias, sound clips, video clips. Contact with other pupils in other schools, exchange ideas. DTP programs and other software Help with presentation of coursework, Excel helps with graphs.

12 ICT – Distance Learning: Study from home or anywhere
Used for…….1) Online tutorials – can be animated and interactive 2) Online assessment – feedback whether right or wrong instantly 3) VLE – online without a teacher needed, work at own pace. Advantages: Learn from anywhere – no travelling costs Can be done in your own time, at your own pace Disadvantages: Problems might not be able to be solved without a tutor to discuss with Students might feel isolated Students might be demotivated if given to much freedom

13 Ways of learning online


15 School Registration Systems
Swipe card system OMR Electronic Registration – on computer Biometric This data is recorded electronically so it is much easier and quicker and more accurate to find out whether a student is absent, truanting, attendance % plus other statistics.

16  Smartcards/swipe cards  Online systems  Finger print
 Timetable software  Examination entries  SEN / Special Educational Needs  Finance / Budget  Library administration  Behaviour  Pupil progress  Pupil contact details  Locate a pupil  Spotting truancy / attendance patterns  Sending letters/newsletters to parents  Medical needs


18  Tests/quizzes  Games  Built in help files  Video  Sound/podcasts
To help students understand complex situations Let students know how well they have learnt the topic / instant feedback but NOT teacher to monitor progress Introduce fun into the learning process No teacher required Can work at own pace Can access from home / flexibility of location Braille keyboard Virtual reality helmets / thought headset Microphone Sip and puff pipes Touch Sensitive devices Foot mouse Tracker ball / roller ball / specialist mouse balls


20 TWO advantages: Unique to each student / No-one else can register for you Cannot forget like a card Real time registration/know immediately where pupils are/can track pupils Frees up teacher time ONE disadvantage: Expensive to buy scanners/ expensive to install Time consuming to create biometric database / Maintenance Privacy issues/ Parental Concerns Reliance on ICT system / dirt / grease issues Hygiene




24 Online shopping

25 Ringtones, e-books, e-tickets, vouchers, music, songs, mp3 files, videos, apps,
Credit card, debit card, secure payment sites, direct debit, online bank account

26 Ability to order goods 24/7
Allows disabled people to do their own shopping No travelling costs needed as good are ordered from home No travelling time needed as good are ordered from home Online reviews Hyperlinks / hypertext Search bars / keyword searches / search engine Hotspots Drop down lists / menus

27 State 3 advantages & 3 disadvantages of Online Booking systems.
Advs No double booking of seats Provides a fast response about seat availability Seats can be booked 24/7, even when box offices are closed Can read reviews and customers’ experiences Disadvs Initial costs of installing the system is high Booking agencies on the high street may close down due to lack of customers Not everyone has the knowledge or confidence to book online You must have a credit card or debit card

28 Interactive TV Gaming Digital Photography Social Networking
Home Entertainment Services Interactive TV Devices? Gaming Editing? Digital Photography Dangers Social Networking Advs Radio, video, music Uses Mobile Phones

29 Copy image /Add text /Crop / Zoom /Remove red-eye /Edit colours
Change size of image / Rotate image / Edit brightness /Mirroring / flip Playing computer games / Online dating /Viewing a place anywhere in the world Do not accept brand names such as ‘skype’ - NOT Just “take photos” and “make videos” on its own – needs a purpose Privacy issues / hacking / Can record without you knowing Name /surname - Username - address - DOB / Age - Password Secret Question/Answer

30 Social Networking Services:
Messages / Can chat (not talk) Can put comments on the wall Can set up interest groups Create events Upload videos Video calling Tag photographs Play games Share location View notifications View others walls and photographs Locate friends Privacy controls Update status Disadvantages of Social Networking Paedophiles / Stalkers / groomers may gain access to the images Employers can view your comments and could lead to a dismissal Sharing too much information / Burglars can see holiday status updates Lack of privacy Identity theft You can be identified from your images / unwanted tagging Cyberbullying Inappropriate content uploaded by others can be viewed

31 Scan in pg 24

32 One mark for: The date of birth (DOB) is incorrect for A Evans / There are not 38 days in March / There are only 31 days in March / 38/03/1975 Range check / Drop down list

33 Any two of: Braille keyboard - Touch screens / on screen keyboard - Pipes / sip and puff - thought headset – foot mouse - Head mouse Do NOT accept webcam Any two of: On screen keyboard, on screen magnifier, text to voice, larger icons, change resolution, change colours, large fonts, plain backgrounds, make brighter/change contrast, screen filters

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