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Semiconductor Laboratory

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1 Semiconductor Laboratory
HLL Structure Devices Projects MPP Projects MPP Project Review

2 Structure and Organisation
Joint Laboratory of MPI für Physik MPI für extraterrestrische Physik Directors: S. Bethke (MPP) R. Genzel (MPE) Nov. 08, replacing G. Hasinger Head of laboratory: H.-G. Moser (MPP) L. Strüder (MPE) ~ 800 m² clean room Complete production Chain for Si-processing Test facilities Location: Siemens Plant in Neu-Perlach MPP Project Review

3 HLL Personal MPP; 20 MPE: 31 PNS 40 MPP Personal Senior
Physicists/Engineers: L. Andricek, G. Liemann, H.-G. Moser, R. Richter, A. Wassatsch Postdocs: A. Macchiolo (ATLAS/SCT), J. Ninkovich Technicians: Z. Albrechstkirchinger, G. Fuchs, M. Schnecke, S. Groß Secretary: E. Fleischmann, P. Schmalhofer IT: A. Ramic PhD-Student: C. Jendrysik, C. Koffmane, A. Ritter, S. Rummel (till July) Diploma Student: P. Müller Azubi: S. Fritsch Practica: E. Ganis MPP; 20 MPE: 31 PNS 40 MPP Project Review

4 Events 2009 Organisation of
2nd International Workshop on DEPFET Detectors and Applications At Ringberg castle May 3-6 Focused on Belle II Organisation of 11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors (formerly known as ‘Elmau Conference’) At Wildbad Kreuth June 7-11 MPP Project Review

5 New Equippment Ion Implanter
Till 2007: Ion implantations done at Infineon plant next door Since then: Infineon Villach or IBS, Marseille Slow: ~ 10 days Quality problems (backside handling) 2009: installed refurbished implanter Medium current, keV, P, B, As ~ 1.7 M€ (from MPG) New furnaces for development lab: Oxidation furnace (MPP) LPCVD furnace (Universe) MPP Project Review

6 Devices Pixel (and strip) sensors robust (rad hard) LHC, sLHC
Silicon drift detectors spectroscopy (X-ray flourescence) pn-CCDs x-ray imaging Astrophysics Free electron lasers Active pixel sensors (DEPFET) vertex detectors (ILC; Belle II) Devices with avalanche amplification (SiPM) Photon counting Cerenkov Telescopes Calorimetry MPP Project Review

7 DEPFET Each pixel is a FET on a fully depleted bulk
Signal electrons accumulate in the internal gate and modulate the transistor current ~ 400 pA/e- Accumulated charge can be removed by a clear contact (“reset”) Fully depleted: large signal, fast collection Low capacitance: low noise Fast readout (80ns/pixel row) Direct pixel access (no charge shifting, like in CCDs), ROI readout possible Most pixels are off (but sensitive): low power! Can implement CDS or fixed pedestals (subtraction in ROC) MPP Project Review Column parallel / rolling shutter readout

8 HLL Projects MPE CFEL MPP pnCCDs pnCCDs Pixels/Strips ->FLASH/BESSY
->LCLS ->XFEL DEPFETs MPP Pixels/Strips -> ATLAS/sLHC DEPFETs -> ILC -> Belle II SiPMs -> MAGIC/EUSO/CTA -> ILC (calorimeter) MPE pnCCDs ->XMM/eRosita DEPFETs ->BepiColombo ->IXO(XEUS) SDD ->MarsRover ->SIDDHARTA Avalanche CCD BIB Detectors -> optical/infrared Astronomie MPP Project Review & generic R&D (new devices)

9 XMM/Newton pnCCD paper was cited 1.000 times in refereed journals
Working since launch (10. Dez. 1999) without any problem. The energy the AlK line (1.5keV) decreased since launch from 98 eV to 99 eV (FWHM). Since launch the operating conditions have never been changed. Up to now more than observations were made with XMM – Newton. 80 % with the pnCCD as prime instrument Up to now, > refereed astrophysics publications have been made Very high redshift QSO observed by XMM EPIC MPP Project Review pnCCD paper was cited times in refereed journals

10 eRosita (2012) eROSITA ROSAT XMM Science Goals
 First imaging all-sky survey up to 10 keV  Investigation of dark energy and dark matter  Pathfinder for IXO MPP Project Review 10

11 XEUS -> IXO History of XEUS (IXO) "constitutional meeting in ´96
ESA mission under study 2002 ESA cosmic vision process 2007 ESA, JAXA, NASA study 2008 assessment study, 2009 definition phase study: 2011 changed from formation flight to telescope structure XEUS I XEUS I XEUS II Focal plane instrument (Wide field imager) DEPFET MPP Project Review

12 CFEL: 350 people UHH + DESY + MPG FLASH: 2007 Free Electron Lasers
MPP Project Review CFEL: Center for free electron lasers MPG: Advanced study group

13 Hard X-ray SASE Free Electron Lasers
LINAC COHERENT LIGHT SOURCE LCLS 2010 SCSS SPring-8 Compact SASE Source European XFEL Facility MPP Project Review

