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Interact Event Let’s practice capitalisation!

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1 Interact Event Let’s practice capitalisation!
ESPON Outreach Strategy Roma, 7 – 8 June 2017

2 1 What is ESPON about?

3 Facts and figures 32 countries: 28 EU + 4 partner states
€ = 48,678, € (ERDF 41,377,019.00) Managing Authority: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure of Luxembourg Single beneficiary: ESPON EGTC More than 130 European regions, cities and national governments assisted with Targeted Analyses 25 Applied Research Activities completed ( ), 7 ongoing, 7 (to be) launched in 2017 23 Targeted Analyses completed ( ), 6 ongoing, 4 (to be) launched in 2017 Toolbox, Events and Publications

4 Research and Policy EU funded programme
Support the effectiveness of policies: EU Cohesion Policy, policies and programmes under European Structural and Investment Funds, national and regional territorial development policies Promotes a European territorial dimension Produce applied research, targeted analyses, tools and trends around Europe covering a number of topics: employment, FDI flows, SMEs, low-carbon economy, inner peripheries, foresight studies, governance, youth unemployment, territories with geographic specificities, green infrastructures, circular economy, flows of migrants and refugees, etc.

5 Informed Policy Making
"Our policies need to be a response to the realities on the ground in our regions and cities. We need actions and projects that serve the real needs of people: that's why this programme I have adopted today is important. It will produce a wealth of pan-European research - for the European Commission to use but most importantly for cities and regions themselves to make sure policy making across the EU is informed by evidence above all” Corina Crețu, February 2015

6 Target groups Primary target groups:
European policymakers, in particular in the field of Cohesion Policy as well as other relevant sectoral and thematic policies and programmes, particularly those currently not fully articulating their territorial approach National policymakers and practitioners responsible for territorial cohesion, ETC programmes, macro-regional strategies and Cohesion Policy preparation and implementation at national level, as well as other relevant policy fields Authorities implementing ESI Funding programmes and preparing periodical reporting Regional and local policymakers and practitioners responsible for territorial development and planning and/or involved in cross-border, transnational and macro-regional cooperation Secondary target groups: Organisations promoting different regional/urban interests at EU level Academia both researchers and students as future decision makers The private sector and wider European audiences

7 2 Activities

8 Supporting the whole policy cycle
Applied research activities Territorial impact assessments Territorial Review Policy design Problem framing Monitoring & evaluation Policy implementation Policy briefs Evidence support Targeted analyses Data, tools and maps Data, tools and maps Macro-regional and urban monitoring tools Outreach activities and knowledge sharing

9 SO 1: Enhanced European territorial evidence production through applied research and analyses
22 activities based on policy demand which shall contribute to the pan-European territorial and analytical evidence base Content development supported by project support teams (policy-relevance) and external senior expertise (scientific quality) SO 2: Upgraded knowledge transfer and use of analytical support Targeted analyses (25 activities) Evidence support to other European funding programmes Thematic papers (45 policy briefs and working papers) on specific themes in response to policy demand. SO 3: Improved territorial observation and tools for territorial analyses: Territorial observation, monitoring and analytical online tools (8) Territorial monitoring reports (3). SO 4: Wider outreach and uptake of territorial evidence European Outreach Transnational Outreach Events (40) + Publications (20) Shift towards digital media and communication and less printed material

10 Applied research (14) Ongoing (launched in 2015) Next Deliveries
The geography of new employment dynamics The world in Europe, global FDI flows towards Europe SMEs in European regions and cities Territories and the low carbon economy approach Inner peripheries: National territories facing challenges of access to basic services of general interest Possible European territorial futures Territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe Next Deliveries Draft July/August 2017, February 2018 Final November/December 2017, June 2018

11 Applied research (14) New (to be) launched in 2017
Financial instruments and territorial cohesion Green infrastructures and ecosystem services European territorial reference framework towards 2050 Youth unemployment: territorial trends and regional resilience Circular economy and territorial consequences Flows of migrants and refugees Territories with geographical specificities

12 Targeted analyses (10) Governance and planning
Regional strategies for sustainable territorial development Spatial dynamics and strategic planning in metropolitan areas Thinking and Planning in Areas of Territorial Cooperation Linking networks of protected areas to territorial development Functional geographies Territorial Scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region Common spatial perspectives for the Alpine Space Cross-border Public Services Thematic/ sectoral issues Territorial and Urban Potentials Connected to Migration and Refugee Flows Future Digital Health in EU Cultural Heritage as a strategic territorial development resource

