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Pharmacology 2016 Hypertension and CVS Diseases

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1 Pharmacology 2016 Hypertension and CVS Diseases

2 Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease and pathophysiologically hypertension can be classified into two main groups. a. Essential or primary hypertension, where the cause for rise in blood pressure is not known. Responsible for majority of cases. b. Secondary hypertension, where rise is due to renal disease e.g. chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis; due to some vascular disease e.g. renal artery disease or due to some endocrinal disorders e.g. pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome and primary aldosteronism.

3 Hypertension (HT) Hypertension Blood pressure (BP) > 140/90 mmHg
The aims in the treatment: Decrease BP Thus decreasing or avoiding the complications Stroke MI Organ damages (kidneys, eyes) Hear failure

4 Risk group Age (40+) Gender Obesity Stable-no movement.. Dislipidemia
Diabetis mellitus (DM) Alcohol/cigaratte Family history

5 Basic principles of treatment
Life style change (weight loss, regular excersizes,) Pharmacotherapy: Decrease cardiac debility (B-blockers, Ca channel blockers) Decrease in plasma volume (diuretics) Decrease the peripheral resistance (vasodilators)

6 Drugs used to treat HT Diuretics
Beta Adrenoreceptor Blockers (Propranolol, atenolol,metoprolol) ACE inhibitors Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists Ca++ channel Blockers (verapamil, diltiazem) Alpha-adrenoreceptor blockers (prazosin) Less preffered drugs: Centrally acted drugs (alpha-methyl dopa) Minoxidil Hydralazine (vasoldilator)

7 Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

8 Diuretics Thiazide diuretics are the first choice (Hydrochlorthiazide - HCT): Delays the complications Low side effects, not expensive Loop Diuretics (Furosemide): Stronger.. Potassium sparing Diuretics (Sipronolactone)

9 The main action of thiazides is exerted on the early segment of distal tubule or cortical diluting segment. They inhibit reabsorption of sodium and chloride. Loop Diuretics: diuretics act primarily by inhibiting electrolyte reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. As much as 20% of the filtered Na+ may be reabsorbed in the loop of Henle. These agents bind to Cl– binding site of Na+-K+-2Cl– cotransporter glycoprotein and inhibit its transport function in ascending limb of loop of Henle.

10 Sempathetic system antagonists
Beta adrenoreceptor blockers (their action is proved) Alpha adrenoreceptor blockers (their action is controversial) Ganglion Blockers (older drugs) Renin-angiotensin system blockers: ACE inhibitors (action is proved) AT-1 receptor blockers (new) Renin-Angiotensin System: Vasoconstriction ……….. Aldosterone release ……PB increase Increase in smooth muscle cells

11 ACE inhibitors Captopril, enalapril, lisinopril…
These drugs act primarily by suppressing renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system. The main action of all ACE inhibitors is to inhibit conversion of angiotensin I (inactive) to angiotensin II (active). They inhibit the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). So, Angiotensin II production is inhibited. Decrease in angiotensin II results in dilatation of peripheral vessels leading to a reduction in systemic vascular resistance and a decreased aldosterone secretion

12 ACE inhibitors The important common side effect: Dry Cough
Contrandicated during pregnancy Used for HT and congestive heart failure Can be administered safely in patients of hypertension with diabetes mellitus or bronchial asthma

13 Calcium Channel blockers
Verapamil, diltiazem Interfere with the calcium entry into the myocardial and vascular smooth muscles and thereby decreasing the availability of the intracellular calcium. Calcium channel blockers depress the contractility of the myocardium and decrease the cardiac work and the requirement of oxygen. This effect proves to be beneficial in the treatment of angina pectoris

14 AT-Receptor Antagonists
Losartan, valsartan, candesartan (sartan~ssss) They are competetive antagonists of AT-1 receptors. it has no in peptide structure Antagonise the AT-II`s poliferative and vasoconstrictor effects. The important difference from ACE, they do not cause dry cough/or it less.

15 Vasoldilators They relax smooth blood vessels
Nitric oxide donors (nitropruside) Ca-Channel Blockers: (nifedipine, verapamil) Potassium channel openners (diazoxide) HT emergency: BP = 220/130 Stroke risk Emergency treatment: (IV) Sodium nitropuriside+Glyceryl trinitrate+ACE inh.(sublingual)

16 Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure(CHF) is a clinical syndrome with multiple causes and involve the right or left ventricle or both and in CHF, cardiac output is usually below the normal range.

17 Treatment principles Decrease heart effort
Decrease heart load : weight loss, dec.BP, dec blood volume (Anti-HT drugs, diuretics, vasodilators) Strengthening heart contraction: Cardiac glycosides, beta agonists) Decrease salt intake

18 Cardiac Glycosides Digitalis: Digoxin Digitoxin Oubain
Digitalis lanata and D. Purpurea

19 MOA of Digitalis Inhibition of Na+ /K+ pump….. Intracellular Na+ concentartion increases Accumulation of Na+/Ca++ exchange decrease…. Increases Ca ++ inside cell. Leading to Contractility increases (+) inotropic effect Increase in cardiac output

20 Drugs used in Angina pectoris
Angina pectoris is a symptom of ischaemic heart disease. It develops as a result of an imbalance between the oxygen supply and oxygen demand of the myocardium. 1. Nitric oxide (NO) Endojen NO: Strong vasodilator Synthesized in the endothelium tissue and thrombocytes..

