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Brainfoodsessie 2 – donderdag 18 mei 2017 door An Katrien Sodermans

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1 Brainfoodsessie 2 – donderdag 18 mei 2017 door An Katrien Sodermans

2 Apprenticeships in the UK

3 Waarom inzetten op apprenticeships?
Push factoren Hoge kosten van studies Jongeren willen sneller gaan werken en geld verdienen Werkgevers ontevreden met inzetbaarheid afgestudeerden Wens om vaardigheden aan te leren die nodig zijn op AM Pull factoren Moderne markten (mode, software ontwikkeling, engineering, Participatie door werkgevers, employer-led standards, trailblazers Kwalificatie gelijkgesteld met hoger onderwijs (duurt meestal 1 jaar langer) Apprenticeship Levy --> Hogere profielen aangetrokken en zijn loyaler naar bedrijven

4 UK doelstelling Apprenticeships: Van in 1966 naar in 1990 Productiviteit verhogen Kwaliteit en kwantiteit van apprenticeships verhogen Bedrijven aan het stuur zetten 3 miljoen apprenticeships tegen 2020.

5 Apprenticeship Levy Vanaf april 2017
0,5% van de pay bill (enkel voor bedrijven met jaarlijkse payroll van meer dan 3mio pond*) Geldt voor alle werkgevers in alle sectoren pond per jaar krijgen ze terug van de overheid Overheid betaalt 10% bovenop, dus voor elke 1£ die betaald wordt, krijgt de werkgever 1,1£ ter beschikking 24 maanden tijd om funding op te doen Via digital service kunnen ze training providers selecteren en betalen *Slechts 2% betaalt




9 Institute for Apprenticeships
A QUANGO: quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation Valt binnen Department of Education “will play a key role in taking forward the next generation of apprenticeships, making sure they continue to provide the opportunities learners want and skills employers need". CEO Peter Lauener Shadow chair: Antony Jenkins (former group chief executive of Barclays and the current chair of Business in the Community

10 Institute for Apprenticeships
the IFA is intended to create a smoother channel between Industry & Education using Apprenticeships as the connector.

11 New digital apprenticeship service
is a major part of the new digital apprenticeship service, launched in 2017, to enable employers to control funding and recruit high-quality apprentices New digital service for employers to choose their apprenticeships, access funding, recruit candidates and manage their program


13 Digital apprenticeship service

14 There are 2 different types of apprenticeships to choose from:
apprenticeship standards - each standard covers a specific occupation and sets out the core skills, knowledge and behaviours an apprentice will need; they are developed by employer groups known as ‘trailblazers’ apprenticeship frameworks - a series of work-related vocational and professional qualifications, with workplace- and classroom-based training

15 Apprenticeship Standards
The standards show what an apprentice will be doing and the skills required of them, by job role. A standard is considered ready for delivery when it has an approved assessment plan and a funding cap assigned. Standards are developed by employer groups known as ‘trailblazers’.


17 Employers involved in trailblazer groups

18 Huidige knelpunten Delayed policy decisions - Is there enough time and information for strategic decision-making and implementation before May 2017? Employer engagement - Providers largely accepted the underpinning policy principle that puts employers at the centre of the new Apprenticeship system but felt the slow release of information was impeding their ability to plan timely offers and engage with employers rapidly. Standards content and quality - Providers expressed concern over both the lack of qualifications in many Standards and the resulting lack of skills portability and transferability for individual Apprentices. End-Point Assessment system - Providers regretted the general lack of information and understanding about how the end-point assessment system will work, how much it will cost and how the overall quality of end- point assessments will be monitored. Volumes of Apprenticeships - Providers reported that schools are beginning to be more open to Apprenticeships as a viable option for school leavers and young people and parents are talking about them. However, providers reported finding some employers unwilling to engage. Bron: apprenticeship-reform

19 FE week The premier news service for the further education and skills sector in England ( Wekelijkse publicatie Editor = Nick Linford Wordt uitgegeven door LSect

20 AELP The Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP)
National trade association offering 'one voice', representing training providers and employers involved in skills and employment activities across England. AELP members deliver the majority of Apprenticeships, Traineeships, English and maths in the workplace and programmes for the unemployed including the Work Programme.

21 Future Apprenticeships
Funded by the Education & training foundation (government) Programme designed to help managers, teachers, trainers, leaders and those involved in governance to make the transition from apprenticeship frameworks to the new standards Online portaal: gelijkend op werkplekduaal Toolkit voor providers: Tot maart 2017

22 UK Ambassadors Lindsay McCurdy CEO of Apprenticeships4England
Ambassador at European Alliance for Apprenticeships

23 UK Ambassadors Peter Lauener Anthony Jenkins
CEO of Skills funding agency Interim CEO van institute for Apprenticeships Anthony Jenkins Shadow chair of IoA former group chief executive of Barclays Current chair of business in the community (

24 UK Ambassadors Nadhim Zahawi:
Prime minister David Cameron’s adviser on apprentices Businessman and entrepreneur Founder of Quote: “I’m determined for apprenticeships to be a real alternative to attending university, and to ensure that they are a route to better paid, highly skilled jobs that really enhance productivity in our economy."

25 UK Ambassadors Robert Halfon Minister of state for Education
July 2016: appointed as Minister for apprenticeships and skills Passionate about apprenticeships He set up the Parliamentary Academy, which encourages MPs to employ apprentices in Parliament.

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