13 Targeted analyses 23 June 2017 next cut-off date for the submission of proposals for Targeted Analyses

14 Targeted Evidence Support
Demand for tailor-made territorial evidence ESIF Programmes 19 responses received in 2016 Project to provide targeted evidence support in 2017 Terrevi Project (2014) bring cooperation areas in a European context compare them with other (CBC) areas, with the countries involved, with the rest of Europe

15 Terrevi project Factsheets 2014 52 CBC areas 13 TNC areas

16 TerreEvi 2 project Key Demands which will be addressed:
External communication and inform key programme stakeholders on ongoing socio-economic trends Support discussions, decisions and recommendations on projects funded or to be funded Territorial data, benchmarking, best practice exchange and cooperation – input to strategic programming Capitalisation of results during projects and programme events Monitoring and evaluation of programme impact SWOT analyses and reference document for ‘Needs Analyses’ – Post-2020

17 Toolbox

18 3 ESPON Outreach Strategy

19 7 Strategic Key objectives
Better integrate science in policy making Quick responses to demand for territorial evidence and analyses Engage closely with old and new actors at all levels Build visibility based on original and high quality content Strive for ”less is more” Go digital and make ESPON more “sociable” Promote both European and transnational uptake (ECP network key cooperation partner in advising how best to involve national, regional and local policy makers )

20 Events Events EU level 12 October Conference on the European Territorial Review and Cohesion EWRC November Workshop for Stakeholders of Targeted Analyses back to back the ESPON Event organised by the MA 6-7 December Seminar with EE EU Presidency in Tallin Joint Events and External Events 11 October PEP workshop during EWRC Participation in external events, including debates with policy makers, practitioners and academia (EWRC, RSA, AESOP…) Transnational Events Consultation with ECPs From Q4 2017

21 Publications EU Territorial Review Report
Main territorial development trends in relation to key challenges: recovery from the global economic recession, refugee inflows, global competition, ageing and migration, accessibility and connectivity Specific patterns of development in cities, rural areas, specific regions and macro-regions in Europe Innovative ideas and reflections post 2020 mainly focused on the objective of European territorial cooperation 12 October presentation and Conference in Brussels

22 Publications Policy Briefs/Working Papers providing rapid input to the current policy debate and response to direct demand from policy-makers 2017 to be released Digital transformation in public sector Q3/EU Presidency EE Migration and refugees Q3/Interact Shrinking and lagging regions/rural areas tbd/MC Members Regional level territorial units ad functional urban areas: governance and planning issues tbd/MC Members More (green infrastructures, etc.)

23 Published (2016 and 2017) Territories with geographical specificities Q1/EU Presidency MT Working Paper "Revealing territorial potentials and shaping new policies in specific types of territories in Europe“Q1/EU Presidency MT Territorial Implication of Better Regulation for Europe towards 2050 Urban Partnership Themes in a Wider Territorial Context Second Tier Cities Matter Polycentric Territorial Structures and Territorial Cooperation Pathways to a circular economy in cities and regions

24 Published (2015) Territorial Scenarios for Europe 2050 Territorial and urban aspects of migration and refugee inflow

25 Channels and Media ESPON website
Content presented in a more thematic way Content tailored to the needs of target groups More focus on territorial evidence on different topics, policy recommendations, and case studies Additional opportunities for visitors to access and share the content Featuring shorter, more specific articles based on the research outputs Indicative timeline: Initial content migration - 02 June 2017 Going online with initial content - 15 June 2017 Completed content migration and staff training -14 July 2017

26 Channels and Media Social media News alerts, Direct Mailing
LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube News alerts, Direct Mailing MC Info Note> yearly around ESPressON>yearly around ESPON news>monthly Direct Mailing to specific target groups >i.e. Potential Stakeholders of Targeted Analyses

27 https://www. espon. eu/main/Menu_Press/Menu_Videos/01_Introduction

28 Thank you for your attention Piera Petruzzi ESPON EGTC
Unit for Evidence and Outreach Inspire policy making by territorial evidence

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