21 2. Nitrates (Nitroglycerine /Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)& nitrpurisiate) :
Used in HT emergency (IV infusion) Heart ache (angina pectoris treatment), <sublingual> Pulmonary HT treatment 3. Beta blockers ( Propranolol, metoprolol,bisoprolol): Decreases O2 requirement and work of heart muscle and therefore is effective in reducing the chest pain on exertion which occurs in angina.

22 Antiarrhythmic Agents
Cardiac arrhythmias is a group of disorder characterized by an abnormal cardiac rhythm and arise as a result of disorders of impulse formation or conduction or both. Tachyarrhythmias (sinus rate more than 100 per minute) are produced by a disturbances of impulse generation or of impulse conduction in the heart. Bradycardia can be due to depressed sinus automaticity and AV block. Bradyarrhythmias manifest as slow heart rate (less than 50 to 60 beats per minute in sleep)

23 Antiarrhythmic Agents
Class-I: Sodium channel blockers (quinidine, lignocaine) Class-II: Beta adrenergic blockers (Propranolol) Class-III: Potassium channel blockers: Drugs that prolong effective refractory period by prolonging action potential (amiodarone) Class –IV: CCB (calcium channel blockers) Others: atropine, digitalis, adenosine

24 Antihyperlipidemic Agents
They lower the levels of lipoproteins and lipids in blood. The plasma lipids are present in lipoproteins after combining with apoproteins. They are high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL). Atherosclerosis is main cause of cardiovascular deaths.

25 Antihyperlipidemic Agents
Hyperlipidemia : Cholesterole, TG, HDL Genetic disorders Life style High calorie intake in food Cholesterole Staturated & trans- fat

26 Raised levels of VLDL, LDL and IDL are atherogenic,
while HDL is protective because it facilitates removal of cholesterol from tissues., LDL oxidation inhibition, Avoids thrombocyte agregation

27 Risk factors of Coronery Heart Disease
LDL increase HDL decrease Smoking HT (BP≥ 140/90) Type II DM Age (male>45, female > 55) Family history Obesity

28 Plasma Lipid Levels Cholesterole level: <200 mg/dl (normal)
LDL-C <70 mg/dl (level should be in high risk patients) <100mg/dl (optimum) mg/dl (near to optimum) mg/dl (borderline- high) >190 mg/dl (very high) TG: <150mg/dl (normal) mg/dl (bordeline- high) mg/dl (high) ≥500 (very high) Cholesterole level: <200 mg/dl (normal) mg/dl ( near to borderline) ≥ 240 mg/dl (high) HDL-C <40mg/dl (Low) in female <50 >60 mg/dl (high)

29 Which patients should be treated?
Male and also females (postmenaposale) Age: male >45, femal >55 Cerebrovascular diseases : Statins can reduce risk of stroke Peripheral vascula diseases HT patients and smokers Type 2 DM

30 Drugs 1. HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins): atorvastatin, lovastatin,simvastatin and rosuvastatin 2. Fibric acid derivatives :Clofibrate, Gemfibrozil 3. Agents inhibiting production of VLDL and lipolysis in adipose tissue: Nicotinic acid 4. Interferes with intestinal absorption of cholesterol: Cholestyramine 5. Inhibit synthesis of LDL: Probucol 6. Miscellaneous: Gugulipid

31 Statins MOA: Block the synthesis of cholesterol in liver by competitively inhibiting HMG CoA reductase (Hydroxymethyl-Glutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase) activity, Cause depletion of critical intracellular pools of sterols and increased transcription of LDL receptors leading to enhanced removal from plasma of LDL cholesterol and LDL precursors. They also reduce hepatic synthesis of VLDL, increase plasma HDL.

32 Statins Lovastatin: causes marked reduction in LDL cholesterol and also raise HDL level and may lower the triglyceride level. Simvastatin: Simvastatin, is twice as potent as lovastatin. Reduce both normal and elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Atorvastatin: reduces total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemias. Also reduces VLDL-cholesterol and TG and produces variable increases in HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1. Atorvastatin reduces LDL-cholesterol in patients with familial hyper-cholesterolemia (FH).

33 Adverse effects of statins
Hepatotoxicity (ALT, AST levels should be tested before starting the treatment) Myopathy Drug interactions of statins with: Gemfibrosil Cyclosporine Digoxin Niacin

34 Niacin (Nicotinic acid)
Vitamin B-complex Has hypolipidemic effect Increases HDL-C level and decreases TG, and LDL-C Also inreases LPL (lipoprotein lipase) activity which is a key enzyme in degradation of VLDL resulting in lower circulating triglycerides. Cholestyramine, colestipol: Used in combination with statins

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