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HSE Procedure for Risk Assessment Document Number: KOC.SA.018

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Presentation on theme: "HSE Procedure for Risk Assessment Document Number: KOC.SA.018"— Presentation transcript:

1 HSE Procedure for Risk Assessment Document Number: KOC.SA.018
Purpose / Scope: The purpose of this procedure is to enable KOC to identify, assess those hazards & risks arising from their activities (either from existing facilities or new projects) that require management in order to: Comply with regulatory requirements Comply with company policy and business requirements Eliminate, or reduce to as low as reasonably practical in terms of: - risk to human health - risk of injury - risk of damage to plant, equipment and Environment - business interruption and/or loss of production The following are the key actions/deliverables indicated out of this procedure for the purpose of induction only, enabling contractor to estimate basic resource requirements (it does not mean that the other actions/deliverables are not applicable): Developing project HSE Hazard Register

2 To hire 3rd party facilitator and carrying out hazard identification process by using
tools & techniques that include HSE inspections, JHA, HAZID, HAZAN, HAZOP, BIA, FMEA,SIL,THERP, consequence modeling, P&ID Reviews, accident/incident & near miss analysis etc. Elimination or Reduction of the Risk include those to prevent incidents (i.e. reduce the likelihood of occurrence), to control incidents (i.e. limit the extent & duration of a hazardous event) and to mitigate the effects (i.e. reduce the consequences). Preventive measures, such as using inherently safer designs and ensuring asset integrity, safety integrity should be used wherever practicable

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