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2 History of wine oldest wine was from Iran
In the world oldest wine was from Iran first people who used wine were Sumerians In Egypt more than 6 kinds of vine were known In Greece wine was considered one of the primary human needs Romans started to fake wine, but they spread it through Europe

3 History of wine vine has been grown since the 3rd century
In the Czech Republic vine has been grown since the 3rd century the biggest wine centres started to be built in the 13th century recently vine growing must be organised by the EU

4 Vine growing long, dry and hot autumn rocky or gravelly soils illness
Climatic conditions long, dry and hot autumn Soil conditions rocky or gravelly soils Care of wine illness pests Harvest of grapes from September to November

5 Production of wine Production of white wine
the grapes are crushed and the berries are isolated in wooden barrels maceration of the mash maceration time is about 1-2 hours fermentation begins, either spontaneously or with the aid of the so-called "wild yeast" mash from insufficiently fermented grapes must be more sweetened with sugar select wine mustn´t be sweetened ripe wine which reached barrel maturity is given to bottles

6 Production of wine Production of red wine
crushed and seeded grapes are to be sweetened and left in a tub leaven process the fermentation of this process is called maceration where there are extracted alkali dyes and tannins from the husks of grapes these elements are in Red wine demand, a higher amount is a good basis for their archiving after the end of fermenting the mash is pressed and the inhibited young red wine is pumped into the larger cellar where it is treated as young white wine

7 Kinds of wine * Classification of wines according to quality
* Table Wine Quality Wine Labeled wine Wine with attribute Cabinet Late harvest Sweet Wines Selection of grapes Selection of berries Ice Wine Straw wine * Classification of wines according to sugar content Dry Wines Semi-dry wines Semi-sweet wines

8 Types of wines with special attributes:
Red WINES Alibernet André Cabernet Sauvignon Dornfelder Frankovka Merlot Modrý portugal Neronet Rulandské modré Svatovavřinecké Zweigeltrebe White WINES Chardonnay Aurelius Irsai Oliver Müller-Thurgau Muškát moravský Muškát Ottonel Neuburské Pálava Rulandské bílé (Pinot blanc) Rulandské šedé (Pinot Gris) Ryzlink Rýnský...

9 Thank you for your attention!

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