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Implementing edTPA An Overview.

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1 Implementing edTPA An Overview

2 edTPA edTPA was developed by SCALE (Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning & Equity) University faculty, P-12 teachers, and representatives of the SPAs, NBPTS, and InTASC were involved in the development of edTPA Similar to the assessment undertaken by experienced teachers for National Board Certification, but is scaled to the preservice level Designed as “a student-centered, content area specific, multiple measure assessment of teaching” Currently, more than 600 teacher preparation programs in 38 states and the District of Columbia are using edTPA at different levels.

3 Mastery of Essential Components of Teaching
Using content knowledge, along with knowledge of standards and pedagogy, to design and deliver lessons Building a deep knowledge of students’ strengths and needs, educational backgrounds, interests, and developmental levels, and using this information to shape instruction Using best practices based on research and theory about student learning Engaging in analysis and reflection of instructional choices with a focus on impacts to student learning

4 The edTPA Portfolio Candidates submit a digital portfolio that includes: Lesson plans for three to five connected days of instruction, Student assignments, Assessments, Unedited video clips of their own teaching, and, Commentaries on student learning and how the candidate adjusted instruction to meet student needs.

5 The Tasks The planning task documents intended teaching and attends to how candidates use their knowledge of students and knowledge of content to design appropriate lessons. Candidates must consider and describe what their students bring to the classroom-- including prior academic learning; lived experiences; and personal, cultural, and community assets– and explain how they use that knowledge to plan effective lessons. The instruction task documents enacted teaching and examines elements such as the learning environment, student engagement, and pedagogical choices. The assessment task documents the impact of teaching on student learning by requiring an analysis of student learning and examination of feedback provided by the candidates for his/her students. edTPA also assesses how candidates plan for, guide, and assess students’ development of academic language– a thread that runs throughout all three tasks.


7 Cooperating Teachers Can…
Discuss edTPA tasks and scoring rubrics with candidates Discuss support documents about lessons or examples to use within the assessment with candidates Use rubric constructs and rubric language to evaluate and debrief observations made as part of your clinical supervision process Ask probing questions about candidates’ draft edTPA responses or video recordings, without directly editing the writing or providing specific answers to edTPA prompts Arrange technical assistance for the video portion of the assessment Consider becoming an official national scorer– or – a local scorer

8 Principals Can… Help candidates balance demands of the internship and edTPA, connect edTPA to your school’s learning goals Observe candidates and provide instructional coaching Support your cooperating teachers as they support candidate completion of edTPA requirements Create space for practice teaching Support videotaping – particularly release forms Help candidates connect edTPA to the professional learning continuum for teaching. Consider becoming an official national scorer – or – a local scorer

9 National Scoring Scorers are 50% IHE faculty and 50% P-12 Educators who: Are subject matter experts; AND Have experience mentoring or supervising beginning teachers; AND Taught in that subject in the past 5 years; OR Taught methods or supervised student teachers in that field; OR Administer teacher preparation programs

10 edTPA Implementation Timeline
Spring 2017 Exploration & Development Fall 2017 Pilot Embedded Support Spring 2018 Pilot Implementation Fall 2018-Spring 2019 Full Implementation Fall 2019 Stakeholder exploration. Development of embedded support and practice for: tasks, rubrics, videotaping, analysis in courses and field/clinical experiences Implementation of embedded support and practice, strategic local scoring All students complete portfolios, 30% of submit portfolios for official national scoring (non consequential), strategic local scoring All students submit portfolios for official national scoring (non consequential), strategic local scoring Passing Score required of all candidates for initial licensure (consequential)

11 edTPA Resources Register for access to the edTPA Resource Library: Becoming an edTPA Scorer:

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