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Performance Wisconsin Student Assessment System

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1 2014-15 Performance Wisconsin Student Assessment System
Hortonville Area School District 1

2 WSAS Background The Wisconsin Student Assessment System (WSAS) is a comprehensive statewide assessment program designed to provide information about our students’ college and career readiness. The assessments measure what students know in core academic areas and whether they can apply what they know. 2

3 WSAS Background WSAS results guide us in school improvement planning, identifying where we need to focus and improve where we can celebrate the growth and achievement of our students. WSAS results are also reported in proficiency categories and used for accountability determinations at the school, district and state levels, as the WSAS is required by state and federal laws. School/district to populate 3

4 WSAS Purpose A high-quality assessment system provides useful information to parents about their child’s achievement of grade- level standards to educators about the success of the instruction and school’s programming to the public on the effectiveness of our community’s school

5 WSAS Overview In 2014-15, the WSAS included: The Badger Exam
Grades 3-8 covering ELA and mathematics Grades 4 and 8 in Science, and 4, 8, and 10 in Social Studies  Dynamic Learning Maps (1%) Grades 3-11 covering ELA and mathematics Grades 4 and 8 - 11 in Science Grades 4, 8, and 10 in Social Studies The ACT Suite (HS) ACT Aspire in Grades 9 and 10 The ACT + Writing in Grades 11 covering reading, English, math, science and writing ACT WorkKeys in Grade 11 School/district to populate 5


7 WSAS Participation Rates Badger/DLM
Federal requirements are to test at least 95% of all students. Our overall test participation rate was 99.8% Our lowest-participating subgroup’s test participation rate was 99.5% That sub-group was Students with disabilities School/district to populate 7


9 Overall Performance ELA (Badger/DLM)

10 Student Performance by Subgroup ELA (Badger/DLM)
In order to have a successful school full of successful students, we must look at the results of our students’ performance. The WSAS is one source of information on student performance. 10

11 Student Performance by Subgroup ELA (Badger/DLM)
The assessments were administered online in Spring They will be administered online again in Spring 2016, except for the ACT+Writing given in Grade 11, which will continue to be a paper and pencil test. The Forward Exam now replaces the Badger Exam. 11

12 Student Performance by Grade ELA (Badger/DLM)
WISEdash Public Portal: 12

13 Student Performance by Grade ELA (Badger/DLM)




17 Overall Performance Math (Badger/DLM)
School/district to populate 17

18 Student Performance by Subgroup Math (Badger/DLM)
School/district to populate 18

19 Student Performance by Subgroup Math (Badger/DLM)
Let’s see how we did last year. We’ll compare to the district and state as a whole to provide perspective. 19

20 Student Performance by Grade Math (Badger/DLM)
School/district to populate 20

21 Student Performance by Grade Math (Badger/DLM)
Let’s see how we did last year. We’ll compare to the district and state as a whole to provide perspective. 21



24 ACT SUITE 2014-15 WSAS Results
Let’s see how we did last year. We’ll compare to the district and state as a whole to provide perspective. ACT SUITE 24

25 ACT Background The ACT consists of five subject tests
English, reading, writing, math and science For reporting and accountability purposes, student performance is reported for ELA and mathematics. ELA scores are comprised of the English, reading, and writing subtests School/district to populate 25

26 Participation Rates ACT/DLM
Federal requirements are to test at least 95% of all students. Our overall test participation rate was 99.06% Our lowest-participating subgroup’s test participation rate was 98.48% The subgroup with the lowest participation rate was economically disadvantaged. This compares to last year’s rate of ~66% School/district to populate 26

27 Test Participation Rate ACT/DLM
School/district to populate 27

28 Overall Performance ELA (ACT/DLM)
Let’s see how we did last year. We’ll compare to the district and state as a whole to provide perspective. 28

29 Student Performance by Subgroup ELA (ACT/DLM)
School/district to populate 29

30 Student Performance by Subgroup ELA (ACT/DLM)
School/district to populate 30



33 Overall Performance Math (ACT/DLM)

34 Student Performance by Subgroup Math (ACT/DLM)
School/district to populate 34

35 Student Performance by Subgroup Math (ACT/DLM)



38 Assessment Preview SPRING 2016

39 Moving Forward Our students will be taking the Forward Exam, a rigorous measure of achievement against college and career ready standards. Administered online in the Spring 2016 Covering ELA, math, science and social studies DLM, ACT Aspire and The ACT, and WorkKeys will also be given

40 Moving Forward We will look at the trends of our school and district, once we have multiple years of data on college and career readiness. Trends across grades Trends across subgroups Trends across content areas

41 Next Steps Assessment results will be used to inform our school improvement planning, teacher professional development activities, and where to focus on closing achievement gaps. Explore further data on WISEdash! Contact us with any questions.

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