14 Detector Requirements
FLASH, LCLS + XFEL pnCCD and DePFET system single photon resolution yes energy range 0.05 < E < 24 (keV) 0.05 < E < 25 [keV] pixel size (µm) 100 75 (200) sig.rate/pixel/bunch 103 (105) quantum efficiency > 0.8 > 0.8 from 0.3 to 12 keV number of pixels 512 x 512 (min.) 1024 x 1024 and 2048 x 2048 frame rate/repetition rate 10 Hz Hz up to 250 Hz with pnCCD XFEL burst mode 5 MHz (3.000 bunches) > 5 MHz (3.000 bunches) with DePFET system Readout noise < 150 e- (rms) < 10 e- (rms) (2 e- possible) cooling possible - 20o C optimum room temperature possible vacuum compatibility preprocessing no (yes) ? possible upon request MPP Project Review

15 First light at LCLS CCD dimensions 7.8 x 3.7 cm2 = 29.6 cm2
1024 x 512 pixels Pixel size: 75 x 75 µm2 derived from eRosita pnCCDs MPP Project Review

16 MPP Projects LHC/sLHC Super B factory Astroparticle SiPM
Thin planar sensors & 3D interconnection Super B factory Astroparticle MPP Project Review SiPM DEPFET active pixel sensors

17 Vertex Detectors in HEP
Vertex detectors should allow precision tracking in a hostile environment: Good position resolution Small structures Large number of channels Low mass Close to the beam Radiation damage High occupancy ALEPH 1994 n p Hybrid Pixels sensors Two layers: sensor & electronic Fast, radiation hard Much material, power, large pixels Monolithic sensors Integrate electronics and sensor CMOS Sensors (MAPS) DEPFETs low mass => ideal for high precision detectors slower than hybrid pixels moderate radiation hardness (ok for e+e-, not for pp) hybrid pixel p n CMOS MPP Project Review n n+ p DEPFET

18 Future: 3D integration Evolution of hybrid pixels
high density, low mass interconnection of several (thin) layers (tiers) ‘quasi-monolithic detectors’ Could also overcome limitations of monolithic sensors Si pixel sensor CMOS analogue CMOS digital MPP Project Review Increasing worldwide R&D effort: 3DIC at Fermilab, VIPS, WP in AIDA FP7 proposal (1.1M€ for 3D)

19 HLL special: thin sensors
At the HLL we follow both concepts Hybrid pixels and 3D interconnection for sLHC Monolithic detectors for ILC and Belle II In all projects the we need to produce thin sensors! Unique development in the HLL ? -> talk by Laci Andricek MPP Project Review Process backside Wafer bonding thinning Processing etching

20 ATLAS: pixel detectors for sLHC upgrade
SCM pixels with homogenous p-spray . Pixel module micro-strip sensors p-spray moderated Severe Radiation Damage: Advantage of thin sensors: Depletion voltage: Udep ~ d² Leakage currents: Ileak ~ d Trapping: CCE reduced if ltrap < d However: Thin detectors have always a lower, signal, even un-irradiated -> need good FEE Use advanced interconnection technology for ASiCs (3D intergration) Higher interconnection density Backside connectivity Material reduction Optimal module layout Production on FZ-SOI material Detector thickness. 75 µm and 150 µm p- and n-type material, p-spray insulation MPP Project Review

21 Properties of Sensors (Strips)
Udep Udep After irradiation: (1015 n/cm²) leakage currents as expected, low depletion voltage (<350 V), below breakdown high charge collection efficiency Thin sensors have higher CCE than thick ones at same operation voltage Next: test up to 1016 n/cm2 MPP Project Review

22 MPI 3D R&D Program Build demonstrator using ATLAS pixel chip (FE-I2/3) and thin pixel sensors made by MPI (complete wafers with FEI2, FEI3 chips available!) Interconnection with SLID and ICV technology by Fraunhofer IZM R&D Issues: Technology: compatible with sensors, ASICs? Interconnection quality: e.g. capacitance Yield & Costs. Production in industry. Material (copper layer). MPP Project Review

23 Test interconnections (SLID)
Special test wafers for SLID tests Chains of SLID connections MPP Project Review

24 Next Steps Sensor/ASIC interconnection using SLID
ASIC thinned to 200 µm No vias, integrated fan-out on sensor for service connection -ASIC thinned to 50 µm -vias for service connections (fan-outs for redundancy) Future: SLID interconnection of sensors/ 3D FEI4 Prepare sensors matching FEI4 ASICs Sensor/ASIC interconnection using SLID ASIC thinned to 200 µm No vias, integrated fanout on sensor for service connection -ASIC thinned to 50 µm -vias for service connections (fanouts for redundancy) Future: SLID interconnection of sensors/ 3D FEI4 MPP Project Review

