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BTEC Level 3 Sport Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport

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1 BTEC Level 3 Sport Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport

2 Learning Outcomes… Describe three procedures used to promote and maintain a healthy and safe sporting environment Explain and analyse three procedures used to promote and maintain a healthy and safe sporting environment

3 Procedures

4 Risk assessments Staff training / staff development Emergency procedure protocols

5 Risk Assessments Discuss the following… Q. What is a risk assessment?
Q. What are the purposes of a risk assessment? Q. How effective are risk assessments?

6 Risk assessments

7 A procedure used to identify potential hazards…
Risk Assessments Q1. What is this? A procedure used to identify potential hazards… These hazards can then be eliminated or minimised by using alternative or additional methods Q2. Provide an example of this being used at Calderdale College

8 Risk Assessments Q3. Purposes? Identify hazards & those at risk
Eliminate / minimise hazards Use of alternative / addition methods Prevent accidents / injury / maintain health Q4. What would happen if procedure this was not in place / used?

9 Risk Assessments Scoring the risk… Risks are given a rating score
This score is worked out by multiplying the ‘severity’ score by the ‘likelihood’ score A risk over 5 is not acceptable It is impossible to obtain a risk score of zero

10 Risk Assessments Scoring the risk…
Severity – how ‘bad’ the result could be No injury or ill health is predicted Low – first aid required (cuts and bruises) Medium – medical treatment required (concussion, strains, sprains, etc.) High – major injury, ill health (broken bones, poisoning, etc.) Severe – fatality, multiple injuries

11 Risk Assessments Scoring the risk…
Likelihood – the chance of the risk happening Improbable, no likely risk Low – remote Medium – quite possible High – probable Severe – almost certain

12 Risk Assessments Scoring the risk…
16-25: Unacceptable level of risk / immediate action 10-15: High-risk level / take action 6-9: Medium risk level / take action within a month 3-5: Fairly low risk level / take action within 6 months 1-2: Low risk / no action necessary

13 Risk Assessments

14 Risk Assessments Q5. Effectiveness? Regular staff training
Regular review of risk assessments Updating

15 Staff Training Discuss the following… Q. What is staff training?
Q. What are the purposes of staff training? Q. How effective is staff training?

16 Staff Training Q1. What is this? New skills / knowledge
Developing skills Up to date with latest regulations, policies, procedures , etc Q2. Provide an example of this being used at Calderdale College

17 Staff Training Q3. Purposes? Job requirements Complete job effectively
Safety Prevent accidents / injury / maintain health Q4. What would happen if procedure this was not in place / used?

18 Staff Training Q5. Effectiveness? Regular staff training
Keep up to date

19 Emergency Procedure Protocols
Discuss the following… Q. What are emergency procedure protocols? Q. What are the purposes of emergency procedure protocols? Q. How effective are emergency procedure protocols?

20 Emergency… Q1. What is this?
A set protocol that is put into action when a specific emergency arises Q2. Provide an example of this being used at Calderdale College

21 Emergency… Q3. Purposes? Deal with the situation quickly
Provide help quickly Prevent accidents / injury / maintain health Q4. What would happen if procedure this was not in place / used?

22 Emergency… Q5. Effectiveness?
All staff need to be clear of the procedure Reviewed regularly

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