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Unit 1 Book8 A land of diversity

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1 Unit 1 Book8 A land of diversity

2 Competition Boys and girls make up two groups Boys and girls form
. Competition Boys and girls make up two groups

3 Match A. mark out B. occur C. apparent D. by means of E. a great many absorb, to attract act in reply happen, to take place 4.earn one’s living 5.a lot of 6.obvious put something inside something else the way of 9.draw lines around point at A. mark out B. occur C. apparent D. by means of E. a great many F. react G. take in H. make a life I. insert J. indicate F B H E C I D A J

4 Complete the following chart with proper words
Adjective Noun major nation/nationality applied curiosity mixed racial majority national applicant curious mixture race

5 Choose the words below to fill in the blanks
Catholic, slavery, Spanish, mixture make a life, nationality, majority, immigrant My first holiday to Spain was a delight. The architecture and food there were exciting and the _____ of people was very interesting. I found out more about that when I met Carlos. He is from a(an) ______ family originally from south America and speaks excellent ______. Like the _______ of the Spanish, he is a ______ and goes to church every Sunday. He told me how his ancestors were forced into ______by the Spanish conquerors of South America. mixture immigrant Spanish majority Catholic slavery

6 They had to deny their king, their______ and their gods, when the Spanish arrived. The invaders were so cruel to the local population that eventually Carlos’ ancestors fled to Spain to_______ there. Now he and his family from part of the interesting mixture of peoples that makes up the Spanish population. nationality make a life

7 Have a try If you want to learn something about a country, a state, etc, what do you want to know ? We would like to know its size, population, location, language, history, capital, climate, agriculture and industry, education and medical care, etc.

8 Statue of Liberty

9 Brainstorm What do you think of when you hear people talk of USA?


11 What do you know about the USA?
Famous people: Languages: English Bill Gates, Michael Jordan… Present President: George W. Bush Major cities: U.S.A. New York. Los Angeles . Chicago. Houston… population: 296,000,000 National holiday: Capital city : Official Name: Independence Day, 4 July Washington DC The United States of America


13 Do the following exercises with the help of the map of Warming Up
Ocean on the east coast: Ocean on the west coast: Country to the north of USA: Country to the south of USA: Mountain range in the west: Great Lakes: Longest river in the USA: Some important cities:

14 Ocean on the east coast _________________
Ocean on the west cost __________________ Country to the north of USA __________________ Country to the south of USA ________________ Mountains range in the west ______________________ Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Canada Mexico Rocky Mountains

15 Great Lakes : Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Longest river in the USA : Mississippi River Some important cities: New York, Washington D C, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans

16 The Mississippi River is the largest river in North America
The Mississippi River is the largest river in North America. Rising in Minnesota, it flows south, across the continental interior and finally into the Mexico Gulf.

17 B D General knowledge quiz about the USA
How many states are there in the USA ? A B C D. 48 The most important and largest river in the United States of America is______ ? A. the Ohio River B. the Colorado River C. The Missouri River D. the Mississippi River B D

18 A A B 3. California is the ________ largest state in the USA.
A. third B. Second C. fourth D. fifth 4. California, a state in the western USA, borders ________. A. the Pacific Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean D. the Arctic Ocean 5. _____ is California’s largest and the nation’s second largest city. A. Sacramento B. Los Angeles C. San Diego D. San Francisco A B


20 6. California’s official nickname is the _______. A. Sunflower State B
6. California’s official nickname is the _______ ? A. Sunflower State B. Golden State C. Land of opportunity D. Evergreen State 7. ___has the largest population in the USA. A. California B. Alaska C. Washington D. Texas 8. California entered the Union on September 9, 1850, as the ______state. A. thirtieth B. thirty-eighth C. thirty-second D. thirty-first B A D

21 ----------Who is the winner?
Discussion A TV station invites you to take part in a competition. The person who knows America best can be offered a free air ticket to America. Who is the winner?

22 Tips U.S.A. Famous people: Languages: Present President: Major cities:
English Bill Gates, Michale Jordan… Present President: George W. Bush Major cities: New York. Los Angeles . Chicago. Houston… population: U.S.A. 296,000,000 National holiday: Capital city : Official Name: Independence Day, 4 July Washington DC The United States of America

23 Competition You can choose from these figures, each figure
stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds.

24 Competition Languages You can choose from these figures, each figure
stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. Languages

25 Competition Famous people
You can choose from these figures, each figure stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. Famous people

26 Major cities Competition
You can choose from these figures, each figure stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. Major cities

27 Official Name Competition
You can choose from these figures, each figure stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. Official Name

28 National holiday Competition
You can choose from these figures, each figure stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. National holiday

29 Capital city Competition
You can choose from these figures, each figure stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. Capital city

30 population Competition You can choose from these figures, each figure
stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. population

31 Present President Competition You can choose from these figures, each
figure stands for a question. Try to use a sentence to say something about the question in 30 seconds. Present President

32 Pair work According to what we have discussed, introduce America to your partner.

33 Summing up U.S.A. Famous people: Languages: Present President:
English Bill Gates, Michael Jordan… Present President: George W. Bush Major cities: U.S.A. New York. Los Angeles . Chicago. Houston… population: 296,000,000 National holiday: Capital city : Official Name: Independence Day, 4 July Washington DC The United States of America

34 Homework Write a short passage to introduce America according to what we have learnt today. 2.Finish the exercises on workbook P47.

35 Thank you

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