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The Spread of Protestantism

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1 The Spread of Protestantism
Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin

2 Corruption of Church In Switzerland’s confederacy, the Catholic church was corrupt. Church leaders had more interest in making money than in saving souls. One Swiss priest decided to speak out against it.

3 Ulrich Zwingli Swiss priest and reformer
Agreed with Luther on salvation by faith alone Believed that Christians should not be required to fast or go on pilgrimages Hated the sale of indulgences

4 Zwingli’s Views With the printing press, his ideas spread to Germany.
He banned the singing of hymns in church! Christians should not keep statues and pictures of saints… But it didn’t stop people from carving out statues of him….

5 Luther Meets Zwingli

6 Luther Versus Zwingli They differed strongly on other teachings.
At the end of their meeting, Zwingli extended his hand in friendship. Luther refused, calling Zwingli the devil (are you seeing a pattern here…?) Both believed in salvation by faith alone. Both hated indulgences. Both believed that the Bible was completely true.

7 Zwingli Versus Swiss Catholics
Some cantons of Switzerland remained loyal to the church. The loyalists attacked Zwingli’s followers in Zurich Zwingli was killed in battle.

8 John Calvin French theologian, b. 1509 Founder of Calvinist movement
Supporter of Protestantism Preached the doctrine of Predestination

9 Calvin’s Beliefs The “Elect”—those who are chosen for salvation by God before birth The rest were chosen to be unbelievers, being barred from entrance into heaven. God was stern and forbidding.

10 Calvinist Government Citizens of Geneva Switzerland must accept Calvin’s teachings. No gambling, singing, dancing, or getting drunk. A place where fun goes to die! His strict rules got him exiled for three years. He was invited back to Geneva, though. The threat of bad behavior and Catholicism worried Geneva’s leadership.

11 Spread of Calvinism Spread to France, the Netherlands, and Scotland
English Calvinists called themselves Puritans. Many would come to America and colonize Massachusetts.

12 King Henry VIII Opposed Protestantism Founded the Church of England
Wanted to divorce his wife, but the Pope would not let him.

13 Church of England Now called the Anglican Church
Does not recognize the Pope as the voice of God Still very similar to Catholicism

14 Church to Churches The Catholic church was no longer the only church in Europe. Many more Protestant groups would arise: Anabaptists, Quakers, & Shakers. Today the church is like a mosaic.

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