25 Detectors for e+e- colliders
ILC Radiation damage not as bad as at LHC/sLHC but still an issue Best position resolution needed Thin, monolithic detectors: DEPFET R&D started for ILC, review October 2007 at FERMILAB MPP Project Review Since 2008: Concentrate on superKEKB: boost R&D (ready in 2013)

26 Belle II: Requirements & Challenges
Low momentum particles: Resolution dominated by multiple scattering Low mass detector needed (<0.15%X0) Relaxed requirements on pixel size (~ 50 µm) DEPFETs can be made thin (50 µm) Low power in sensitive area => No active cooling needed Challenges: Radiation damage: 1-2 MRad/year expected Occupancy: 0.4/hits/µm²/s => High readout speed (80ns/row, kHz frame rate) MPP Project Review

27 Belle II Inner Detector
7.6 cm 11.7 cm Small Detector: 20 Modules (one sensor each) Radii still subject to optimisation (1.3 cm and 2.2 cm for nano-beam) Total detector: 5 Mpixel @ r=1.3cm 250x1000 pixel 50 µm x 75 µm @ r=2.2cm 50 µm x 117 µm or 250x2000 pixel 50 µm x 59 µm MPP Project Review SVD: 4 layers of double sided silicon strip sensors PIX: 2 layers of DEPFET pixel detectors

28 Test Beam TB 2009 TB 2008 TB 2008 Successful program for several years
News in 2009 (2 weeks at CERN): New readout board (S3B) New switcher chips Larger sensors; 64x256 Compact power supplies Plug & Play! MPP Project Review

29 Radiation Damage Gate oxide DEPFET based on a MOS structure
problem with ionising radiation: Creation of fixed (positive) charges in the oxide layer and at the interface Attracts electrons at the Si/SiO2 interface Need more negative gate voltages to compensate => Shift of transistor threshold Gate oxide Solution: thin oxides MPP Project Review

30 DEPFET Prototype Production
Sensor Production has started at MPI semiconductor lab (to be finished 2010) SOI material: 50 µm sensor wafer 6 wafers (+ 2 monitor wafers on standard material) Small test sensors to sample different pixel sizes from 50 µm to 200 µm Design variations (improve gq, clear behaviour, charge collection uniformity) Large ½ module sensors for prototyping Technology variations (thin oxide, plasma etching) Plasma etching of polysilicon Improve uniformity (yield) Smaller structures MPP Project Review

31 Silicon Photomultiplier – SiPM
An array of avalanche photodiodes operated in Geiger mode passive quenching by integrated resistor read out in parallel  signal is sum of all fired cells Problem: Resistors made in polysilicon Process is expensive and unreliable MPP Project Review Jelena Ninkovic IEEE NSS/MIC 2009 Orlando, Florida 31

32 Bulk Resistors (SiMPl)
Components of a SIPM cell SiMPI(E) approach - No need of polysilicon Unobstructed entrance window (no resistors, Al-contacts) for high fill factor Simple technology, easy and cheap production Need to match wafer thickness, bulk resistivity and pixel size Need for SOI or epi material Only small variation of the pixel size on one wafer MPP Project Review

33 Prototype production >130 different chips 30x30 arrays 10x10 arrays
6mm 30x30 arrays 10x10 arrays MPP Project Review Jelena Ninkovic IEEE NSS/MIC 2009 Orlando, Florida 33

34 Prototype Results 1st iteration 2008:
Edge breakdown, proof of principle 2nd iteration 2009: Working as expected Photon spectrum Gain linearity MPP Project Review Jelena Ninkovic IEEE NSS/MIC 2009 Orlando, Florida 34

35 Normal operation up to 4.5V overbias @227K
Problems: dark rate Due to the bad quality of the high field processing for 4V overbias (5MHz/mm²) 10x10array of 135mm 227K Normal operation up to 4.5V -> Improve processing (new furnaces!) -> Transfer to industry for cheap mass production (Max-Planck Innovation contacted) MPP Project Review Jelena Ninkovic IEEE NSS/MIC 2009 Orlando, Florida 35

36 Conclusions HLL steadily increasing
New customer: CFEL (organized via MPE) for Free Electron Lasers MPP Projects ATLAS sLHC: thin Si-sensors work (better) as expected thin planar sensors are a candidate for IBL and upgrade 3D interconnection progressing Belle II Prototype Detectors in production => first production of thin DEPFET sensors Issues to settle for final production: thin oxides for radiation hardness plasma etching (technology improvement) SiPMs SiMPI devices function! next iteration: reduce dark counts find partner in industry for mass production MPP Project Review

37 Operation Costs Operation costs (MPP): ~50 k€/month
MPP Project Review Operation costs (MPP): ~50 k€/month Almost constant from

38 Next Generation: non linear DEPFET
source drain gate Internal gate Drain current time The internal gate extends into the region below the source Small signals assemble below the channel, being fully effective in steering the transistor current Large signals spill over into the region below the source. They are less effective in steering the transistor current. Charge into internal gate A constant charge is injected at fixed time intervals and the internal gate regions are progressively filled In the experiment the charge is deposited at once but the DEPFET response is the same MPP Project Review time 38

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