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Post-Graduate School Careers and Consulting

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Presentation on theme: "Post-Graduate School Careers and Consulting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-Graduate School Careers and Consulting
Will Haller FMP Consulting

2 Background: Will Haller
Education: Hood College: B.S. Psychology, Spanish Minor ( ) University of Baltimore: M.S. Applied Psychology (I/O) ( ) Universitat de Valencia (Winter School) ( ) Experience LiveHealthier/Centene: Data Operations Analyst, Technical Operations Manager ( ) Schaefer Center for Public Policy: Graduate Fellow ( ) Prometric: Test Developer (2016) FMP Consulting: Human Capital Analyst ( Current)

3 What’s the Plan After School?
I already have a job lined up I am currently in the application process to jobs I am starting to apply to jobs I am continuing my education: Ph.D, MBA I’m going to travel to a remote island and live off of the environment

4 What type of work do you want to do?
Human Resources (HR Generalist, HR Specialist, HRBP, HR Analyst) Talent Acquisition/Recruiting Personnel Assessment/Testing Learning and Development/Training Consulting Government Other Data Analytics Management/Project Management Research

5 Applying to Jobs Never send a cold application Timing
6 Months before your “first day” Resume and Cover Letter UB Career Center UB IO Resume/Job Application Workshop (Max White) References Never send a cold application Who do you know at the organization? (LinkedIn) Who knows your name? Informational interview Networking at events

6 Consulting What is being a consultant?
Block, 2011: “Flawless Consulting”: A consultant is a person in a position to have some influence over an individual, a group, or in a position to have some influence over an individual, group, or an organization but has no direct power to make changes or implement programs. Consultation describes any action you take with a system of which you are not a part. Staff, support work, and consulting are interchangeable, therefore people in support roles need consulting skills to be effective regardless of their field. What is needed to be a good consultant? Technical Skills Interpersonal Skills Consulting Skills

7 Consulting Models of Consultation (Edgar Schein, 1988: Process Consultation) Purchase of Expertise: Purchase of an expert or service Doctor-Patient: Diagnose the organization to discover pain points Process Consultation: Activities to help the client perceive, understand, and act upon the process events that occur in the client’s environment to improve the situation as defined by the client

8 Consulting The Stages of Problem Solving (Edgar Schein, 1988: Process Consultation) Cycle 1 Problem Formation Generating Proposals for Solution Forecasting Consequences and Testing Solutions Cycle 2 Action Planning and Implementation Evaluating Outcomes Decision Making Lack of Response Formal Authority/Self Authorization Minority Majority Rule Consensus Unanimous Consent

9 Leadership Development Learning and Development
Consulting KSAOs Data Analytics Employee Engagement Technical Writing Project Management Leadership Development Learning and Development Survey Development and Analysis

10 Spotlight: Project Management Skills
Technical Developing Project Management Tool/Tracking Timeline and Budgeting Interpersonal Client/Consultant Relationships Setting Communication Boundaries Determining Responsibility When to Stretch vs. when to Push Back Consulting Changing the Scope/Objectives/Timeline Adjusting to Contextual Factors

11 About FMP Human Capital Consulting Organization
Federal Clients Private Business Development Organization Founded: 1991 Small Women-Owned Business Employees: ~100 Location: Arlington, VA Organizational Structure President, SVP, VP, MC, SC, C1 - C3, A

12 About FMP Culture Lean Workforce Remote/Client Site
Committees Internal Activities (Group Fitness, Softball team, Wine Tasting) Volunteering (ALIVE!, Training Futures) Work/Life Flexibility Remote/Client Site Security Clearance What Makes FMP Stand Out? Flat/Cross-Functional Solutions From Scratch Benefits: ESOP, Flexible Work Arrangements, Unlimited PTO Internal Development: IJL

13 FMP Spotlight: Employee Engagement and FEVS
What is Employee Engagement? Employee Engagement: An employee’s sense of purpose that is evident in their display of dedication, persistence and effort in their work or overall attachment to their organization and its mission. (U.S. Office of Personnel Management) What is FEVS? Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Participation: All Federal Agencies (407, 789 participants, 45.8% response rate) Employee Engagement Index (EEI) Leaders Lead Supervisors Intrinsic Work Experience

14 What do you do with FEVS? April – July: FEVS is communicated, administered, and collected July – September: OPM analyzes FEVS data September – October: FEVS results are released to Agencies October – December: Analysis of Agency and Office-wide results January – March: Focus groups, action planning, annual comparison

15 OPM: Building an Engaging Workplace

16 Questions?

17 Questions “How did you first become interested in consulting?”
“What have you experienced in the past 6 months that you did not expect?” “What would you do differently if you were a first year student again?” “What is your address if we want to ask you a question or conduct an informational interview?”

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