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Connersville High School Media Center

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1 Connersville High School Media Center
Mrs. Cox - Educational Assistant Mrs. Caldwell - Media Center Secretary Mrs. Giesting - Media Specialist

2 Major Areas Books (Fiction) Books (Non-Fiction) Periodicals Computers

3 Books (Fiction) F COLL Fiction
Stories that are not true Arranged by the author’s last name Found on shelves touching the east walls Books have an “F” on the spine label F COLL Fiction First 4 Letters of the Author’s Last Name

4 Fiction Example: The Hunger Games F COLL Fiction Collins

5 To find it on the shelf

6 Books (Non-fiction) Stories that are true
Arranged by numbers according to the Dewey Decimal System Computer Science, Information & General Works Philosophy & Psychology Religion Social Sciences

7 Books (Non-fiction) Dewey Decimal System, continued 400-499 - Language
Science Technology Arts & Recreation Literature History & Geography

8 Specifics . . . Specific subjects each have specific Dewey Decimal Numbers Example: 300s - Social Sciences 320 = Political Science 355 = Military Science 370 = Education 390 = Customs, Etiquette, and Folklore

9 Non-Fiction Example: 362.7 PELZ Pelzer A Child Called “It”
Social Welfare Problems and Services Pelzer

10 Biographies (Non-Fiction)
920 = Collective Biographies (about more than one person) 920 GRAN Collective Biography Author’s Last Name

11 Biographies (Non-Fiction)
921 = Biographies and Autobiographies 921 KING Biography Subject’s Last Name (not author)

12 Story Collections SC KISS Story Collection
Found at the end of nonfiction (tall bookshelf facing the courtyard) Multiple short stories SC KISS Story Collection Author’s Last Name (or Title if multiple authors)

13 New and “Rosie” Books New books are added and removed every month or two Rosie Books are shelved for the school year. Ballots are in the books and can be turned in to Mrs. G. Every student who reads and votes for 5 books will be invited to a pizza party in April.

14 Suggestions? In writing  On paper By On suggestion slip

15 Periodicals CHS subscribes to about 80 different magazines
Newest issues on display but may be checked out CHS keeps back issues for 5 years Ask at the circulation desk to get back issue All magazines are placed in a manila envelope for checkout - please return the envelope with the magazine

16 Online Catalog (Alexandria)
Available on all school computers from the Media Center homepage Search by title, author or subject Correct spelling is necessary

17 Media Center Policies Maximum of 5 items per student
Items checked out for 3 weeks Items may be renewed at the circulation desk Overdue materials will block you from checking out new items You may ask for a “hold” to be placed on a book Computers are for school purposes only - no games Printouts from the computers cost 10¢ per page unless you’re turning it in to a teacher Color printouts are available from Mrs. Giesting’s computer for $0.50 per page

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