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THE INUIT PEOPLE The Northern Lights Hunter

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1 THE INUIT PEOPLE The Northern Lights Hunter
Level: Grade 6 THE INUIT PEOPLE The Northern Lights Hunter  

2 THE INUIT PEOPLE Nunavik and Nunavut Territories
Level: Grade 6 THE INUIT PEOPLE Nunavik and Nunavut Territories Sources: Indigenous and Northern Affaits Canada. min_briefing_book_2015_map_inuit_ _fra.jpg. [Online]. [page visited 12/02/2017]. Makivik Corporation. Maps of Nunavik. [Online]. [page visited 16/02/2017].

3 Level: Grade 6 THE INUIT PEOPLE Nunavut Communities

4 THE INUIT PEOPLE Nunavik Communities Level: Grade 6
Source: Makivik Corporation. Maps of Nunavik. [Online]. [page visited 16/02/2017].

5 Video by Gilles Boutin who made several trips to Nunavik
Level: Grade 6 THE INUIT PEOPLE Video by Gilles Boutin who made several trips to Nunavik (Time: approximately 4 minutes)

6 Click on the picture to visit Gilles Boutin’s photo site
Level: Grade 6 The Northern Lights Hunter Click on the picture to visit Gilles Boutin’s photo site

7 The Northern Lights Hunter
Level: Grade 6 The Northern Lights Hunter The Young Arsaniq Translated from: This northern legend is about the strange adventure of a young Inuit. His father was a hunter and his mother was considered as the most beautiful woman. All the other women were green with envy because her hair were pure black and her piercing eyes illuminated her graceful face. However, beauty is not all, and even after many years of marriage, the couple was mourning the fact that they still had no children. At the end of a hunting day, the hunter went to sleep in the snow to watch the stars illuminating the sky. All of a sudden, he was surprised by a fascinating sight. In the dark sky, he saw flashing colours dancing and taking strange forms. The light then changed to a ball of fire sweeping across the sky and at that very moment, he believed that had he extended his hand, he would have been able to grab it. A little after, the hunter hastily went back to his camp, convinced that this strange sight was a good omen. At the camp, he found his companion with a satisfied look on her face and she told him she was at last bearing a child. Persuaded that the glowing colours had brought them chance and happiness, he told his wife what he had seen with his own eyes. She did not believe a word of his story and preferred believing that he had fallen asleep and that this was just a dream. Some time later, she gave birth to a boy, whom they called Arsaniq.

8 The Northern Lights Hunter
Level: Grade 6 The Northern Lights Hunter The Young Arsaniq Happy days flew by and Arsaniq was now a strong and brilliant teenager and an excellent hunter, almost as much as his father. Their destiny tipped when a storm surprised them while they were kayaking off the coast. They paddled as hard as they could to take shelter on the pack ice, but Arsaniq’s father did not make it. His kayak capsized and sank despite Arsaniq’s efforts to save him. Arsaniq, burdened by sadness and stricken with remorse, managed to go back home where he told the horrible news to his mother. Although he offered her all his tenderness and loving care, she no longer wanted to live and let herself die of sorrow.

9 The Northern Lights Hunter
Level: Grade 6 The Northern Lights Hunter The Young Arsaniq Now an orphan, Arsaniq was left to himself. Fortunately, he was a good hunter and managed to survive without help. He was awfully missing his parents, especially at night when he was alone at the camp. One night when he could not fall asleep, he went out to watch the starry sky. He then recalled this strange story his father had told him, when suddenly luminous shapes appeared in the sky. In disbelief, he closed his eyes and when he opened them, he realised he was not dreaming. He was also seeing stange creatures moving in the night, and he felt attracted and carried away by them. Without any hesitation, he immediately jumped to his feet and stretched his arms to the sky. He wanted to touch them and wished they would grasp him and take him away to the depths of the sky. With his arms stretched out, he opened his eyes and laughed heartedly. At this very moment, he began to rise and rise until he became himself a flash of light juggling with fire balls. After that night, nobody ever saw the young orphan again. In the Inuit language, “Arsaniq” designates the “northern lights”. When the Inuit look at these lights glowing in the night, they inevitably think of the young boy.

10 Level: Grade 6

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